Title: Chase the lightning [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: holly101 Uploaded On: Aug 28 0:36:08 2013 Charcters: Inuyasha Description: rancher Inuyasha Takahashi Used for chase the lightning Image Properties: 146x200 8.72 kb
Title: kagome hanyou form [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: princessUsagiMoon Uploaded On: Aug 12 8:47:21 2013 Charcters: Kagome Higurashi Description: This kagome higurashi she a meko hanyou demon she haves armor a sword called darksiaga I made it up so on her kimono she haves flowers like the same of sesshomaru but hers is yellow. Her pants are blue hakama like inuyasha and her her hair is long as sessh read more Image Properties: 786x1017 42.65 kb
Title: For Musume [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: inuyashaloverr Uploaded On: Jun 8 23:56:18 2013 Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi Description: Piece I did for my wonderful Musume for Christmas. I wanted to redo a few things but with current set up haven't been able to. Image Properties: 1024x768 131.49 kb
Title: Beneath the Moonlight [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Katherine-Torrence Uploaded On: Jan 28 23:33:57 2013 Charcters: Original Character, Sesshomaru Description: I absolutely love how this turned out! OMG A BACKGROUND!! I know I'm starting to put more backgrounds in to my art and that to me is becoming a good thing! Any way, this is Sesshoumaru and Aiyuki and this will become a scene eventually in Snowfall.... just read more Image Properties: 765x990 364.39 kb
Title: inuyasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: kagome15higurashi Uploaded On: Sep 21 13:54:34 2012 Charcters: Inuyasha Description: to see more art go to www.kagomme15higurashi.deviantart.com ^_^ Image Properties: 480x640 87.71 kb
Title: kagome [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: kagome15higurashi Uploaded On: Sep 21 13:52:53 2012 Charcters: Kagome Higurashi Description: to see more art go to www.kagomme15higurashi.deviantart.com ^_^ Image Properties: 640x480 83.16 kb