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Title: Queen Bulma [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: EvilBunnySlippers
Uploaded On: Nov 20 14:49:07 2004
Description: I drew this picture of Bulma; this is a realistic picture of what I think she would look like. The background is not mine...I got it from one of the pictures that was preloaded into windows...and pasted it for the background. I drew this in pencil and colo read more
Image Properties: 439x568 36.23 kb
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Title: Trowa color [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Luna13
Uploaded On: Nov 20 12:42:57 2004
Charcters: Trowa
Description: Le modèle que j'ai utilisé est tiré de la série (je crois lol). ********** The model that I used is drawn from the series (I believe lol).
Image Properties: 600x451 34.61 kb
Title: Yuki [ Anime/Manga :: Fruits Basket ] By: Luna13
Uploaded On: Nov 20 12:38:58 2004
Charcters: Yuki Soma
Description: Le modèle que j'ai utilisé est tiré de l'anime. ********** The model that I used is drawn from the anime.
Image Properties: 700x511 30.9 kb
Title: Ryo [ Anime/Manga :: Fake ] By: Luna13
Uploaded On: Nov 20 12:37:57 2004
Charcters: Randy Ryo Maclean
Description: Le modèle que j'ai utilisé est tiré du manga. ********** The model that I used is drawn from the manga.
Image Properties: 500x703 34.28 kb
Title: When It Snows [ Anime/Manga :: Shaman King ] By: arcnine
Uploaded On: Nov 20 9:21:27 2004
Charcters: Anna Kyouyama, Yoh Asakura
Description: This fanart was draw for my fan fiction, When It Snows. It's also the first drawing I tried to CG. Not too bad I think. Yona's my obssession at the moment ^^
Image Properties: 400x505 140.23 kb
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Title: Anna Summoning [ Anime/Manga :: Shaman King ] By: arcnine
Uploaded On: Nov 20 9:16:37 2004
Charcters: Anna Kyouyama
Description: My first fanart of Shaman King. Anna's awesome isn't is? I love the way she slaps everyone who ticks her off. ^^ Umm... drew and shaded with #2 pencil and did touchups on photoshop 7.0
Image Properties: 602x800 80 kb
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Title: Inuyasha sitting on the throne of skulls [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: shadow samuri
Uploaded On: Nov 19 20:37:44 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: well this is my version of what me sister had drawn of demon Inuyasha's throne. well i drew my verison of the throne from the story Inuyasha and the time stream so i hope you enjoy it. (really i think i drew it very badly so bare with me)
Image Properties: 1168x1629 145.58 kb
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Title: Kaiba Family [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: _Teana
Uploaded On: Nov 19 20:19:41 2004
Charcters: Kaiba Seto, Kisara, Mokuba Kaiba
Image Properties: 488x677 53.39 kb
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Title: Amor [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: AltairKaosu
Uploaded On: Nov 19 15:20:20 2004
Charcters: Chichi, Goku
Description: Goku and Chichi being cute. I drew this for a contest on Gaia Online, and it's the first drawing of mine with actual people in it that I've been happy enough with to post. I know it needs some work, but it'll get there. Media: Colored pencil and ink pen on read more
Image Properties: 605x783 41.16 kb
Title: Daydreaming (Blue background) [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: MapleRose
Uploaded On: Nov 18 18:43:27 2004
Charcters: Kirara, Miroku, Sango
Description: Sango daydreaming about a certain houshi... sketched in pencil then coloured in photoshop. played with the effects for Miroku's face. The feet are wrong and ugly, but I've never been good at them and this is actually one of my good attempts. *sigh* oh well read more
Image Properties: 575x819 46.96 kb
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Title: Shippo [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Kilala81
Uploaded On: Nov 18 17:52:54 2004
Charcters: Shippo
Description: Just a sketch of Shippo...running off with InuYasha's Ramen.
Image Properties: 697x958 73.03 kb
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Title: Baggy Pants [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Mirokus Wench
Uploaded On: Nov 18 13:41:10 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha, Shippo
Description: I fixed it! I've also made the lines darker but the computer won't let me post that one... GRRRR! Could someone help an idiot in need??? It keeps telling me that the inage could not be found... but it's right there!!! ^o^-waaaaa! Okay, I'll try to figure i read more
Image Properties: 1449x1645 195 kb
Title: Kirara [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Kilala81
Uploaded On: Nov 18 13:08:29 2004
Charcters: Kirara
Description: This is just a sketch of Kirara that I did. I'm a writer, not an artist but I do enjoy doing this kinda stuff occassionally. And Kirara is just so kawaii.
Image Properties: 622x741 77.61 kb
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Title: 53 Snapshot [ Anime/Manga :: Gensomaden Saiyuki ] By: Saiyukis_OKAY
Uploaded On: Nov 17 13:30:40 2004
Charcters: Gojyo, Sanzo
Description: A "snapshot" of Gojyo and Sanzo, just some random thing, but I still like it ^_^
Image Properties: 700x560 119.37 kb
Title: gazing [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: AnimeLore
Uploaded On: Nov 17 13:22:26 2004
Description: one ofmy first drawings... I dunno... just figured i'd get it up here and see what you guys think.
Image Properties: 973x1412 486.64 kb
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