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 | Title: Frodo/Sam [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: Emeraldwolf  Uploaded On: Jan 23 9:56:27 2007 Charcters: Frodo, Samwise Description: Drawn for a friend who is a huge Frodo/Sam shipper. She wrote a fantastic fanfic, and one particular scene in it inspired me to draw this for her. Photoshop using my tablet. A rare attempt at a background and cell shading. I like the way they came out, mor read more Image Properties: 750x750 170.4 kb
 | Title: Legolas and the Sea [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: grissom500  Uploaded On: Apr 3 8:33:03 2006 Charcters: Legolas Description: it's Legolas and his Sea yearning...I did this like four years's still pretty good though O.O Image Properties: 432x312 33.9 kb
 | Title: Eowyn-EARLY Sketch [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: ithiliengirl05  Uploaded On: Aug 15 21:36:33 2005 Charcters: Eowyn Description: One of my very,very,very early attempts on drawing Eowyn, please be nice! :) Image Properties: 217x311 63.95 kb
 | Title: Red Rose In Darkness [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: Samui Kaji  Uploaded On: Aug 12 18:47:15 2004 Charcters: Legolas Description: Maybe it should be called Greenleaf in Darkness hm......? Do ya like it? You may have to click on the image. ... click click click it!!! Image Properties: 1176x1443 123.89 kb
 | Title: Legolas in spring [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: XxDarkxStarsxX  Uploaded On: Aug 10 23:40:08 2004 Charcters: Legolas Description: The earlier picture of Legolas colored! ^^ Image Properties: 432x617 41.88 kb
 | Title: Pre-Quest Frodo/Sam [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: vandonovan  Uploaded On: Apr 16 0:04:11 2004 Charcters: Frodo, Samwise Description: Pre-Quest Frodo and Sam snuggling. Image Properties: 500x330 99.94 kb
 | Title: Gandalf [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: morloth  Uploaded On: Jan 15 7:21:05 2004 Charcters: Gandalf Description: Hmm... the colours are mixed up, becouse of my scanner T_T and my system mixed up my tablet drivers, so no CG T_T *sob* Image Properties: 500x875 76.35 kb View (4) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Frodo Baggins - Elijah Wood [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: shufong  Uploaded On: Sep 22 7:45:01 2003 Charcters: Frodo Description: A portrait of Elijah Wood as the hobbit, Frodo Baggins from The Lord of the Rings. Image Properties: 600x470 95.69 kb
 | Title: Frodo [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: Demona  Uploaded On: Sep 22 5:51:19 2003 Charcters: Frodo Description: Frodo is my fave Lotr Char ^.^ And I really like Elijah Wood ;) ----- time: 1 1/2 hours medium: markers Image Properties: 389x541 40.16 kb View (6) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: three rings for elven kings under the sky... [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: elf_shojo  Uploaded On: Apr 23 16:06:40 2003 Charcters: Galadriel Description: the three original ring bearers. :Di wanna make a series of these pics...
next one will be of the dwarves. :)
going from left to right is cirdan, galadriel and gil-galad.
i tried to reflect the element of their rings in their costumes ^_ read more Image Properties: 570x700 417.84 kb View (7) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: sammy! [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: elf_shojo  Uploaded On: Feb 20 11:37:02 2003 Charcters: Samwise Description: whooo....O__o im still able to log in occasionally but i can't see any of the pictures...^^;;;
anyway here's a pic of sam i did in about 15 min on my comp... Image Properties: 443x465 182.82 kb View (3) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: His pain B&W [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: Psycho_Ferret  Uploaded On: Dec 30 12:34:38 2002 Charcters: Elrond Description: Heh, the black and white version of mah coloured Elrond. ^_^ Meloves him... Image Properties: 481x650 41.01 kb
 | Title: Arwen Portrait [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: Min Rho7  Uploaded On: Dec 4 23:54:04 2002 Charcters: Arwen Description: Drew this a few years before the movie came out, but a couple people have told me it looks like Liv Tyler, anyway. Odd.
Yeah. I'm a book purist and a wannabe lit snob. Nothing will equal the book in my heart, but the movie comes pretty darn close. Image Properties: 405x468 94.74 kb View (26) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Legolas Pencilness [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: Psycho_Ferret  Uploaded On: Dec 2 20:31:10 2002 Charcters: Legolas Description: Just a pencil drawing of Legolas... >.> Just realized I left the guidelines there. Whoops! He looks sad here. Drawn from a pic of Orlando... then decided I couldn't draw the funky mohawk thing he had, and decided to change him into Legolas... Image Properties: 414x650 36.51 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Gandalf sketch [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: Noot  Uploaded On: Nov 25 6:02:36 2002 Charcters: Gandalf Description: just a very quick sketch i did..... Image Properties: 527x570 39.13 kb View (3) Visitor Reviews |
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