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 | Title: Legato Bluesummers [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Blue Kitsune  Uploaded On: Dec 5 18:11:47 2006 Charcters: Legato Bluesummers Description: This is my first fanart I post and I hope everyone likes and plan to post my others in the future plus get this one color, please tell me what you think. Image Properties: 1282x1731 404.19 kb
 | Title: Vash [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Gloria Stone  Uploaded On: Jun 4 15:39:08 2006 Charcters: Vash Stampede Description: This was done in ink when I was still new to the wonderful medium. I had bought some nice pens and some ink although I didn't really know what to do with the ink in the bottle. I guess I techincally still don't know but I've evolved on my style somewhat. : read more Image Properties: 489x686 66.62 kb View (3) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Mortal outside of time [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Gloria Stone  Uploaded On: Jun 4 15:15:51 2006 Charcters: Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Vash Stampede Description: I always wondered what the scene was like when Vash walked into that church and saw wolfwood dead. When I first started on this, I was working on a dark and very depressing feel to the picture. I wanted people to look at it and their hearts just break, eve read more Image Properties: 558x746 155.96 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Meryl Strife [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Jasmine Shigeru  Uploaded On: May 26 16:58:35 2006 Charcters: Meryl Stryfe Description: I was bored and sick of drawing Sailor Moon, so I drew Meryl instead. Image Properties: 754x912 56.65 kb
 | Title: Vash the Stampede [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: InuyashaFan1  Uploaded On: Feb 19 17:18:28 2006 Charcters: Vash Stampede Description: This is, so far, my favorite fanart of Vash that I have drawn, as well as my first post here... I hope that you like it as much as I do! ^-^ (this is a pencil drawing) Image Properties: 638x825 55.67 kb
 | Title: Caden Walker [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Darkflameangel  Uploaded On: Sep 23 18:51:37 2005 Charcters: Original Character Description: Original Character Caden Walker "Bringer of Chaos" for Aine of Knockaine's "Forever Mine". Colored Version. Original version done in graphite pencil and colored with Paintshop Pro 9. View and Review. Image Properties: 1453x2012 297.94 kb View (3) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: This World Is Made Of... [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Skyklutz  Uploaded On: Aug 8 19:05:38 2005 Charcters: Vash Stampede Description: Just a Vash doodle... Image Properties: 756x930 44.12 kb
 | Title: Vash [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: gothgurl22066  Uploaded On: Jul 20 7:46:28 2005 Charcters: Vash Stampede Description: Vash the Stampede Image Properties: 430x573 108.44 kb
 | Title: Vash [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: gothgurl22066  Uploaded On: Jul 20 7:45:20 2005 Description: Vash the Stampede. Image Properties: 614x460 77.52 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Knives (pre-Evil) [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: nonamecat  Uploaded On: Jun 30 15:23:25 2005 Charcters: Millions Knives Description: VERY old sketch of Knives that I re-colored (with colored pencils). Image Properties: 420x546 39.71 kb
 | Title: Nicholas D. Wolfwood [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: MarieAtRice  Uploaded On: Mar 28 12:35:55 2005 Charcters: Nicholas D. Wolfwood Description: This is the first sketch of Wolfwood I ever drew. I am rather fond of it :) Image Properties: 432x401 34.99 kb
 | Title: Milly and Meryl [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: mavshorty01  Uploaded On: Dec 21 20:56:25 2004 Charcters: Kuroneko-sama, Meryl Stryfe, Millie Thompson Description: This is the latest drawing I have took me some time. For some reason, the girls have been harder to draw than the guys. Maybe it's just me. Anyways, I forgot to mention but Kuroneko is my favorite and that's why he's in all my drawings. Anyways, read more Image Properties: 1275x1328 201.36 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Wolfwood [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: mavshorty01  Uploaded On: Dec 21 20:50:36 2004 Charcters: Kuroneko-sama, Nicholas D. Wolfwood Description: Hi! This is my second drawing. :D Again the letters are off and I still don't know how to shade correctly but I still like it. Anyways, I drew this one while looking at the cover of one of my dvds. I hope you all like it! Image Properties: 1120x1216 135.26 kb
 | Title: Vash the Stampede [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: mavshorty01  Uploaded On: Dec 21 20:41:40 2004 Charcters: Kuroneko-sama, Vash Stampede Description: This is my first fanart posting :) I have never shared my artwork with others but I figured it was about time to do so. I drew this while looking at my Trigun dvd cover...I don't know how to shade properly but I think I did ok. The letters are all differen read more Image Properties: 1008x1072 114.65 kb
 | Title: Wolfwood and the cross [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Zanthra  Uploaded On: Dec 20 12:48:59 2004 Charcters: Nicholas D. Wolfwood Description: Drew this with my pretty blue pencil. I really really like this one. ^_^ Image Properties: 319x617 13.51 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
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