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Title: Monochromatic Departure [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Jasmine Fields
Uploaded On: Apr 17 23:55:55 2005
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshomaru
Description: Tales from the House of the Moon by Resmiranda scene taken from Chapter 28. Media: black pen/colored pencil
Image Properties: 1275x1650 433.17 kb
Title: Sitting Inu [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Cutie Pie Hentai
Uploaded On: Apr 17 12:49:32 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Just a little something I sketched while watching TV
Image Properties: 600x870 85.04 kb
Title: Miyu Motou tccf [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Miyu_Motou
Uploaded On: Apr 17 10:40:38 2005
Charcters: Original Character
Description: Yes another one of this but I like It. It was dificult to take it in my computer because I have to take it with a camera.
Image Properties: 352x288 26.8 kb
Title: Pharaoh Atem - Yami Yugi [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Miyu_Motou
Uploaded On: Apr 17 10:20:59 2005
Charcters: Pharaoh Atem, Yami, Yami Yugi, Yugioh
Description: I don´t know what you think but I think they are so KAWAIIIIIII!^^
Image Properties: 1152x790 142.19 kb
Title: My little Blue Eyes White Dragon!!! [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Miyu_Motou
Uploaded On: Apr 17 10:10:42 2005
Charcters: Blue Eyes White Dragon
Description: My little and cute Blue Eyes!!! ^_^
Image Properties: 806x1289 113.87 kb
Title: Yuki's Pajamas [ Anime/Manga :: Fruits Basket ] By: crescentmoon
Uploaded On: Apr 16 13:49:58 2005
Charcters: Yuki Soma
Description: This is a practice I did and I thought it turned out cute. comments welcome.
Image Properties: 705x1603 192.05 kb
Title: AJ [ Anime/Manga :: ShutterBox ] By: Yumiki-chan
Uploaded On: Apr 16 7:56:50 2005
Description: This is on of my all time fav pics of mine. I colored it in PS 7. You can find the uncolored version and other pics of mine at, www. yumiki- chan. deviantart. com (take out the spaces). Please tell me what you think. Thanks a bunch.
Image Properties: 475x555 78.93 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Huh? [ Anime/Manga :: Gravitation ] By: Yumiki-chan
Uploaded On: Apr 16 7:48:19 2005
Charcters: Yuki Eiri
Description: Wheeeee! Yuki looking...well my friend says he looks drunk in the eyes, but I ment it to be confused looking. This is one of my pieces of art that I have on Deviantart under my same artist name. Done in PS.7. Enjoy the wonders of Eiri Yuki^^.
Image Properties: 500x718 70.13 kb
Title: moonlite witch [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: elie07
Uploaded On: Apr 16 2:10:41 2005
Description: huhu i'm so happy with my first artwork...she is a witch..i just invented her..she is not sooo beautiful..but i'm so happy that i made her..I dont have a name for her. You can give me some idea for her name, or you can review it..please..onegai..ok?..ariga read more
Image Properties: 738x440 63.52 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Only if you're coming with me... [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: ChaosMage
Uploaded On: Apr 15 15:57:33 2005
Charcters: Original Character
Description: Reposted. The original version accidentally had two right hands, and I'm still wondering why I didn't see that; usually I'm really careful about things like that...Oh well. I'm glad Bizmarck caught my mistake before someone more likely to flame me did. The read more
Image Properties: 790x1157 132.9 kb
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Title: Miyu Motou princess of Egypt [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Miyu_Motou
Uploaded On: Apr 15 14:05:34 2005
Charcters: Original Character
Description: ^^ Aother Miyu Motou by me, please tell me if I´m bad in my drawings v///v
Image Properties: 438x986 62.02 kb
Title: Prince Vegeta [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Gohans_Onna
Uploaded On: Apr 15 11:27:38 2005
Charcters: Vegeta
Description: This is Prince Vegeta in full Royal armor during my story, The Prince and Princess Diaries. He is 18 years old, and is getting ready to get his betrothed, Princess Bulma on Anausia-sei. The two Saiya-jin suns are setting in the background, and the sky is a read more
Image Properties: 471x496 68.1 kb
Title: Something Wet [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: Lord Gackt
Uploaded On: Apr 14 20:31:35 2005
Charcters: Aya Fujimiya, Youji Kudou
Description: Post shower scene; Yohji tries to be seductive with Aya. I think it's working!
Image Properties: 713x851 170.14 kb
Title: Dipping [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: majin sue
Uploaded On: Apr 14 20:18:00 2005
Charcters: Trunks
Image Properties: 300x300 37.92 kb
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Title: Thy Tender Heart [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: Lord Gackt
Uploaded On: Apr 14 19:06:17 2005
Charcters: Aya Fujimiya, Youji Kudou
Description: I've been wanting to post artwork for some time but never got around to it until now. It's just a little doodle I made today but I think it's pretty cute.
Image Properties: 450x824 239.38 kb
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