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Title: Dragonslayers!! [ Anime/Manga :: Vision Of Escaflowne ] By: Sir lady Sketch
Uploaded On: Jan 27 18:39:39 2003
Charcters: Dragonslayer
Description: Whee, another doodle come to color! ^_^ It's tha boys, unfortunately, the only one I really like is Viole... Ah Well. It goes, left to right: Gatti >I know, I can't draw him worth squat
Image Properties: 490x201 32.77 kb
Title: Tempest [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Desdomonda
Uploaded On: Jan 27 13:09:02 2003
Description: Just an original scetch of A charachter, Her name's Tempest (duh) and she was going to be part of an original fanfiction until I lost interst, it's still a cool picture that I'm still proud of to this day, even though it's old.
Image Properties: 808x853 174.87 kb
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Title: Battousai [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: Desdomonda
Uploaded On: Jan 27 13:04:29 2003
Charcters: Himura Battousai
Description: My first try working with Acrylics,I'm pretty happy with it, athough I prefer to work with pencil. please let me know how my first try came out ^_^
Image Properties: 557x493 149.42 kb
Title: Kajin (pencil) [ Anime/Manga :: Fushigi Yuugi ] By: GreenFire
Uploaded On: Jan 27 12:51:35 2003
Charcters: Miaka
Description: I took the original pencil sketch from the first kajin pic and shaded. I put in a differenet background too. Which background do you think looks better? I can't decide.
Image Properties: 540x708 117.46 kb
Title: Roses... Fear the Bird!! XD [ Mythological :: Other ] By: Heids
Uploaded On: Jan 26 23:10:36 2003
Description: Blah.
Medium: OekakiTime : 4Hours 44minutes 33seconds
Image Properties: 300x300 99.89 kb
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Title: Kajin [ Anime/Manga :: Fushigi Yuugi ] By: GreenFire
Uploaded On: Jan 26 18:20:34 2003
Charcters: Miaka
Description: My muse came back! and I don't think she'll be sticking around to long. Oh well at least I got something done. Review please! Me got no self-esteem
Image Properties: 600x900 55.36 kb
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Title: Yamato Kiriban [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Pinali
Uploaded On: Jan 26 2:32:26 2003
Charcters: Yamato/Matt
Description: What...? I didn't upload this...? o_o()
Image Properties: 309x660 35.93 kb
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Title: Asher [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter ] By: Kirara-chan
Uploaded On: Jan 24 23:54:02 2003
Image Properties: 440x327 89.73 kb
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Title: Blake Bunch [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter ] By: Kirara-chan
Uploaded On: Jan 24 23:37:51 2003
Charcters: Damian, Anita Blake
Description: just an anime-style (SD) pic i did of some of the main characters.
aren't they cute? ^_^
Image Properties: 563x638 338.65 kb
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Title: Taichi Spirit Evolution (Oekaki) [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Pinali
Uploaded On: Jan 24 11:36:07 2003
Charcters: Taichi/Tai
Description: For a contest in which you could depict any CC spirit evolving. I did Taichi, and used a Takuya shot for reference. ^^
Image Properties: 400x300 72.93 kb
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Title: Candlemon (Requested by Slava) [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Pinali
Uploaded On: Jan 24 11:30:25 2003
Description: Just a Candlemon for Slava. His hand looks weird, but oh well. About the 5th time uploading this, and it works! Go MediaMiner!!
Image Properties: 309x382 28.63 kb
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Title: Faye Valentine and Vash the Stampede [ Anime/Manga :: Cowboy Bebop ] By: Nightambre
Uploaded On: Jan 24 10:54:57 2003
Charcters: Faye Valentine
Description: Argh! Yes, we need Crossover Options! O.O!!! Yes, it's under Cowboy Bebop because that comes before Trigun. :Pahem. Anyway, about this picture. Outside of the fact it was a royal pain in the ass? On Black Gate, Faye's somewhat, ah, involved with Vash. I dr read more
Image Properties: 450x524 44.45 kb
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Title: Lounging Faye [ Anime/Manga :: Cowboy Bebop ] By: Nightambre
Uploaded On: Jan 24 10:53:20 2003
Charcters: Faye Valentine
Description: Another image done solely in photoshop. This was just more practice to try to get the hang of the medium. This provides another angle to the hair Faye sports on BGM.
Image Properties: 550x660 48.42 kb
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Title: Dominique the Cylcops [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Nightambre
Uploaded On: Jan 24 10:51:11 2003
Charcters: Dominique The Cyclops
Description: My first image drawn completely in Photoshop (sketch and all). I took a lot of liberty with her outfit, because I wasn't in the mood to draw the hat or the coat. Whee! I love Domi-chan. Sigh. She was the best GHG.
Image Properties: 500x685 36.39 kb
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Title: Faye at BGM, Color Version [ Anime/Manga :: Cowboy Bebop ] By: Nightambre
Uploaded On: Jan 24 10:50:06 2003
Charcters: Faye Valentine
Description: Same picture as before, save just with some color slapped on.
Image Properties: 228x428 15.61 kb
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