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Title: Vampire (Doujinshi; page 3) [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Nekoni
Uploaded On: Nov 4 10:27:24 2002
Charcters: Goku, Vegeta
Description: *holds up inking pen* lookie what I found! *grins* this means you should be able to see page 4 as-well! Not tommorow, thooooough... *grins*
Image Properties: 600x920 156.75 kb
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Title: Hee-Kitty Color [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: cryingPhoenix
Uploaded On: Nov 4 8:17:45 2002
Charcters: Heero
Description: yeah..finally..hee-kitty coloured. Maybe I'll even animate it, so that it snores :]..but we'll see about that :).
Please tell me whadda ya think of it
Image Properties: 547x462 34.51 kb
Title: Goku and Bulma - Dark Majik [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Vegeta Goddess
Uploaded On: Nov 3 19:55:45 2002
Charcters: Goku
Description: A picture which goes with my G/B fic 'Dark Majik'.
In this image both of them have the mark of the devil on their faces - something I have yet to write about in the actual fic!
Image Properties: 479x763 73.63 kb
Title: Noctsumon [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Fall Equinox
Uploaded On: Nov 3 14:28:56 2002
Charcters: Fan Created Charecters
Description: yay it's my spirit evolution!!! I think it came out okay...
Image Properties: 561x716 81.87 kb
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Title: Vampire (Doujinshi; page 2) [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Nekoni
Uploaded On: Nov 3 10:24:00 2002
Charcters: Goku, Vegeta
Description: Heh! This is done on computer... they don't sell tonheras or ANYTHING in england... not even decent inking pens... *grumbles, still looking*
ANYWAY. Page 2, -funny? scary? *pokes the screen* heee...old black and white movies! =P
Image Properties: 600x920 132.66 kb
View (9) Visitor Reviews
Title: Silver Kaze [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Firestorm_244
Uploaded On: Nov 2 18:12:06 2002
Charcters: Pegasus J. Crawford
Description: My first pic of Pagasus. I was suddenly inspired to draw him. So I did. Sorry if it's a little off. I didn't use any pics of him for reference...
Image Properties: 625x810 185.79 kb
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Title: Haruka & Michiru [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: El Chupacabras
Uploaded On: Nov 2 15:34:38 2002
Charcters: Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus
Description: Actually I dont't like Michuru all that much. I always kept tolorating her like: she's Haruka's Lover so she's gotta be alright ;)
In this pic I really like her, though. I don't know why.
There's a pic of these two in the read more
Image Properties: 407x545 129.63 kb
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Title: Yamato and Takeru [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Pinali
Uploaded On: Nov 2 9:32:17 2002
Charcters: Yamato/Matt, Takeru/TK
Description: All together now: AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! =D
Image Properties: 536x415 50.06 kb
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Title: Vampire (Doujinshi; page one) [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Nekoni
Uploaded On: Nov 2 8:43:42 2002
Charcters: Vegeta
Description: Oooooh! kowai yo! kowai yo! *wiggles hands about*
*sweatdrops* I've lost my inking pen... *looks around sheepishly* So part 2 will only be out tommorow, noooot today...
*points up* wan' a spoiler? Check out 'Vampire'
*snickers* I am so ba read more
Image Properties: 600x920 116.45 kb
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Title: Mimi & Yamato: Secret Lovers [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hineko
Uploaded On: Nov 1 20:15:13 2002
Charcters: Mimi, Yamato/Matt
Description: aaah, i was in one of those 'MimAto lovers' mood, so there you have it. also inspired from a Rurouni Kenshin doujinshi about Kaoru & Enishi! heh. all in Photoshop - i had a hard time doing Yama's hair, but it turned out fine. he looks sexy, ne? *dro read more
Image Properties: 345x425 34.52 kb
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Title: Itachi Uchiwa [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: WhiteMist
Uploaded On: Nov 1 19:11:05 2002
Image Properties: 329x515 35.4 kb
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Title: Slasher (art trade with Piper) [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Muzai
Uploaded On: Nov 1 12:51:23 2002
Description: Slasher

Class: Art TradeTools: MS Paint, IrfranViewBased on: Piper's design of her characterCanvas: MS PaintAnime: unknownCharacters:PiperComments: read more
Image Properties: 485x600 70.49 kb
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Title: Ah My Goddess Group pic [ Anime/Manga :: Ah My Goddess ] By: Kathy
Uploaded On: Nov 1 12:37:14 2002
Description: Eeeeeps, my second try with watercolors ^_^;! I need more practice...and next time I'm using Bristol instead of computer paper! The paper was wrinkling like crazy T_T. I tried my best to make this look really Ah! My Goddess style. I like Belldandy's hair ^ read more
Image Properties: 503x650 131.39 kb
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Title: Digi Girls! [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hina L
Uploaded On: Nov 1 9:52:43 2002
Charcters: Original
Description: Those two girls up there are my sister and my friends original characters that I drew. Nisha-chan goes to Odaiba while Aini-chan goes to Tamachi (she's wearing a coat!). Please don't fill me with flames! Its important you view my profile before you review! read more
Image Properties: 804x702 223.7 kb
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Title: Nisha-chan [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hina L
Uploaded On: Nov 1 9:34:08 2002
Charcters: Original
Description: An art of my friends original character, Nisha-chan. I know I've stated this like a million times but I'd like to state it again - I'm 10, so please don't flame me telling my art is bad! ;_____; But please comment if you have time! Thanks!
Image Properties: 553x500 80.14 kb
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