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Title: Sess Inu Lovey [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Inuyoukai_Sesshoumaru
Uploaded On: Nov 7 21:58:05 2003
Charcters: Inuyasha, Sesshomaru
Description: Cute Sesshoumaru x Inuyasha pic. Colored it cel style so it looks like it's really from the show. =D
Image Properties: 670x748 179.09 kb
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Title: Tetiyus [ Anime/Manga :: Seimaden ] By: El Chupacabras
Uploaded On: Nov 7 14:14:18 2003
Charcters: Tetiyusu
Description: Done in Photoshop.
Image Properties: 475x700 116.23 kb
View (4) Visitor Reviews
Title: Anime kitty [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Sol_Soldier
Uploaded On: Nov 7 8:19:23 2003
Description: i wuz bored, so i did this piccie! Enjoy!
Image Properties: 783x772 53.45 kb
Title: Knives clones! [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Jule
Uploaded On: Nov 6 20:24:55 2003
Description: Request for Annie-chan! ::huggle:: Let's see... Here we have Seifer (FF8), Vash (Trigun), Spike (Buffy), and Knives (also Trigun). We were discussing how much Spike looked like Knives. Realized Seifer looked like them, too. So, Knives sics his "clones" on read more
Image Properties: 566x535 97.26 kb
Title: Kakarott and His Prince [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Kaialicious
Uploaded On: Nov 6 17:26:13 2003
Charcters: Goku, Vegeta
Description: Drawn and inked on defective (cheap ass) paper and then colored in Paint Shop Pro 7. This is clearly a Seme Kakarott with a Uke Vegeta. I like to think that this version of the Saiyan couple exists in an alternate universe. Note the lack of muscles read more
Image Properties: 630x799 89.52 kb
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Title: Battle chick ( + visor and spear ) [ Anime/Manga :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Jana-chan
Uploaded On: Nov 6 10:52:12 2003
Description: It's an oldy, but I still think it's a 'goody'.. I really need to scan some new pics o mine, but my scanner broke down. *sigh* Oh wel..
Image Properties: 417x400 77.39 kb
Title: Otakurama Calendar :: Jan [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Jensiekitten
Uploaded On: Nov 5 22:55:30 2003
Description: Done as the "January" image for the 2003-2004 Otakurama calendar. Go me. All characters are originals belonging either to myself, or to K.York, so please don't gank 'em.
Image Properties: 792x592 225.97 kb
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Title: Robinchan - For Mikhail [ Anime/Manga :: Witch Hunter Robin ] By: Jensiekitten
Uploaded On: Nov 5 22:49:38 2003
Description: Alrighty, this is my first fanart of Robin from WHR - and it's a gift for a very special friend of mine. *mwah* @ Mikhail*
Image Properties: 960x640 349.19 kb
Title: Tears of Serenity [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: ShadowsFaith
Uploaded On: Nov 4 23:11:18 2003
Charcters: Princess Serenity
Description: A picture of Serenity done from a picture in the manga.
Image Properties: 881x1052 130.87 kb
Title: Sakura Illusion [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Jezzica Shirokori
Uploaded On: Nov 4 16:05:41 2003
Description: I had done this for a friend, I really like how it came out. Its a character in a fanfic she is doing that I hope she finishs sometime ^_^;; Enjoy~
Image Properties: 400x450 75.08 kb
Title: Usagi No Sunset [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Jezzica Shirokori
Uploaded On: Nov 4 16:01:59 2003
Description: Just another pic I did. Not really for school. Its a picture of a Character I like to use when I RP. I like how it came out, Although if I could I would go back and change a couple things. Enjoy~
Image Properties: 360x432 47.96 kb
Title: Japanese Noble Woman [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Jezzica Shirokori
Uploaded On: Nov 4 15:58:22 2003
Description: Just something I did for school. I got the Idea from when I read the novel called "Cloud of Sparrows" Heiko the Geisha inspierd this but I didnt want to draw a Geisha so ta da. Enjoy~
Image Properties: 357x417 84.02 kb
Title: Matoko Kusanagi [ Anime/Manga :: Ghost In the Shell ] By: jarjarrbinx6
Uploaded On: Nov 4 7:26:11 2003
Charcters: Matoko Kusanagi
Description: I did this drawing for a Shirow contest.*crosses fingers*
Image Properties: 457x565 156.62 kb
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Title: Clover [ Anime/Manga :: Clover ] By: jarjarrbinx6
Uploaded On: Nov 3 15:08:08 2003
Charcters: Clover
Description: I love this piture.Its my baby.lol.I love all CLAMP art.Its sooo beautiful!
Image Properties: 358x430 99.36 kb
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Title: Goku vs Vegeta [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: jrdehais
Uploaded On: Nov 3 11:45:15 2003
Charcters: Goku, Vegeta
Description: This is my first ever colored ccg, the best of the best, Goku against Vegeta... The Fight that everybody was willing to see, both in perfect conditions, too strong to fight on the earth and give their powers to the whole universe. Vegeta is not insane, he read more
Image Properties: 596x750 172.52 kb
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