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 | Title: sexy elf [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: inuyashalover04  Uploaded On: Jun 8 13:26:34 2012 Image Properties: 450x600 52.42 kb
 | Title: Deidra [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: chaosrising  Uploaded On: Apr 30 14:35:19 2009 Charcters: Dark Elf/Elves Description: Deidra, a character that i made for a story i might be writing . She is the Elven magus in charge of the kingdoms magics. This is my first attempt at drawing on a computer pls let me know what you think.:) Image Properties: 1252x2884 163.46 kb
 | Title: In the Forest [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: bratkitty  Uploaded On: Apr 22 18:56:07 2008 Charcters: Dark Elf/Elves Description: A painting of an elf I did a while back. :D *edit*: Answering Rini's question, this was done in Photoshop CS with a tablet. Image Properties: 388x600 43.17 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: not another rose bush [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: shawnamm1  Uploaded On: Aug 23 2:47:29 2007 Charcters: High Elves Description: well just a random idea i made over i was mad at my grandpa while at my grandparents house a few weeks ago...i think it turned out well and i did fix it to a proper way... this was done in pen, pencil, colored pecil, crayon, and sharpie Image Properties: 1200x1600 270.04 kb
 | Title: Lelena - Pretty in Pink [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: Naitachal666  Uploaded On: Apr 10 20:33:02 2007 Charcters: Wood Elf/ Elves Description: This is a character I created to show a friend of mine an example of the facial structure and proportion of the face of a female elf. Image Properties: 817x1207 293.14 kb
 | Title: Serenity [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: playing with demons  Uploaded On: Nov 12 12:23:27 2006 Charcters: Wood Elf/ Elves Description: Just a small woodland waif asleep in the woods. Image Properties: 406x600 293.52 kb
 | Title: Elves at Play [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: playing with demons  Uploaded On: Jul 24 14:40:34 2006 Charcters: Wood Elf/ Elves Description: I just wanted to draw something a little on the lighter side...what could be lighter then a few elves playing in the woods. Image Properties: 600x506 87.4 kb
 | Title: New Ray of Light [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: Jusue  Uploaded On: Jul 7 9:49:18 2006 Description: This is Jaistelle in her celestial form; something I've been wanting to draw for awhile. Done in Micron pen and Prismacolor marker, finished in Photoshop 7.0. Art and character are under my copyright. Image Properties: 422x577 72.99 kb
 | Title: Veils and Lilies [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: Jusue  Uploaded On: Jul 7 9:40:53 2006 Charcters: High Elves Description: This is Jaistelle, my original D&D character, in her entertainer's garb. She's one of my favorite brainchildren, so expect more of her. Done with Micron pens and Prismacolor markers; cleaned up in Adobe Photoshop 7.0. Art and character are under my cop read more Image Properties: 377x497 50.39 kb
 | Title: Minina [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: utopian dragon  Uploaded On: May 22 15:50:05 2006 Charcters: Light Elves Image Properties: 637x825 15.23 kb
 | Title: Sun Elf [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: Kachi Aozora  Uploaded On: Dec 28 4:05:22 2005 Charcters: High Elves Description: I did the linework with a biro at work, then brought her home and CGed her in OpenCanvas 1.1. Took about three months, on and off... Image Properties: 416x600 134.1 kb
 | Title: Sauntering Against Gravity [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: Arisa Niwatari  Uploaded On: Dec 21 20:00:31 2005 Charcters: High Elves Description: A mischievous elf defying the law of gravity and taking an everyday casual stroll up a wall following a rope set before her. Time: Under 4 hours from 10 pm to 1:30 am. Inspiration: A myth about vampires/vampyres having the ability to walk up walls; of whic read more Image Properties: 1453x1653 116.07 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Bloody Thorns [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: Arisa Niwatari  Uploaded On: Aug 11 10:02:46 2005 Charcters: High Elves Description: This is a simple elf picture. Not much was done, no shading, coloring because I was impatient and scanned it. It was done by hand and I am gonna get around to finishing it as soon as I get the right materials Image Properties: 1062x926 171.69 kb
 | Title: Bard [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: Cierzo  Uploaded On: Jun 25 12:27:43 2005 Charcters: High Elves Description: Original character, just an elf in the woods playing a lyre. I don't want to finish this pic, I like it as it is now. Image Properties: 691x1012 54.4 kb View (3) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Elf girl [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: Tari Tsunami  Uploaded On: May 7 8:17:36 2005 Charcters: Wood Elf/ Elves Description: Just some really bad scan of some random elf girl I drew... The original's better... Image Properties: 406x640 150.87 kb
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