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Title: Ryuichi Sakuma [ Anime/Manga :: Gravitation ] By: King Lykouleon Marik
Uploaded On: Dec 5 9:59:12 2004
Charcters: Ryuichi Sakuma
Description: Yay! It's Ryuichi Sakuma! XD I've did this a month ago or so..yeah..o.o;like it?
Image Properties: 564x740 122.46 kb
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Title: Ready to Go [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Kellen
Uploaded On: Dec 5 1:00:54 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha, Miroku
Description: With these two guys fightin', the bad guys don't stand a chance. A free-hand sketch, done in a few minute's time based on an image in the manga.
Image Properties: 535x625 35.19 kb
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Title: Yami no Malik [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Jurika
Uploaded On: Dec 4 16:50:50 2004
Charcters: Yami Malik
Description: Yami no Malik not in his evil sunflower self.
Image Properties: 239x236 14.97 kb
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Title: "I'm Alive" [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Son Christine
Uploaded On: Dec 4 13:13:38 2004
Charcters: Kurama
Description: Another Kurama fanart, lo and behold. This is actually a scene that was from the Ankoku Bujutsukai. Kurama had just finished fighting Karasu and was depleted of all energy, collapsed on the stadium floor when suddenly he opens his eyes and said to himself read more
Image Properties: 500x324 148.93 kb
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Title: My First Strength [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Stars Came Out
Uploaded On: Dec 3 21:37:57 2004
Charcters: Rin
Description: Rin.
Image Properties: 449x554 79.06 kb
Title: Say Goodbye [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Stars Came Out
Uploaded On: Dec 3 21:36:50 2004
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: .
Image Properties: 463x265 13.75 kb
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Title: Toto Fox [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Rude02
Uploaded On: Dec 3 18:34:30 2004
Charcters: Trowa
Description: Yup. I rule
Image Properties: 508x1000 108.6 kb
Title: Qbunny [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Rude02
Uploaded On: Dec 3 18:29:07 2004
Charcters: Quatre
Description: I decided this little dumplin, is a desert rabbit.
Image Properties: 328x622 93.06 kb
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Title: Fei-fei [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Rude02
Uploaded On: Dec 3 18:26:00 2004
Charcters: Wufei
Description: Cute little devil, isn't he?
Image Properties: 630x667 71.95 kb
Title: Tiger Treize [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Rude02
Uploaded On: Dec 3 18:18:47 2004
Charcters: Treize
Description: That's a ball of yarn (wool) just in case it doesnt look like one to U. ¨__¨*
Image Properties: 864x989 281.07 kb
Title: 1x3 [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Rude02
Uploaded On: Dec 3 18:05:50 2004
Charcters: Heero, Trowa
Description: Gift art for one of my favorite stories "Broken Warriors" by Pyrzm. It's a Wild rollercoster of a story!
Image Properties: 691x945 298.12 kb
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Title: Hah-hah [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Lovegeta
Uploaded On: Dec 3 14:10:24 2004
Charcters: Kaiba Seto, Malik Ishtar
Description: my stupid idea :P Kaiba and Malik are dueling and the millenium rod is being used MWHAHAHAHAHAHA you can find out the rest by yourself i think ^^
Image Properties: 380x652 78.92 kb
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Title: Kotoko [ Anime/Manga :: Chobits ] By: Sefarina Malaika
Uploaded On: Dec 3 6:54:34 2004
Charcters: Kotoko
Description: Kotoko from Chobits
Image Properties: 579x841 100.89 kb
Title: Sumomo [ Anime/Manga :: Chobits ] By: Sefarina Malaika
Uploaded On: Dec 3 6:52:27 2004
Charcters: Sumomo
Description: Some random picture I drew os Sumomo
Image Properties: 510x782 92.9 kb
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Title: Black Lips [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: tammyzora
Uploaded On: Dec 2 23:53:19 2004
Image Properties: 600x740 197.59 kb
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