| | Title: Yusura Blowing a Bubble [ Anime/Manga :: Appare Jipangu! ] By: Anzu_Hime Uploaded On: May 7 23:12:24 2005 Description: I saw this adorable picture of Yusura (from Appare Jipangu!) in my manga and I wanted to draw it. Watase's style is SO difficult to duplicate, but I think it came out pretty good. Since the hair is really textured, I just did quick strokes with my pencil ( read more Image Properties: 412x650 55.21 kb
| | Title: Samon [ Anime/Manga :: Appare Jipangu! ] By: Yumeni Uploaded On: Jan 10 12:27:49 2005 Description: This one is from Yû Watases manga "Appare Jipangu". It's happy bat-boy Samon ^^v Image Properties: 100x211 21.97 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews | |