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Title: Manga Version [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: hotGUITARgoddess
Uploaded On: Jul 10 9:37:28 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Image Properties: 260x354 15.28 kb
Title: God Of War [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: hotGUITARgoddess
Uploaded On: Jul 10 9:33:02 2006
Image Properties: 372x266 17.74 kb
Title: Zinnia [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: ZinniaLunaJaganshi
Uploaded On: Jul 10 1:55:47 2006
Charcters: Original Character
Description: This is Zinnia. I fixed the irregular shaped breasts some and made the hair bigger.
Image Properties: 438x640 138.04 kb
Title: Realistic Ed Elric [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: DarkJediPrincess23
Uploaded On: Jul 9 20:21:48 2006
Charcters: Edward Elric
Description: I have a penchant for drawing anime characters in realism. So here's my rendition of Edward Elric.
Image Properties: 600x900 355.72 kb
Title: Like My Hair? [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: hotGUITARgoddess
Uploaded On: Jul 9 19:39:14 2006
Image Properties: 266x372 14.71 kb
Title: I Can See My House From Here [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: hotGUITARgoddess
Uploaded On: Jul 9 17:09:28 2006
Charcters: Goku
Image Properties: 266x372 21.05 kb
Title: I Love You As A Half Demon [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: hotGUITARgoddess
Uploaded On: Jul 9 17:04:58 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Image Properties: 266x253 10.95 kb
Title: grapes of Kurama [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Raizen
Uploaded On: Jul 8 19:51:53 2006
Charcters: Kurama
Description: i had a craving, and had to finish a gift for my DA account Themaxman and well this is how it turned out...
Image Properties: 538x656 79.75 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Oh My! [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Saiyamaru
Uploaded On: Jul 8 17:26:42 2006
Charcters: Bakura, Ryou Bakura
Description: Inspired by sglily's "Rings". Can you guess what chapter? HEH. Enjoy.
Image Properties: 675x875 85.09 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: tears of sesshomaru [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: ShortySilly16
Uploaded On: Jul 6 23:24:49 2006
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: I know its not detailed or anything, its kinda just a doodle from being bord..Rin has died and there is no way for the tensigua to revive her..
Image Properties: 312x217 9.23 kb
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Title: Moonlight Mischief [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: ShiningMoon
Uploaded On: Jul 6 21:36:47 2006
Charcters: Goku, Vegeta
Description: GV piccy I did back in March. ^^ I hope ya like! --- A larger version (yay!) can be found on my DA account: http://www.deviantart.com/view/30893465/ Vegeta's pink carrot-print underwear are more visible there. XD Hahah.
Image Properties: 629x380 268.6 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: Devotion [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: haiku_amarante
Uploaded On: Jul 6 13:42:22 2006
Charcters: Kakashi, Sakura
Description: Yes, I know the feet suck...but I still love this pic. ^^
Image Properties: 340x858 56.94 kb
Title: Yami [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: JoannaKuwabara
Uploaded On: Jul 6 8:28:48 2006
Description: This I drew a long time ago and I really liked what I did ^_^. I hope you guys enjoy it too and please leave a comment!
Image Properties: 1275x1648 446.16 kb
Title: Demon Yusuke [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: JoannaKuwabara
Uploaded On: Jul 6 8:26:14 2006
Charcters: Yuusuke Urameshi
Description: This was up originally but was deleted because it wasn't colored in or 'not finished'. So it took me three long days, but I got it colored in (using Paint and it wasn't straight mind you). I'm happy with the results and it is complete ^_^. I hope you enjoy read more
Image Properties: 1705x1275 202.27 kb
Title: Asuka Tachibana [ Anime/Manga :: s-CRY-ed ] By: rabidfang08
Uploaded On: Jul 5 16:20:48 2006
Charcters: Asuka Tachibana
Description: Drawing of Asuka Tachibana. Reference used. Drawn in mechanical pencil and scanned into Adobe Photoshop... mechanical pencils are my friends, I never use anything else. ^^ The eraser on the stupid thing sucked, though...
Image Properties: 576x797 51.93 kb
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