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Title: Bloody Fantasy [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Inu-Roku-Shiro
Uploaded On: Oct 29 20:26:52 2004
Description: This guy was created to be in a story that i am starting to write. If you wanna know nanything about this guy, you'll have to read the story... thats IF i write it *sweat drop*
Image Properties: 699x826 320.07 kb
Title: Arwendin [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Inu-Roku-Shiro
Uploaded On: Oct 29 20:13:28 2004
Description: Arwendin is an original character solely created to make people fantasise about things... yes... things...
Image Properties: 598x551 192.34 kb
Title: Shia [ Anime/Manga :: Pita Ten ] By: Kitsune_Kyo
Uploaded On: Oct 28 21:08:53 2004
Description: THis was a quick sketch i did. I kinda messed up her staff. Not one of my greatest work but will do. comments
Image Properties: 400x645 54.14 kb
Title: Mai [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Dragonofthedarknessflame
Uploaded On: Oct 28 20:23:19 2004
Charcters: Mai Kujaku
Description: GO THE WONDERFUL, GRACEFUL, BEAUTIFUL MAI!!! ^-^ Yet again, my first.
Image Properties: 535x428 24.91 kb
View (3) Visitor Reviews
Title: InuYasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Dragonofthedarknessflame
Uploaded On: Oct 28 20:22:18 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: GO INU! This is my first InuYasha computer art. :)
Image Properties: 535x428 12.25 kb
Title: Jin [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Dragonofthedarknessflame
Uploaded On: Oct 28 20:21:20 2004
Charcters: Jin
Description: AWW..... JIN SO KAWAII! This is my first Jin computer art.
Image Properties: 535x428 25.13 kb
Title: Lone Wolf [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: Mr. Cat
Uploaded On: Oct 28 20:14:49 2004
Charcters: Saitou Hajime
Description: What can I say... I think I'm a little addicted to painting Saitou with long hair. I loved doing the landscape on this one, though.
Image Properties: 339x480 39.73 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Aishiteru [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: LuClipse85
Uploaded On: Oct 28 14:02:44 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: Inspired by a picture from the newspaper TV guide. I love this picture so much! I originally had it where Kagome would be touching Inuyasha's cheek, but I didn't have the heart to draw over his pretty face*^-^*(Inuyasha's wearing pants from the waist down) read more
Image Properties: 1671x1227 211.56 kb
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Title: Knight Aelissa [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: MistressMai
Uploaded On: Oct 28 11:16:04 2004
Charcters: Original Character
Description: This is Aelissa wearing Knight's armor....her hair is supposed to be blue a la Kisara, but I'll let it slide ^__^ Aelissa is from my fanfic, "A Wish that spans the ages". *EDIT* I didn't draw it....Athena from janime.net forums did...^^;;;;'
Image Properties: 300x452 34.26 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Assassin [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Eternalflames
Uploaded On: Oct 28 6:32:12 2004
Charcters: Duo Maxwell
Description: A quick drawing of Duo, using paintshop. No very good, but it goes with my story of the same name. And the symbol is death in japanese (I think, site was a bit dodgy)
Image Properties: 500x500 32.32 kb
Title: Ishizu [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: xelaas
Uploaded On: Oct 27 23:36:48 2004
Charcters: Priestess Isis
Description: I was able to draw Ishizu, but her neck is too long! But I decided to post it anyway.. Just admire her beauty, ayt?
Image Properties: 183x271 124.68 kb
Title: Chibi Bakura [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: xelaas
Uploaded On: Oct 27 23:34:47 2004
Charcters: Ryou Bakura
Description: Yay! Bakura Chibi! Ain't it cute? Please review!!
Image Properties: 362x317 219.28 kb
Title: Kaiba [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Dragonofthedarknessflame
Uploaded On: Oct 27 22:11:45 2004
Charcters: Kaiba Seto
Description: My first Kaiba computer art. I dun like it too much.
Image Properties: 535x428 11.2 kb
Title: Hiei [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Dragonofthedarknessflame
Uploaded On: Oct 27 22:10:41 2004
Charcters: Hiei
Description: This is my first Hiei computer art. PLease don't hate it at least too much.
Image Properties: 535x428 16.72 kb
View (4) Visitor Reviews
Title: Kurama [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Dragonofthedarknessflame
Uploaded On: Oct 27 16:20:02 2004
Charcters: Kurama
Description: The first computer picture I made of My boo Kurama. He's so cute.... -^-^-
Image Properties: 571x449 13.96 kb
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