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Title: Ed in his boxers [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: wateria
Uploaded On: May 29 14:20:43 2007
Charcters: Edward Elric
Description: I drew this before I got out of school. I'm not to fond of his mouth and eyes, but I like the way his body came out out anyway. The pencil smuged the mouth area and I couldn't figure out how to fix it.
Image Properties: 377x521 24.37 kb
Title: Kiss [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Madyamisam
Uploaded On: May 29 9:03:23 2007
Charcters: Jounouchi Katsuya, Kaiba Seto
Description: The epitome of every S/J fangirl's fantasies. I tried to submit this in a competition... T___T Did not win...
Image Properties: 480x346 27.99 kb
Title: Dragon [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Rion
Uploaded On: May 28 20:15:19 2007
Charcters: Harry Potter
Description: Um.... I admit, it's not finished. But I wanted to put it up now so I could compare it to the finished picture. I can't finish it now because I'm on vacation and don't have access to my adobe paintshop. Boooo. Anyway, there is a story for this character, b read more
Image Properties: 617x793 88.89 kb
Title: Tsumi [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Desiree Dee
Uploaded On: May 28 18:05:13 2007
Description: I think this is a far better picture of Tsumi. My OC in Written In Ink.
Image Properties: 954x1314 383.04 kb
Title: Sasuke and Sakura [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Geany 101
Uploaded On: May 28 15:21:09 2007
Charcters: Sakura, Sasuke
Description: i'm trying to draw the Naruto team, but to do that i have to trace and tweack. this is one of those, the originole it a pic of Sessy and Kagome, if you have comeplaints about me posting this then tell me and i'll take it off. but i did this for the shading read more
Image Properties: 756x732 129.96 kb
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Title: Arimo [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Meeso-Soop
Uploaded On: May 28 14:47:58 2007
Charcters: MMorg Forum Member / S
Description: This is Arimo, the character that represents me in my manga about my life titled "Alter Ego".
Image Properties: 637x779 153.93 kb
Title: Hiyoko [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Meeso-Soop
Uploaded On: May 28 9:29:40 2007
Charcters: Bishoujo
Description: The sword is all wrong, and so is her grip, but I have sword-knowledge deficit disorder, and if you laugh at me I'll die. Hiyoko is my main roleplaying character on a forum I fixed up for my friends called Heiwa Tamashii. Hiyoko (age 16) is an assassin, an read more
Image Properties: 656x735 196.52 kb
Title: Team rain [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: yenibeth
Uploaded On: May 26 8:08:27 2007
Description: This are the main characters of A fic I am writting...The rain and the clouds reach Konoha.
Image Properties: 480x576 32.93 kb
Title: Tracer Zen - Shoujo Style [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Bastion
Uploaded On: May 25 8:42:05 2007
Description: Fanfiction linked Fanart by Setsu-P. Tracer Zen having a shoujo moment after a hard workout with his enigmatic sword. An original character from my story Terrible Things to Waste. Please visit Setsu-P's website http://www.iguananet.us/rmw read more
Image Properties: 870x724 48.44 kb
Title: Malance [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Bastion
Uploaded On: May 25 8:39:11 2007
Description: Fanfiction linked Fanart by Setsu-P. The deadly Malance in his full armored glory. An original character from my story Terrible Things to Waste. Please visit Setsu-P's website http://www.iguananet.us/rmwerx/
Image Properties: 738x1051 81.15 kb
Title: Halebit - Puppet Master? [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Bastion
Uploaded On: May 25 8:04:40 2007
Description: Fanfiction linked Fanart by Setsu-P. As Halebit pulls the strings on his "puppets", Nihil makes him wonder who's really pulling the strings. Original characters from my story Terrible Things to Waste. Please visit Setsu-P's website http:/ read more
Image Properties: 582x620 49.12 kb
Title: Isisu [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Bastion
Uploaded On: May 25 7:53:24 2007
Description: Fanfiction linked Fanart by Setsu-P. A mysterious woman with no past, Isisu, from the story Sovereign of the Spirit. Please visit Setsu-P's website http://www.iguananet.us/rmwerx/
Image Properties: 321x324 19.93 kb
Title: Isisu - Persistence of Memory [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Bastion
Uploaded On: May 25 7:48:07 2007
Description: Fanfiction linked Fanart by Setsu-P. The mysterious Isisu waking from a strange dream. Character from the story Sovereign of the Spirit. Please visit Setsu-P's website http://www.iguananet.us/rmwerx/
Image Properties: 477x353 15.86 kb
Title: Sailor Dis (KiSS version) [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Bastion
Uploaded On: May 25 7:45:56 2007
Description: Fanfiction linked Fanart by Setsu-P. A KiSS Doll version of Sailor Dis, Guardian of the Dimensions, from the story Sovereign of the Spirit. Please visit Setsu-P's website http://www.iguananet.us/rmwerx/
Image Properties: 198x448 12.18 kb
Title: Sailor Dis [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Bastion
Uploaded On: May 25 7:09:38 2007
Description: Fanfiction linked Fanart by Setsu-P. The Guardian of the Dimensions, Sailor Dis from the story Sovereign of the Spirit. Please visit Setsu-P's website http://www.iguananet.us/rmwerx/
Image Properties: 303x450 21.28 kb
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