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Title: Auron [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: MysticBlue
Uploaded On: Jan 4 15:53:09 2003
Charcters: Auron FFX
Description: This is the cover for a friend of mine's bday card, and also my first attempt at any FF character. Auron's my fave character in the game, simply because of his manner. He and Tidus bounce off each other well.
Done with pencils HB-3B.
Image Properties: 646x777 121.11 kb
Title: Takouji [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Splash
Uploaded On: Jan 3 13:46:03 2003
Charcters: Kouji, Takuya
Description: Get a little Takouji to spice up your lifeeeeee... lalalaa...
Image Properties: 261x311 57.88 kb
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Title: Christmas with Weiss [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: Vikki
Uploaded On: Jan 2 20:34:09 2003
Charcters: Aya Fujimiya, Ken Hidaka
Description: Just a picture of Ken Hidaka, Aya Fujimiya, and Kenji Yamamoto in their Christmas outfits. ^^x;;; Kenji's an OC - sorry! I know that's bad. ^^x;;
Anyway, Aya's supposed to be wearing a snowman outfit. That's a carrot nose, folks - I know it's demente read more
Image Properties: 584x1019 130.92 kb
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Title: Wherever you may be [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Kagami
Uploaded On: Jan 2 17:51:32 2003
Charcters: Kuja, Zidane Tribal
Description: Yes, the quote is from Kingdom Hearts. ^^ (Don't ask...)
When I started working on this it was supposed to look good. Now it looks crappy... after so many hours of work... T_T How frustrating!
But at least I like the background! ^^ The big obje read more
Image Properties: 709x567 60.67 kb
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Title: I believe ... [ Mythological :: Faery/Fairy/ Faeries ] By: Meggie
Uploaded On: Jan 2 17:42:37 2003
Description: A watercolor I did of a character from a book a friend and I are writing. Christmas present for Emilie. =)
Image Properties: 665x900 154.97 kb
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Title: Cho Hakkai [ Anime/Manga :: Gensomaden Saiyuki ] By: ¤Sha¤GojyoxCho¤Hakkai¤
Uploaded On: Jan 2 9:14:43 2003
Charcters: Cho Hakkai
Description: Yes, I did that Gojyo one, too. ^_^ I'm only 13 so it isn't all that great. *frowns* But as soon as I get a new scanner, you Gojyo x Hakkai fans are gonna be happy. ^_^
Image Properties: 561x772 69.01 kb
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Title: Sha Gojyo [ Anime/Manga :: Gensomaden Saiyuki ] By: ¤Sha¤GojyoxCho¤Hakkai¤
Uploaded On: Jan 2 9:10:35 2003
Charcters: Gojyo
Description: A pic of Gojyo copied from Backgammon artbook 1. ^^ Ish purty, I think anyway.
Image Properties: 564x729 63.89 kb
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Title: Scariness [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Shade Zephyr
Uploaded On: Jan 1 23:55:32 2003
Description: Erm... I was bored I guess... so I drew this goat lady thing... nieh. I think I just lost myself...
Image Properties: 350x400 90.62 kb
Title: Pet Saiyajin... Be afraid. Nudity. [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Lauryn
Uploaded On: Jan 1 18:45:29 2003
Charcters: Goku
Description: Again, not labeled under 'adult' cuz it's not 'hentai'.
Ok, lemme explain. People kept asking. "Draw a yaoi pic, Lauryn! Draw a yaoi pic! DRAW IT, CURSE YOU! DO IT NOW! NOW! DRAW NOW!!!"
"OK! FOR THE LOVE OF PETE, OK!!" I screamed as I tore out read more
Image Properties: 576x650 90.75 kb
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Title: A Gentle Goddess [ Anime/Manga :: Ah My Goddess ] By: Bunny-chan
Uploaded On: Jan 1 10:10:31 2003
Charcters: Belldandy
Description: I sketched and inked her by hand, then scanned the sketch and colored her in Photoshop. View the pre-color inked sketch, and/or more of my art on my site: www.loveofanime.com
Image Properties: 500x520 64.16 kb
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Title: Want to See My Sword? (repost) [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Bunny-chan
Uploaded On: Jan 1 10:01:00 2003
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: I sketched and inked him by hand, then scanned the sketch and colored it in Photoshop. This was actually the first CG image I ever made ^.^
--repost is because I finally made a signiture to use on my artwork, so this is the signed version.
Image Properties: 440x454 49.39 kb
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Title: Innocent Curiosity (repost) [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Bunny-chan
Uploaded On: Jan 1 9:57:40 2003
Charcters: Sailor Moon
Description: I sketched and inked her by hand, then scanned the sketch and colored it in Photoshop.
--repost is because I finally made a signiture to use on my artwork, so this is the signed version.
Image Properties: 500x557 79.72 kb
Title: Chibi Kenshin [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: chihaya
Uploaded On: Jan 1 4:40:35 2003
Charcters: Kenshin Himura
Description: December 2002Painter 7.0I always wanna draw him like this. *purrs*
Image Properties: 300x481 50.35 kb
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Title: New year 2003 (Heero) [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: chihaya
Uploaded On: Jan 1 4:35:34 2003
Charcters: Heero
Description: December 2002Painter 7.0Someone said he looks almost girlish. the position of the flower made it looks like he had it over his ear. ~_~"
Image Properties: 400x400 63.42 kb
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Title: Shy Usagi [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: serenityhime
Uploaded On: Jan 1 0:20:30 2003
Charcters: Princess Serenity, Sailor Moon, Serena Tsukino, Tsukino Usagi
Description: Note:: I didn't draw this..Just colored it, was testing out some new shading and highlighting techniques. Please review kindly.. ^^ No flames please..only constructive requested ^^
Image Properties: 364x561 236.84 kb
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