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Title: Lust [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: FiveFootAngel
Uploaded On: May 7 12:45:32 2006
Image Properties: 850x1169 68.62 kb
Title: Ed and Al [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: Ms Smith
Uploaded On: May 7 0:31:49 2006
Charcters: Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric
Description: A copy from a screencap. They're on a train. Sketched in pencil, outlined in black, colored with markers. I think Ed's hair looks funny. Gah!
Image Properties: 928x624 87.15 kb
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Title: Inuyasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Ms Smith
Uploaded On: May 7 0:24:47 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: A copy of a screencap image. Sketched in pencil, traced in black, colored with markers. The skin tone didn't scan very well; but I do like the shadows. (I'm new at this...)
Image Properties: 528x608 38.87 kb
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Title: Winry [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: Ms Smith
Uploaded On: May 7 0:20:36 2006
Charcters: Winry Rockbell
Description: A copy of an image. Pencil to sketch, black to trace, markers to color. Ignore the oddness of the eyes, please!
Image Properties: 592x960 66.45 kb
Title: Naruto [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Ms Smith
Uploaded On: May 6 23:56:54 2006
Charcters: Naruto
Description: This is a copy of a screencap. Sketched in pencil, outlined in black, colored with markers. The skin tone didn't scan very well, so he looks pretty pale. Oh well.
Image Properties: 736x576 51.58 kb
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Title: Broken Wings- Ed and Senza, the Iron Phoenix [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: Jeredu
Uploaded On: May 6 18:06:32 2006
Charcters: Edward Elric
Description: Okay, um... it's the same as the other one, but I think this goes in both categories, so... Yeah. Slight spoilers for my fanfic, Broken Wings. I was getting hardly any visits with it listed under misc. fic-linked art, so I posted it under FMA, too.
Image Properties: 638x802 123.59 kb
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Title: (UNFINISHED) Cloud Strife [ Anime/Manga :: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children ] By: Jeredu
Uploaded On: May 5 18:33:17 2006
Description: First posted pic ever. I used a .7mm, #2 mechanical pencil and my finger to blend... and it actually turned out pretty nice. It's not finished, but I'm worried I'm either gonna ruin it or lose interest, so I'm posting it before it gets destroyed from being read more
Image Properties: 565x407 26.9 kb
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Title: Aya and Alucard [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: Schrodingers Cat
Uploaded On: May 3 20:27:37 2006
Charcters: Aya Fujimiya
Description: This is a picture I drew for sadak0. She and a friend of hers, KayMaxwell, have done a Hellsing/Weiss Kreuz crossover. Aya and Alucard are *ahem* "intimately" involved. PS. my old name was Glass Shell, now it is Schrodingers Cat.
Image Properties: 2224x1647 238.7 kb
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Title: Kiss in the Rain [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: amiko 16
Uploaded On: May 3 16:33:20 2006
Charcters: Heero, Wufei
Description: For my fic "Honor-bound". w00t for 1x5x1 XDD (shounen-ai)
Image Properties: 529x759 183.19 kb
Title: INU In the woods [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: phoenixblo0d
Uploaded On: May 3 15:12:46 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: THIS is exactly like The first Inu pic i drew, but I edited it on paint, colored it in and added a background! Hope You like ^.^
Image Properties: 601x480 43.75 kb
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Title: Luna and Artemis [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: ValleygirlPikachu
Uploaded On: May 2 14:30:44 2006
Charcters: Artemis, Luna
Description: This is my first Fanart in Mediaminer. I love Artemis and Luna!! Their my favorites in the show Sailor Moon.
Image Properties: 923x1532 266.69 kb
Title: What If... [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Pheonor
Uploaded On: May 2 5:16:04 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Well this is part of a challenge for all fanfic writers out there. Looking for a AU fic set in modern times. Inuyasha must use that weapon, whatever you want to name it. It can have whatever powers you want and the fic has to be kag/inu.
Image Properties: 976x1408 156.63 kb
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Title: Atropos--Rainbow Bridge [ Anime/Manga :: X ] By: Feye Morgan
Uploaded On: May 1 22:48:53 2006
Charcters: Seishirou Sakurazuka, Subaru Sumeragi
Description: Fanart done a while back for Kouri's fanfiction "Atropos".
Image Properties: 544x700 38.06 kb
Title: Thankful [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Queen of Cuteys
Uploaded On: May 1 19:54:48 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: Nothing really to say. Another picture for my new fic, "Thankful" Please Review.
Image Properties: 824x1217 307.48 kb
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Title: Pregnant Kagome [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Queen of Cuteys
Uploaded On: May 1 19:48:51 2006
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: I drew this picture of Kagome for my new fic, that I plan to hvae up some time soon, called "Thankful" The necklace that she wears was given to her by Inu_yasha, silver strands of his hair is the string and he placed a fang of his as a pendent that lays be read more
Image Properties: 1031x1630 183.76 kb
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