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Title: Differnt Hurt [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: NoOneCanHearMe
Uploaded On: Jul 4 19:25:30 2007
Charcters: Angel
Description: Bored and decided to draw this so yeah. It's an original image that I created completely. So, I own it. Comment welcome, flames denied, constructive critizism is okay as long as it's gramatically and punctually correct.
Image Properties: 480x554 57.02 kb
Title: Inspiration [ Anime/Manga :: Fake ] By: Garita
Uploaded On: Jul 4 12:25:58 2007
Charcters: Dee Laytner, Randy Ryo Maclean
Description: I drew this after inspiration struck me, and it in turn inspired me to write the story 'DEE'. The story is still in progress, but so is the colouring phase for this picture. I will upload the end result when I have it complete, I just thought people might read more
Image Properties: 1280x926 487.27 kb
Title: Pretty in Pink [ Miscellaneous :: Catgirl/boy-Cat Creatures ] By: Yavie Feels Pretty
Uploaded On: Jul 4 9:03:04 2007
Description: Yep. More CG practice. =D
Image Properties: 550x600 61.07 kb
Title: You Snaked Me [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: coke_cola123
Uploaded On: Jul 4 6:16:00 2007
Charcters: Orochimaru, Sasuke
Description: I only did this for 3 days, and it's still pretty crappy, It was made by Me and my Friend during CLVE time... I edited one of my fellow MM.org writer, "akairo-chan" you can look at it in GSD section "Autumn Love", People! Review, (With the help of Adobe Ph read more
Image Properties: 415x554 155.63 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: Kanna [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Out of Time
Uploaded On: Jul 3 18:39:09 2007
Charcters: Kanna
Description: My favourite character! This turned out really good, for me, anyway. Sketched then inked.
Image Properties: 600x600 49.88 kb
Title: kiss [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: kaoru_kamya
Uploaded On: Jul 3 7:53:56 2007
Charcters: Kaoru Kamiya, Kenshin Himura
Description: kenshin is surprised isn't he? LOL xD reviews pleeease
Image Properties: 2336x1752 455.2 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: Lestat ID for Deviant Art [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Middlen
Uploaded On: Jul 3 4:50:24 2007
Description: This is just a random anime picture that I drew.
Image Properties: 600x1011 146.96 kb
Title: Kai And Dranzer [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: Cold Black Raven
Uploaded On: Jul 2 20:47:49 2007
Description: Just a gift to the guy I love the most in this world.
Image Properties: 480x600 99.72 kb
Title: Kakashi and Emiko [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Xxshadow-queenxX
Uploaded On: Jul 2 1:42:14 2007
Charcters: Kakashi
Description: ok well, i FINALLY got a scanner!* victory dance* This is my OC Emiko and Kakashi. Fan fic not yet posted.
Image Properties: 773x810 339.34 kb
Title: Sesshoumaru Puppy [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Out of Time
Uploaded On: Jul 1 20:32:27 2007
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: One cute little Sesshoumaru puppy! I used watercolour pencils on an overlocking sample that I never handed in to my teacher. Water really brings the colour out. It says Sesshoumaru up the top, along with a cresent moon shape.
Image Properties: 481x362 55.94 kb
Title: Cubism [ Miscellaneous :: Abstract Art ] By: Goddess of Ice
Uploaded On: Jul 1 10:49:46 2007
Description: This is a work that i reciently did for my art class. It is in the cubist style (i know that cubism techniqually isnt absract but i didnt know where else to put it!). It features a piano, a clarinette, and a candle holder. Done in black, white and terra co read more
Image Properties: 822x991 122.41 kb
Title: The Return [ Mythological :: Mermaid/Merfolk ] By: Goddess of Ice
Uploaded On: Jul 1 10:22:28 2007
Charcters: Serita
Description: I did this last year, it took a collective 900 hours to do on a wooden chair in acrylic paint. It is a reproduction of Jonathen Earl Bowser's The Return that I did for my art class. This is the seat of the chair featuring a winged mermaid that holds the li read more
Image Properties: 600x537 42.44 kb
Title: Kurobara [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: DoomChild
Uploaded On: Jun 29 13:58:27 2007
Description: A made up character... ^.^
Image Properties: 584x800 106.23 kb
Title: InuPSess - Surprise [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Werewolf_of_Fire
Uploaded On: Jun 28 20:28:06 2007
Charcters: Inuyasha's Father, Sesshomaru
Description: It had innocent (and painful) connotations until my friend saw it. ==;
Image Properties: 833x651 124.13 kb
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Title: InuSess - Kiss [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Werewolf_of_Fire
Uploaded On: Jun 28 20:25:29 2007
Charcters: Inuyasha, Sesshomaru
Description: T_T Why is it I can never draw Sesshomaru's second arm?
Image Properties: 704x761 121.49 kb
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