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Title: Shippo+Inuyasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: mitsubachi-chan
Uploaded On: Dec 5 13:29:13 2002
Charcters: Inuyasha, Shippo
Description: This image was only supposed to be a chibi anime-style character. it looked like Inuyasha with the ears and the hair, but I totally didn't want it to look like Inu-chan. Then I coloured it so it would look less like Inu-chan and i ended up with a mix of In read more
Image Properties: 202x289 21.45 kb
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Title: Tears of Time [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Muzai
Uploaded On: Dec 5 13:00:19 2002
Charcters: Fan-created Characters
Description: Tears of Time

Class: Tears of Time ArtTools: MS Paint, IrfranViewBased on: Danye's charactersCanvas: 8X11 paperAnime: DBZCharacters:Chibi Muzai and Fa read more
Image Properties: 457x523 56.5 kb
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Title: Marril!!! [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: marril-2000
Uploaded On: Dec 5 9:37:49 2002
Description: My second manga drawing, getting better at it!
Image Properties: 649x753 56.76 kb
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Title: ummm... shampoo [ Anime/Manga :: Ranma 1/2 ] By: marril-2000
Uploaded On: Dec 5 9:35:52 2002
Charcters: Shampoo
Description: My first ever manga drawing, so it's not very good.
Image Properties: 504x648 58.04 kb
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Title: Kurapika.. and the gang.. [ Anime/Manga :: Hunter X Hunter ] By: A-chan
Uploaded On: Dec 5 6:24:30 2002
Charcters: Kurapika
Description: Kurapika is my favorite character. X3 My doujin group is doing a Hunter x Hunter doujinshi, and this will be filler art! Hurray for filler art. ^__^
Image Properties: 700x931 76.94 kb
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Title: Chameleon [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: A-chan
Uploaded On: Dec 5 6:07:07 2002
Description: A character from an original manga my doujinshi group, Akuma Tenshi will be working on. Done completely in Open Canvas.. and too lazy for a background.. ^^;;
Image Properties: 750x563 41.8 kb
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Title: Oni girl [ Mythological :: Demons/Gargoyles ] By: A-chan
Uploaded On: Dec 5 6:03:40 2002
Charcters: Oni
Description: Done completely on Open Canvas. x__x Originally for a mascot contest, so I didn't really want to do a background.
Oh yeah.. she's holding a skull.. of some kind. ^_^;;
Image Properties: 600x600 68.75 kb
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Title: Autumn Breeze [ Anime/Manga :: Chobits ] By: nikkou_chan
Uploaded On: Dec 5 4:02:51 2002
Charcters: Chi
Description: My first Chobits fanart,Chii looking at some falling leaves ^^
Image Properties: 500x688 148.65 kb
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Title: Miroku [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Coronet
Uploaded On: Dec 5 1:49:01 2002
Charcters: Miroku
Description: Just a quick one. I never even really finished it. :\ I hand drew it and then scanned it and colored it with Photoshop. Kinda bad lighting, but I like Miroku. He's cute. ^_^
Image Properties: 384x477 40.79 kb
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Title: Vampire Bite [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: soulofthewind
Uploaded On: Dec 5 1:03:06 2002
Charcters: Fan-Created Characters
Description: Illustration of a friend's idea. Done with Adobe Photoshop 6.0. Shojuo ai warning.
Image Properties: 600x950 87.56 kb
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Title: Ready for battle [ Anime/Manga :: Battle Angel Alita ] By: Min Rho7
Uploaded On: Dec 5 0:24:37 2002
Charcters: Gally
Description: My least favorite of my Battle Angel fanart. I drew this in ballpoint pen before I figured out ballpoint is not an ideal drawing tool. I do like the way I did Gally's hair, though.
Image Properties: 437x653 68.32 kb
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Title: Arwen Portrait [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: Min Rho7
Uploaded On: Dec 4 23:54:04 2002
Charcters: Arwen
Description: Drew this a few years before the movie came out, but a couple people have told me it looks like Liv Tyler, anyway. Odd.
Yeah. I'm a book purist and a wannabe lit snob. Nothing will equal the book in my heart, but the movie comes pretty darn close.
Image Properties: 405x468 94.74 kb
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Title: Alita Portrait [ Anime/Manga :: Battle Angel Alita ] By: Min Rho7
Uploaded On: Dec 4 23:09:04 2002
Charcters: Gally
Description: Wow. This is a really old drawing of Gally.(Alita, as she's known in the english editions). I was going for the reflective, prismatic look like in the iconic screenshots of 2001 A Space Oddessy. You know, the shot with all the colors reflecting on t read more
Image Properties: 452x501 65.72 kb
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Title: Evil Within [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Raven Xavier
Uploaded On: Dec 4 17:08:21 2002
Charcters: Fan-Created Characters
Description: Piccy done for Clair at the SOS Message Board =^_^=
Image Properties: 562x253 59.32 kb
Title: A Portrait of 2 Slytheran [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Raven Xavier
Uploaded On: Dec 4 16:28:35 2002
Charcters: Draco, Pansy Parkinson
Description: A Pic requested by Draco from the SOS message Board. I hope he approves =^_^=
Image Properties: 480x360 77.62 kb
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