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Title: Matt Thornberry [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: Raven Star
Uploaded On: Oct 31 23:21:39 2002
Charcters: Mewtwo, Origional(s)
Description: A sort of possible spoiler for later chapters of Flying Away.
Mewtwo as a human pokemon trainer.
This picture was done for me by Amazon Fox.
Image Properties: 302x670 31.49 kb
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Title: Somber Kurosu [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Hineko
Uploaded On: Oct 31 19:08:29 2002
Description: me again, and i'm bored... and i do look like that now... just sittin' in Photoshop and staring at YOU! bwaahahahaa!! [stops cackling and walks off]
Image Properties: 400x450 27.09 kb
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Title: Essencemon [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hina L
Uploaded On: Oct 31 10:54:45 2002
Charcters: Original
Description: Ok, this is my art of my DNA digimon. I used to have original characters but now I've given up on them. Anyway, I just want to let you know that this design is based on COD. I'm 10 years old so pleasep please comment! Thanks!
Image Properties: 520x747 116.9 kb
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Title: Wind [ Anime/Manga :: Magic Knight Rayearth ] By: Filia-chan
Uploaded On: Oct 30 12:27:24 2002
Charcters: Fu Hououji
Description: A simple and quick drawing I made for a friend =)
Image Properties: 844x663 80.57 kb
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Title: Smiling Tsu [ Anime/Manga :: Yami No Matsuei ] By: Filia-chan
Uploaded On: Oct 30 12:23:56 2002
Charcters: Tsuzuki Asato
Description: Just a pencil sketch done in a moment of boredom ^^
Image Properties: 527x704 27.96 kb
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Title: Tree Faye? [ Anime/Manga :: Cowboy Bebop ] By: Nightambre
Uploaded On: Oct 30 5:40:51 2002
Charcters: Faye Valentine
Description: And here we are stalking the elusive Tree-faye...er... *coughs* Ahem. Yes, that's Faye Valentine in more sensible clothing hanging out in a tree. Why? Because this Faye got rudely pulled through a gate and is stuck on a world with other such refugees, and read more
Image Properties: 459x635 40.2 kb
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Title: *Art Trade* Jena's Bakura! YAY! [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Penguin Light
Uploaded On: Oct 29 22:01:49 2002
Charcters: Ryou Bakura
Description: It only took me for ever and a day to do everything with it but i got it done! yay!
Sorry it took so long though........
random note: i finally figured out what the elevator at my school smells like, and it smells nasty (>.
Image Properties: 649x668 54.57 kb
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Title: The End of Pokemon [ Anime/Manga :: Neon Genesis Evangelion ] By: MDude
Uploaded On: Oct 29 20:18:33 2002
Charcters: Kaoru Nagisa, Shinji Ikari, Asuka Langley
Description: You people will hate me for this.....
Image Properties: 536x712 95.28 kb
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Title: Become [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Klitch
Uploaded On: Oct 29 18:39:27 2002
Charcters: Ken, Digimon Kaiser
Description: Random Ken and the Kaiser, because I felt like it.
Image Properties: 400x400 76.44 kb
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Title: Sasuke & Naruto - 5 Daime?? [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: WhiteMist
Uploaded On: Oct 29 7:58:40 2002
Image Properties: 428x316 47.57 kb
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Title: Azma - Anbu [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: WhiteMist
Uploaded On: Oct 29 7:56:18 2002
Image Properties: 356x528 40.05 kb
Title: Naruto [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: WhiteMist
Uploaded On: Oct 29 7:53:25 2002
Image Properties: 303x415 31.94 kb
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Title: Kopi Ninja [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: WhiteMist
Uploaded On: Oct 29 7:50:10 2002
Image Properties: 335x400 29.05 kb
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Title: Uchiwa Sasuke [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: WhiteMist
Uploaded On: Oct 29 7:45:46 2002
Image Properties: 330x484 46.13 kb
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Title: Hatake Kakashi [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: WhiteMist
Uploaded On: Oct 29 7:36:00 2002
Image Properties: 369x605 56.91 kb
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