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 | Title: Maize [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: BlackAzurite  Uploaded On: Oct 21 1:28:45 2002 Charcters: Fan-created Characters Description: This is an original character, perhaps some time I'll write some fic about her.
Her name is Maize and she's the daughter of Verdura, Queen of the Saiya-jin and Jikori, a first class warrior. Image Properties: 246x600 36.92 kb View (5) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Kenshin Kiss! [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: Genome_Screams  Uploaded On: Oct 20 23:56:12 2002 Charcters: Kenshin Himura Description: Agghh I can't believe I posted this! It's so old and horrible looking! >_ Image Properties: 700x524 91.48 kb View (30) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: FanFic Kuja [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Genome_Screams  Uploaded On: Oct 20 23:27:25 2002 Charcters: Kuja Description: This is a picture of Kuja from one of my fan fictions which I've neglected to post, heh. He's in someplace kind of like pergatory(sp?) it's alot to explain.. so I won't go there now. I still can't believe how incredibly lazy I was with coloring and drawing read more Image Properties: 700x644 49.45 kb View (4) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Joey as Alexander Anderson [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Jesschan  Uploaded On: Oct 20 16:27:04 2002 Description: Alexander Anderson is from Hellsing! Why is the bg fire? Because it looks cool *Lol*! I merged a bunch of fire bg's together and I think it looks cool *Lol*! I hope Joey likes my piccy of him ^_^! I know he's been bugging me about coloring it *Lol*! I'm de read more Image Properties: 450x430 164.5 kb View (5) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Chibi What if Joey [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Jesschan  Uploaded On: Oct 20 16:14:07 2002 Description: I've been in a Joey drawing mood lately ^_^! I think he looks SOOOOOO ADORABLE I just had to draw him ^_^!!!
Joey © Joey Image Properties: 269x338 95.05 kb View (6) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Kusuguttai Kuragari ~ Sugar*sweet (oekaki) [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: SaePotter  Uploaded On: Oct 20 12:18:06 2002 Description: This ish Kusuguttai Kuragari from my manga,
she's Kureru Kuragari's older sister! Image Properties: 300x400 45.6 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Fuu-chan trying 2 look like Naru (oekaki) [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: SaePotter  Uploaded On: Oct 20 12:13:58 2002 Description: This ish the product of meh listening2 Love Hina music, and watching Love
Hina music videos... ^^;; it's meh trying2 kinda look like Naru XD I copied heroutfit from the Love Hina ~ Christmas
special ep! I love that outfitI want it ^___^; Image Properties: 300x400 67.31 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: SeLf PoRtRaIt of me on a weekend^^ (oekaki) [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: SaePotter  Uploaded On: Oct 20 12:09:59 2002 Description: Yep, this ish what i look like ^^; But Idun have the lil patchy thing under myeye ^^; and my hair ish only that messywhen I dun brush it when I'm sleeping! Image Properties: 300x400 83.28 kb
 | Title: Young Chikyu Chi (oekaki ) [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: SaePotter  Uploaded On: Oct 20 12:04:40 2002 Charcters: Tablet Description: hehe...this ish what I did when I got
bored XD It's a baby Chikyu-san!!!
I think she's kawaii when she's small!!
tell meh whatcha think!!!! Image Properties: 300x400 74.02 kb
 | Title: Ruki Makino (Sketch) [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Pinali  Uploaded On: Oct 20 10:16:37 2002 Charcters: Ruki/Rika Description: This is my Ruki sketch. It's old, and...sketchy...but still okay enough to be coloured sometime. This is going towards a layout on my site ^_^ Image Properties: 346x640 40.48 kb View (3) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Trance Kuja [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Genome_Screams  Uploaded On: Oct 20 6:49:21 2002 Charcters: Kuja Description: My first CG work in a really long time.. I'm still picking up new technique's and styles, so bare with me while I play around. Mediums used: Jasc paint shop pro 7This took me nine hours to do, from the drawing, to the inking, cleaning, to the coloring, all read more Image Properties: 675x900 128.69 kb View (7) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Vendrevin [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: spinizuey  Uploaded On: Oct 19 21:13:50 2002 Description: This is my pencil rendition of Vendrevin (a character created by my friend). To view more of my artwork, please visit thank you :) You can look up other vendrevin pics by searching the author: Silverbane Image Properties: 590x664 149.17 kb View (3) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: X 1999 Resu. [ Anime/Manga :: X ] By: Jincy le Fou  Uploaded On: Oct 19 21:13:17 2002 Charcters: Kamui Shirou Description: Well. I "finished" it.
The "cover" for the up comingfic "X '99 Resurrection"
Someone said feathers floataround randomly in the comic,
but I've only seen the moviewhere as those cherry blossompetals were around so i did
them both!< read more Image Properties: 368x478 70.47 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Sir Mordred [ Mythological :: Knight/Warrior/Fighter ] By: Nepenthe  Uploaded On: Oct 19 13:31:10 2002 Description: Just finished a section on Arthurian ledgend in English ;0) Probably not the best thing i've ever drawn, but all my art sort of inherantly sucks if anyone has any constructive criticism, it's totally welcome. Image Properties: 471x550 54.73 kb View (7) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Fear the Pan [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: DeeChan  Uploaded On: Oct 19 11:47:11 2002 Charcters: Chichi, Goku Description: Goku must have done something to upset ChiChi. Maybe trying to run off with Gohan and Piccolo to train. Please review and have a nice day everyone ^_^. Image Properties: 422x688 38.53 kb View (7) Visitor Reviews |
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