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Title: BakuraShirtless [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Suzuka-Chan
Uploaded On: Sep 16 13:39:34 2003
Charcters: Yami Bakura
Description: yeah this was done on paintshop cause i dont have any of the paintshop pro stuff on on this pc its all on my other one,lol.anyway,please dont flame..please dont!
Image Properties: 962x1451 50.56 kb
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Title: Watari and a Tatsumi plushie [ Anime/Manga :: Yami No Matsuei ] By: Jule
Uploaded On: Sep 16 11:16:46 2003
Charcters: Tatsumi Seiichirou, Watari
Description: Poor Tatsumi isn't listed. *suggests him*
Anyway... Fun little doodle I did while playing with new markers. Yes, I'm a Tat/Wat shipper.
Nice to see the fanart section working again. Not sure how often I'm gonna post, tho'. Gotten a little too c read more
Image Properties: 525x849 112.34 kb
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Title: Slave Bulma [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Vegeta Goddess
Uploaded On: Sep 16 6:11:17 2003
Description: Perhaps my favourite Slave picture I've done so far. This is actually from a scene in my fic 'Slave' (2nd most read fic at mm.org!) where she looks overher shoulder in the mirror, practicing looking sexy.
Bulma looks just how I imagine her in the fic read more
Image Properties: 423x492 30.05 kb
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Title: Talim [ Computer/Video Game :: Soul Calibur ] By: Lea
Uploaded On: Sep 16 1:03:17 2003
Description: Hee, just like everyone else, just got SCII. I can't say that I like it as much as Tekken, but seriously, Talim rules :D. She's so cute!
Image Properties: 452x402 68.19 kb
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Title: James Sunderland [ Computer/Video Game :: Silent Hill ] By: Lea
Uploaded On: Sep 16 1:00:54 2003
Description: So, I've been playing Silent Hill alot lately. I just rebeat SH3 and now, I'm working on a second time through on SH2. I have to say that James is probably my favorite lead in the series... SH2 is such a sad love story ;_;
Image Properties: 452x402 61.47 kb
Title: Alexia Ashford [ Computer/Video Game :: Resident Evil Series ] By: Lea
Uploaded On: Sep 16 0:57:54 2003
Description: One of my favorite villainesses of all time: Alexia. She had so much character, considering how little she was reall in the game...
My favorite part to draw in this pic was the dragonfly n_n
Image Properties: 452x402 56.1 kb
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Title: Yuna [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Lea
Uploaded On: Sep 16 0:56:07 2003
Charcters: Yuna
Description: Yuna in her FFX-2 gear. I'm really excited about that game. It just sounds so wrong!
Image Properties: 452x402 80.29 kb
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Title: Hwoarang II [ Computer/Video Game :: Tekken Serries ] By: Lea
Uploaded On: Sep 16 0:54:21 2003
Charcters: Hwoarang
Description: Okay, one more Hwoarang :).
Image Properties: 452x402 60.69 kb
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Title: Julia Chang II [ Computer/Video Game :: Tekken Serries ] By: Lea
Uploaded On: Sep 16 0:51:28 2003
Description: I had the most fun working on the sunglasses :)
Image Properties: 452x402 65.92 kb
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Title: Anna Williams [ Computer/Video Game :: Tekken Serries ] By: Lea
Uploaded On: Sep 16 0:38:37 2003
Description: I figure I couldn't start fresh here without at least one new Anna piece :). I might shrink and put up the old one that everyone seemed to like, but heh heh, I like this one better :D
Image Properties: 402x452 48.41 kb
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Title: Sydney Losstarot [ Computer/Video Game :: Vagrant Story ] By: Lea
Uploaded On: Sep 16 0:28:50 2003
Charcters: Sydney Losstarot
Description: Sydney running through the Snowflies... Mostly because snowflies are easy to make XD
Image Properties: 452x402 61.85 kb
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Title: One Step Closer [ Anime/Manga :: Gensomaden Saiyuki ] By: Illianaka
Uploaded On: Sep 16 0:22:43 2003
Charcters: Sanzo, Son Goku
Description: My best Sanzo/Goku drawing to date.
Must make a better one... *dies*
Image Properties: 583x803 93.83 kb
Title: Kawaii Da Ne [ Anime/Manga :: Gensomaden Saiyuki ] By: Illianaka
Uploaded On: Sep 16 0:11:38 2003
Charcters: Konzen, Son Goku
Description: Goku holding a little Konzen plushie. ^^; I like it 'cept for Goku's eyes; they weird me out.
But the Konzen plushie is cute, isn't it? ^_^ I want one.
Image Properties: 700x989 113.36 kb
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Title: Hermione [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: MistressAnime
Uploaded On: Sep 15 23:53:39 2003
Charcters: Hermione
Description: A quick sketch I did of Hermy. The 1st peice I've uploaded here that's actually of my own original stlye.
Image Properties: 440x576 44.27 kb
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Title: Forgotten Angel [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Rinoa_Angelwings
Uploaded On: Sep 15 18:04:53 2003
Description: wha... quick sketch when I was bored. comment?
Image Properties: 590x715 80.95 kb
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