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Title: Doggy Treats [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: ennovy_tenshi
Uploaded On: Feb 2 18:38:46 2005
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: I think I'll call this series of dog themed works "The Doggy Days". ...It sounds kind of retarded but tell me what you think. I was originally going to put Inuyasha as a little kid with Kagome teasing him with a dog bone, but... my hands did differently. S read more
Image Properties: 334x332 21.01 kb
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Title: Innocence [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Hywein Kioko
Uploaded On: Feb 2 18:26:31 2005
Description: I actually got this idea from an anime calendar that my mom got me this year. I tweaked it around a bit; nothing too special though (once again, I only have Microsoft Paint, so there really isn't much I can do) But I thought it turned out rather nic read more
Image Properties: 633x782 108.74 kb
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Title: Yoko Kurama [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: halodbz13
Uploaded On: Feb 2 15:34:57 2005
Charcters: Youko Kurama
Description: I think this is my best picture, Yoko is my second favorite character, and I got this picture, and I wanted to draw it, so I did, hope you like it :)
Image Properties: 1200x911 363.79 kb
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Title: Behind The Glaive [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Damita Perez
Uploaded On: Feb 2 11:31:53 2005
Charcters: Sailor Saturn
Image Properties: 1074x3168 140.68 kb
Title: Ryou's Haircut [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Wind Inu
Uploaded On: Feb 2 10:35:15 2005
Charcters: Ryou Bakura
Description: This is a sketch I did of Ryou with short hair. Drawing this gave me the idea for my story, Ryou's Haircut. I hope you like it. I put it up once and it got taken down, so I hope I didn't do something wrong...
Image Properties: 454x472 27.47 kb
Title: Oswari! [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Kanji_kun
Uploaded On: Feb 2 8:29:50 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Shippo
Description: This is my favorite picture. Its the first of mine to get a background and everything. There aren't enough pics of Shippo so what started as a cute sketch is now a complete pic...just wish that i could color...
Image Properties: 615x812 58.58 kb
Title: Final Assault [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: LordCavendish
Uploaded On: Feb 2 6:09:55 2005
Description: This picture portrays the attack of the Saiyan Confederation forces upon the Imperial forces of the Dark Empire. This is one of the climactic battles in my fanfic titled "The Third Epic."
Image Properties: 958x730 194.32 kb
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Title: Color Contest #2 [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: GameGirl
Uploaded On: Feb 1 19:41:26 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: For the Coloring Contest. It's Inuyasha! ^_^ I tried making a border/adding text but some of the filters no longer work in photoshop and when I add text, it wants to save it as a PSD. >.< I had playing with the filters though. I forgot about coloring read more
Image Properties: 400x508 30.78 kb
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Title: 21-year old Kyou [ Anime/Manga :: Fruits Basket ] By: Saya_Rika
Uploaded On: Feb 1 18:46:44 2005
Charcters: Kyo Soma
Image Properties: 447x650 37.85 kb
Title: Bloody Denial [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Saya_Rika
Uploaded On: Feb 1 18:38:33 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Image Properties: 468x650 37.91 kb
Title: Midnight Lovers [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Saya_Rika
Uploaded On: Feb 1 18:35:51 2005
Charcters: Jaganshi Hiei, Kurama
Image Properties: 504x650 54.34 kb
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Title: Fatheads [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: LordCavendish
Uploaded On: Feb 1 6:11:44 2005
Charcters: Goku, Vegeta
Description: This is why Vegeta can't stand Goku's way of thinking.
Image Properties: 576x860 103.03 kb
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Title: Lil Inu-chan [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: ennovy_tenshi
Uploaded On: Jan 31 18:04:34 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: I was thinking about when Inuyasha was a kid fending for himself... Oh yeah, I got my scanner to work! I'm SOOO happy! Stay on the look out for some more artwork. I'm planning to do a little human Inu-chan. -ennovy-tenshi
Image Properties: 468x588 39.26 kb
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Title: Remember Me? (COLORED) [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: xDarkhopex
Uploaded On: Jan 31 16:06:01 2005
Charcters: Jounouchi Katsuya
Description: Haha this is my Joey drawing colored XDD I think it looks better this way O.o I spent like 2 hours coloring and outlining this thing -_-' so I hope its good.
Image Properties: 1275x1147 253.25 kb
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Title: Annoyed [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: kiana
Uploaded On: Jan 31 12:28:17 2005
Charcters: Trunks, Vegeta
Description: Vegeta looking rather annoyed while holding baby trunks. Drawn with pencil and colored with pencil crayons and marker.
Image Properties: 500x688 87.4 kb
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