Title: faerie of autumn waning [ Mythological :: Faery/Fairy/ Faeries ] By: elvisisdead Uploaded On: Oct 19 6:04:53 2002 Description: This is an original creation (copyright butterdog concepts 2002). I think the idea of dying leaves against a cold sky is very romantic; and I specially like to think there may be fairies hiding in the blowing leaves! ^-^ Image Properties: 555x576 38.48 kb View (3) Visitor Reviews
Title: I'm here... [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Kuruma-chan Uploaded On: Oct 19 2:47:39 2002 Charcters: Auron FFX, Braska Description: Drawn a while ago for Auron@FFMux 'cause he was feeling bad. I play Braska@FFMux, so peoples kinna understand why it's Braska trying to comfort him. Frankly, I think this is one of my better Braska doodles to date! (Though I still think I can do better wit read more Image Properties: 300x300 38.1 kb View (3) Visitor Reviews
Title: Mirai Goten [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: DeeChan Uploaded On: Oct 18 12:34:48 2002 Charcters: Goten Description: Umm *sweatdrops* It's Mirai(future) Goten..well just my impression of what he could look like if Goten had gone back to warn the Z Senshi instead of Mirai Trunks.
I had fun drawing the clothes and trying to draw it 'Toriyama style'..please tell me w read more Image Properties: 401x558 33.64 kb View (7) Visitor Reviews
Title: Gohan SSJ [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: lohan Uploaded On: Oct 18 9:18:11 2002 Charcters: gohan Description: Drew this after watching a music video showing gohan beat up cell. Made him a little older/buffer. Didn't use a ref when drawing.
First time I used a brush pen to ink (Don't like it either. Too thick) Image Properties: 618x800 96.12 kb View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: You still don't got it.... [ Computer/Video Game :: Kingdom Hearts ] By: Kuruma-chan Uploaded On: Oct 18 3:59:40 2002 Charcters: Sora Description: Z was having trouble getting through the vines in the Tarzan part of Kingdom Hearts... ^^ So I went and drew this to tease her. C'mon lil Sora, Riku can help ya cross the vines. ^_~
Never again am I doing an oekaki with this much freakin' detail....< read more Image Properties: 450x250 135.73 kb View (5) Visitor Reviews
Title: Pan and her Poké crew [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Raven Star Uploaded On: Oct 18 2:56:08 2002 Charcters: Pan Description: Another picture of Pan as a Pokemon trainer. This picture was done for me by Amazon Fox.
Sorry for taking so long to put this picture up, AF. I love it!! And can't wait for more. Image Properties: 405x467 41.88 kb View (3) Visitor Reviews