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Title: I'm Not a Fairy!! [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: haiku_amarante
Uploaded On: Dec 17 21:22:40 2005
Charcters: Edward Elric
Description: This is really a rough draft of another illustration I'll do later on, but I just got this idea that Edward would probably be very angry if I made him into a fairy...so there you have it: Ed as a fairy!!
Image Properties: 398x548 70.82 kb
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Title: Chibi friends [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Redwindkitten
Uploaded On: Dec 17 14:03:48 2005
Description: >< Yah! I updated I kno I'm not very popular and junk. But this one is for my friends. They were supposed to wear Santa hats, but I screwed up on it.>< They sit with me in linch 5th period. They're great. If you want me to draw any of you peopl read more
Image Properties: 640x492 61 kb
Title: Romance TOTD Style [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Urdchan
Uploaded On: Dec 17 7:38:54 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: My latest Inuyasha/Kagome fanart for my story, "Temple of the Dog", which was picked as a Featured Fanfic right here on Mediaminer. This does not represent a specific scene, but embraces the entire Inu/Kag romance of the story. (You can find more fanart by read more
Image Properties: 800x652 186.82 kb
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Title: Kenny [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: Rimnerel
Uploaded On: Dec 16 20:28:50 2005
Charcters: Kenny/Chief
Description: This was sort of in response to my story Oleander Summer on fanfiction.net. My friend wanted to see what he would look like if we knew the exact placement of his eyes. The ponytail comes more from the story than anything else.
Image Properties: 1260x1528 113.12 kb
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Title: Run! [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Lady-O
Uploaded On: Dec 16 5:32:29 2005
Charcters: Toguro
Description: You already have seen Ani alone, so now, deal with Otouto by himself (even if he doesn't like it). And this was his reaction. HELP!!!!!!!
Image Properties: 562x460 27.07 kb
Title: (FANTASY)Uchiha Obito [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: The Fallen Angel
Uploaded On: Dec 15 19:25:54 2005
Description: yeah first attepmt to color, please leave a comment, but be gentle, I know its bad...-_-
Image Properties: 818x1093 77.41 kb
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Title: I see stars... [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: LonelyAngel
Uploaded On: Dec 15 17:32:14 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: Not finished but I was practicing mainly on clothing folds and shadows,and I also haven't done any fanart in forever so...taadaa!
Image Properties: 550x438 158.23 kb
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Title: CHI [ Anime/Manga :: Chobits ] By: BabyKaoru-sama
Uploaded On: Dec 15 13:31:42 2005
Charcters: Chi
Description: here's another pic I just got done finishing up ^^
Image Properties: 480x498 100.65 kb
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Title: Inuyasha in acrylic [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: JackieChan DragonAngel
Uploaded On: Dec 15 1:03:41 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: This is one of my favorite pictures. It was drawen in pencil and then painted in acrylic.
Image Properties: 463x747 47.49 kb
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Title: Just One Kiss? [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: MelMuff
Uploaded On: Dec 14 8:10:55 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: I drew this quite quickly but I did do a lot of erasing. I even burnt out one of the erasers on my pencil, even though it was already half gone. After I drew it, I inked it using a black pen then I coloured what I could in markers. Then I scanned it and co read more
Image Properties: 1047x813 474.64 kb
Title: 2D Gorillaz [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Moonlight Eclipse
Uploaded On: Dec 13 18:04:19 2005
Description: This is 2D from the band Gorillaz ^^ ~PLEASE COMMENT ON THE DRAWING!~
Image Properties: 959x1385 274.89 kb
Title: WereGarurumon [ Anime/Manga :: Digimon ] By: mykiwichan
Uploaded On: Dec 13 8:53:23 2005
Description: This is a picture I did in July 2004 for one of my best friend's who loved WereGarurumon, but I drew him as a her instead ^^; Just to switch things up a bit.
Image Properties: 675x455 133.29 kb
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Title: Meroko and Izumi [ Anime/Manga :: Full Moon Wo Sagashite ] By: mykiwichan
Uploaded On: Dec 13 7:44:46 2005
Charcters: Izumi Rio, Meroko Ui
Image Properties: 650x521 227.86 kb
Title: FMA-Aru helps [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: frapachinocrazy4
Uploaded On: Dec 12 21:22:40 2005
Charcters: Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric
Description: its my first FMA fanart/comic done on the computer (Oc) its sloppy and colorful. please go easy on the reviews what it says Panel 1- This is Aru Aru-"HI" Panel 2- This is Edo Edo-"..." Panel 3- they say Hi Aru-"hi" Edo-"..." Panel 4- Edo is too short, so A read more
Image Properties: 200x600 32.54 kb
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Title: Toshi and Kanna [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: kytenluvinu
Uploaded On: Dec 12 17:59:50 2005
Charcters: FanFiction Linked Art
Description: This is Toshi that lovely young woman besides his is Kanna, after she transforms. Based on my fan fictions. Enjoy and reveiw. I'm going to make a color version as soon as I rebuild my patience with windows paint.
Image Properties: 1565x2198 348.76 kb
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