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Title: Smeargle Sketchit [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: ellysketchit
Uploaded On: Dec 11 4:49:13 2002
Charcters: Tracey
Description: This is Tracey as a smeargle. Smeargles mark their territories with the paintlike fluid that oozes from their tails, you know. Thus what he's written on the "wall" there...hee hee hee. ^_^;;;
Anyways, it was done in PhotoShop 7 with many, many layers read more
Image Properties: 500x580 83.36 kb
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Title: Kitty Kurosu: group therapy [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Hineko
Uploaded On: Dec 10 17:09:28 2002
Description: not really 'group therapy', just a get together for the holidays at Kitty Korner. from left to right: Yuuki, Kurosu, Mira, Spencer and Touya. Aya and Maru the mouse are in the front there. (PaintShopPro)
oh yaah, here's my Kitty Korner site: http:// read more
Image Properties: 876x550 139.67 kb
Title: Trunks [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: SyNthEtiC
Uploaded On: Dec 10 15:34:03 2002
Charcters: Trunks
Description: Another Future Trunks drawing
Image Properties: 193x154 89.37 kb
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Title: Sailor Eos [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Q_Slash
Uploaded On: Dec 10 11:50:21 2002
Description: Sailor Eos, senshi of shadows. Eos is copyright Anna
Image Properties: 424x550 75.04 kb
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Title: Baelruil Banrae [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Psycho_Ferret
Uploaded On: Dec 9 19:58:45 2002
Description: Mah new Drow. Heee... I love him. He's so spiffy! And he lost half an ear and he's blind. Which makes him cooler. COOL BLIND DROW! YAY!
Image Properties: 407x700 51.71 kb
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Title: Dragon Mu (for Iazum o.O) [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Muzai
Uploaded On: Dec 9 16:57:58 2002
Charcters: Fan-created Characters
Description: Well since some of you wanted it colored not to mention Josh...lol Here is the colored version...O.o~Muzai
Image Properties: 797x500 54.69 kb
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Title: Happy Golidays ^_^ [ Anime/Manga :: Hikaru No Go ] By: Klitch
Uploaded On: Dec 9 14:34:32 2002
Description: Puppy Akira for the holidays an' such. Isn't it just hideously, disgustingly cute?
Image Properties: 400x400 53.37 kb
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Title: Chibi Neko Rei [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: mitsubachi-chan
Uploaded On: Dec 9 13:05:49 2002
Charcters: Rei
Description: Isn't he just kawaii? this is only the rough outline of him. I am just going through a chibi stage right now and I couldn't resist drawing him in chibi-fied form. I also have a tiny paper where I did a chibi Kai and Rei standing beside one another... and i read more
Image Properties: 394x532 53.23 kb
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Title: Think Warm [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Klitch
Uploaded On: Dec 9 8:42:18 2002
Charcters: Ken
Description: Yes, I know it's strange. I have weird thoughts, okay? And the coloring's funky because it's my first attempt at coloring with Photoshop.
Image Properties: 398x399 48.57 kb
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Title: Ayanami's Earphones 2 (Kaji's version) [ Anime/Manga :: Neon Genesis Evangelion ] By: AnnaHibiki
Uploaded On: Dec 8 17:39:11 2002
Charcters: Ryouji Kaji, Asuka Langley
Description: Really stupid thing. What happens when you pretend you're listenin to Asuka?
The artwork is bad too. I didn't have any Eva pic to inspire myself, so I had to make them this way.
Image Properties: 684x946 104.54 kb
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Title: Vampire (Doujinshi; page 6) [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Nekoni
Uploaded On: Dec 8 8:44:12 2002
Charcters: Goku, Vegeta
Description: et... c'est finis! Hope you all enjoyed the incredibly short and pointless doujinshi! If I can get back into studying, I might have another one for christmas... ^-^ matta ne!
Image Properties: 600x920 185.01 kb
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Title: Algol Bedlam - the Poor Man's Tuxido kamen [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Q_Slash
Uploaded On: Dec 7 11:59:47 2002
Description: Algol Bedlam, a vampire, a vagabond, and a protector and knight to a particularly blood thirsty senshi. . .
Image Properties: 393x533 35.38 kb
Title: Chibi Veggie 02 [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Pi-chan
Uploaded On: Dec 7 2:10:29 2002
Description: Eh? Vegeta is not in the Character list?? HEY!!!!!!!! *grrrrrrr*
However, this is again one of my older arts. My god, there are SO MUCH mistakes in it O.o ... Well, the pose is not mine. It's from a Doujinshi. You maybe know it?!
Aaah, there is read more
Image Properties: 500x625 44.88 kb
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Title: Ayanami's Earphones [ Anime/Manga :: Neon Genesis Evangelion ] By: AnnaHibiki
Uploaded On: Dec 5 18:17:48 2002
Charcters: Rei Ayanami, Misato Katsuragi
Description: This is the first thing that came to mi mind after more than 90 hours without sleep. Is really silly.
Image Properties: 687x946 79.79 kb
Title: Judeau [ Anime/Manga :: Berserk ] By: Min Rho7
Uploaded On: Dec 5 15:38:52 2002
Description: Judeau, of the show, Berserk. My friend Adele drew the line-art, and I just painted it in.
Image Properties: 791x471 76.32 kb
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