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Title: Walking in the Dark [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hogosha
Uploaded On: Nov 23 10:31:39 2002
Charcters: Fan Created Charecters
Description: "Sometimes I feel like I'm getting nowhere by walking in the dark."
Image Properties: 268x268 15.84 kb
Title: Ki Wakai [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hogosha
Uploaded On: Nov 23 10:30:25 2002
Charcters: Fan Created Charecters
Description: Wakai is the Frontiers character I created for Olivia's older brother Alex.
Image Properties: 109x316 7.98 kb
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Title: Joushono Tenshi [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hogosha
Uploaded On: Nov 23 10:28:14 2002
Charcters: Fan Created Charecters
Description: Tenshi goes to Odaiba. Her Dejimon is Cittimon, a white cat wearing an Egyptian dress, with blue where there is normally pink on a cat.
Image Properties: 152x549 14.56 kb
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Title: Yoruno Kodoku [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hogosha
Uploaded On: Nov 23 10:26:40 2002
Charcters: Fan Created Charecters
Description: Like Hogosha, you don't want to get on her bad side. Kodoku lives in a mansion with her abusive parents. She also hates uniforms. Her Dejimon is Culumon, and don't give me crap about Culumon being in Tamers, being the Catalyst, not a real Dejimon, bla bla read more
Image Properties: 158x432 12.74 kb
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Title: Kitsunemon [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hogosha
Uploaded On: Nov 23 10:25:32 2002
Charcters: Fan Created Charecters
Description: This is Kitsunemon, Yami Hikaru's Dejimon partner, and her protector in her past life.
Image Properties: 299x399 16.29 kb
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Title: Possessed [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hogosha
Uploaded On: Nov 23 10:24:13 2002
Charcters: Fan Created Charecters
Description: Hogosha's possessed.
Image Properties: 307x236 14.6 kb
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Title: Shiyama Hogosha [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hogosha
Uploaded On: Nov 23 10:22:37 2002
Charcters: Fan Created Charecters
Description: Mind you, Hogosha hates her school uniform.
She goes to Tamachi with Ken.
Hogosha is an orphan with a dark past.
Her Dejimon is Black Tailmon.
Image Properties: 148x432 12.68 kb
Title: Hogosha all beat up [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hogosha
Uploaded On: Nov 23 10:21:36 2002
Description: My character for Adventures 02 Revissed, a fanfic my friend Olivia and I are currently writing. Shiyama Hogosha is her name, and this is her, possessed then beat up and bloody.
Image Properties: 289x253 14.62 kb
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Title: Yami Hikaru [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hogosha
Uploaded On: Nov 23 10:20:34 2002
Charcters: Fan Created Charecters
Description: Yami Hikaru is Ruki's cousin in my fanfic, "Walking in the Dark". Hikaru has various psychological problems and has come to live with her cousin.
Image Properties: 99x244 7.47 kb
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Title: Himeko/ Jessie [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hogosha
Uploaded On: Nov 23 10:18:48 2002
Charcters: Fan Created Charecters
Description: This is my girlfriend. Her name is Jessie. Her Japanese name is Sorano Himeko, and her pen name is Felidae Silvestris.
Image Properties: 320x240 14.97 kb
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Title: Matrix Evolution [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hogosha
Uploaded On: Nov 23 10:16:54 2002
Charcters: Fan Created Charecters
Description: The girl on the top is me, Hogosha/ Hayley, the girl on the bottom left is my girlfriend Himeko/ Jessie, and the girl next to her is Tenshi/ Olivia. This is us Matrix Evolving with our Dejimon for a fanfic idea I had.
Image Properties: 706x524 69.84 kb
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Title: Dark Soul [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Firestorm_244
Uploaded On: Nov 22 20:34:44 2002
Charcters: Ryou Bakura
Description: My original intention was to draw a pic of Kaiba and Duke what's his face, y'know the creator of Dungeon Dice monsters, have them arguing over Joey in a puppy dog costume, but... somehow... it turned into Bakura with evil demon wings...meh, I'm wierd
Image Properties: 465x681 87.23 kb
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Title: Yuna! [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: kawaii_ceres
Uploaded On: Nov 22 19:35:21 2002
Charcters: Yuna
Description: Yunie! hehehe..yeah I know I screwed up on the pyreflies, but i tried ^_^() lol. Comments/Suggestions etc very much appreciated.
Image Properties: 310x461 28.69 kb
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Title: Young Lupes In Love [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: ravenclawyoshi
Uploaded On: Nov 22 15:07:38 2002
Charcters: Lupe
Description: This is my Neopet, Gandalf, and his girlfriend, Misty. Don't they look adorable together?
Please do not duplicate.
Image Properties: 762x500 52.23 kb
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Title: Sketch: Sierra Hedgehog [ Computer/Video Game :: Sonic Series ] By: Ultrix
Uploaded On: Nov 22 12:30:05 2002
Description: A new costume design for Sierra the Hedgehog, an original character. Yes, I did kinda steal the Bonne family skull thingie. n_n;
Image Properties: 250x544 18.42 kb
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