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Title: Kirara2 [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: short-n-smart
Uploaded On: Dec 8 20:01:18 2005
Charcters: Kirara
Description: I drew this one a little after I drew the first kirara pic. I just didnt put it up till now. The back and legs of Kirara are a little weird. Drawn in pencil and then colored in Paint shop.
Image Properties: 462x440 35 kb
Title: Konoha's Sexy Beast [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: mischief maker
Uploaded On: Dec 8 18:33:26 2005
Charcters: Gai Sensei
Description: This is why I should not be allowed to watch Austin Powers. XD
Image Properties: 604x467 84.94 kb
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Title: Happy Place [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: mischief maker
Uploaded On: Dec 8 18:28:55 2005
Charcters: Piccolo (Ma Junior)
Description: Piccolo, I feel your pain. XD
Image Properties: 600x654 222.73 kb
Title: His Own Personal Hell [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: mischief maker
Uploaded On: Dec 8 18:24:13 2005
Charcters: Vegeta
Description: Drawn for overlordofthepies at DeviantArt. ^__^ Sequel to Enma's New Paintbrush.
Image Properties: 750x418 140.26 kb
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Title: Raven Black Flame [ Anime/Manga :: Teen Titans ] By: Moonlight Eclipse
Uploaded On: Dec 8 12:53:23 2005
Charcters: Raven
Description: I sortof drew Raven in her own attack ( note the black flame in the background) andher "other self". Also Raven is giving us i don't give a damn face ^^ ... God i must be really bored ...
Image Properties: 964x1753 256.88 kb
Title: Inuyasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: jueru2003
Uploaded On: Dec 7 18:32:58 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: I'm planning to color this when I get a better paint program.
Image Properties: 667x586 48.65 kb
Title: Kaname [ Anime/Manga :: Full Metal Panic! ] By: Yami Viper
Uploaded On: Dec 7 13:56:20 2005
Charcters: Chidori Kaname
Description: My first drawing of Kaname! Wo0t! Not an original pose but... It's okay, I suppose... Oh, well, I tried! Please review!
Image Properties: 705x825 165.74 kb
Title: Sit [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: DiamondCrypt
Uploaded On: Dec 6 20:12:01 2005
Description: Oh man. I don't usually love my pictures, but this one..Two days. :D I worked so hard on it, though. Z0mg!! I've been told the feet need work, but I hate feet anyways, so foo that. >_> xD Comments pur-leez!! :D
Image Properties: 600x800 112.8 kb
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Title: Ice cream treat [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: imtinyteeth
Uploaded On: Dec 6 20:10:33 2005
Charcters: Hiei, Kurama
Description: Poor poor Hiei, he ate all of his ice cream and now he can't reach the cherry on the bottom.
Image Properties: 468x334 14.74 kb
Title: Switcheroo! [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: physcho_bitch
Uploaded On: Dec 6 17:20:05 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: This is just a random Inuyasha/Kenshin crossover that I've been wanting to do for a long time. I saw another one (so much better than mine ;_;) here as well and I was cautious to put mine up... then they deleted me for having a crappy scan. meh. Please lea read more
Image Properties: 1056x1362 186.96 kb
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Title: Zabuza & Haku [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Oneesan no Miroku Houshi
Uploaded On: Dec 6 13:59:16 2005
Charcters: Haku
Description: Zabuza and Haku lineart. Hope you all like it. Kind of like a tribute to two of my favorite minor characters. Enjoy! Bigger image here: http://www.deviantart.com/view/26092075/
Image Properties: 260x189 24.12 kb
Title: You Say That Like It's a Bad Thing... [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Black Rose Lady
Uploaded On: Dec 5 19:14:50 2005
Charcters: Hiei, Kurama
Description: This is another comic inspired by Deviation's "Par Tout Autre Nom". All credit for the dialogue is given to her. I layed it out how I saw it in my mind. Sorry about the different dialogue styles; I tried something new and it didn't work the best. Oh well. read more
Image Properties: 1204x572 155.35 kb
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Title: Inuyasha Profile (Redone) [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: CrimsonBirdhouse
Uploaded On: Dec 5 17:03:11 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: I redid it! Scanned in the old, drew the outline, and then colored it and stuffoo. Clouds need some work... Well, hope ya like it! I was originally leaving half of the scan uncovered, becuase it looked cool and it would fit into "Haunted", but then I got c read more
Image Properties: 600x810 111.07 kb
Title: SMILE! [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: CrimsonBirdhouse
Uploaded On: Dec 5 16:54:51 2005
Charcters: Kanna
Description: LOOKS MUCH BETTER BIGGER. It's been redone! (From the original, which I feel was sadly lacking.) This is actually a bit of a rough draft itself; I don't feel that the hair or the flowers are quite there yet, and there's a small matter of the complete absen read more
Image Properties: 577x700 89.35 kb
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Title: BBI Pride And Envy [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: Molly-chan the AnimeGame Fan
Uploaded On: Dec 5 14:59:57 2005
Charcters: Edward Elric, Envy
Description: Something I drew then modified with Adobe. XD I can't help it, I love the BBI story line...Pride!Ed is the ultimate awesomeness. Wish I could have done Envy a bit better, but I suck at drawing Envy.
Image Properties: 624x774 309.3 kb
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