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Title: inuyasha windscar [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: winter silhouette
Uploaded On: Mar 25 1:21:39 2007
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: this is a very very rough scetch of inuyasha that i drew while i was in science class i thought it was okay for just a rough scetch
Image Properties: 1700x2338 280.1 kb
Title: Sexy Sasuke [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Malika15
Uploaded On: Mar 24 16:46:37 2007
Charcters: Sasuke
Description: I was inspired by his hottness. My brother said he killed his brother, Itachi, so i'm going wit that ^_^
Image Properties: 465x640 81.19 kb
Title: May/Haruka Pose 01 [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: Diiamond Traiiner
Uploaded On: Mar 24 15:47:21 2007
Charcters: May
Description: May/Haruka posing for a picture! LoL, of which I drew! LoL!! Her arms might look a little weird, but that's only because she's holding her hands behind her back. XP! Contestshipping, People! >D!
Image Properties: 1594x1190 178.72 kb
Title: Drew/Shuu holding a Pokéball [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: Diiamond Traiiner
Uploaded On: Mar 24 15:37:17 2007
Charcters: Missing Character-Pokemon
Description: This is Drew/Shuu from Pokémon: Advanced-Battle Frontier. He's a recurring character and he's totally paired up with May/Haruka in the show! It's so obvious! This is called Contestshipping, People. Remember it and start doing it! >D
Image Properties: 878x875 103.62 kb
Title: My Hiei Saiai [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Leviatha
Uploaded On: Mar 24 0:02:11 2007
Charcters: Hiei
Description: Long time no art eh?? ^_^ Sorry bout that,been REAL busy. Anyway, here's my latest Hiei drawing.He pretty much takes my breath away here......*-*
Image Properties: 501x742 43.3 kb
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Title: Automail Ed [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: Robyn05
Uploaded On: Mar 23 22:32:25 2007
Charcters: Edward Elric
Description: A picture I drew from one of the mangas. I just drew the picture bigger, with more detail, and more shading. Enjoy.
Image Properties: 571x415 44.63 kb
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Title: Stardrop [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Stars Came Out
Uploaded On: Mar 23 22:07:14 2007
Charcters: Shippo
Description: Old picture of Shippou.
Image Properties: 630x596 116.46 kb
Title: T-Chan's gonna getcha [ Anime/Manga :: Pet Shop of Horrors ] By: Nekomata
Uploaded On: Mar 23 14:54:11 2007
Description: T-chan the Totetsu stalking his favorite prey. Poor Leon, how does he afford to replace his jeans so often?
Image Properties: 670x792 196.22 kb
Title: "My Miko" [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: madmiko
Uploaded On: Mar 23 12:43:37 2007
Description: This beautiful picture of Kagome and Hiei was drawn by the fabulously talented Sara Turner, whose account on here is listed under Sardave. She was kind enough to draw this for me for my story "Hentai Bets." Just look at Hiei's expression: per read more
Image Properties: 975x768 98.31 kb
Title: Encounter1 [ Anime/Manga :: SD Gundam ] By: May-VeggieGirl1
Uploaded On: Mar 23 10:37:01 2007
Description: Random fanart drawing time~ This time an encounter of two female OCs from completely different authors/artists/fics... SilverBellsAbove's Graye Kenneth and GundamCat's Major Rally and kitty Mayu! Wouldn't that be fun if they met? Or even better, if all the read more
Image Properties: 400x200 85.97 kb
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Title: My Miko [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Sardave
Uploaded On: Mar 23 10:31:50 2007
Charcters: Hiei
Description: I know she doesn't particularly look like Kagome, but that is supposed to be her...This was done by request and is my first attempt at a pairing. All graphite; 2H mostly, 2HB, and 2B. Took me about 10-12 hours total over 3 days to do. Hope you like. read more
Image Properties: 912x691 91.44 kb
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Title: Mutio [ Anime/Manga :: Blue Submarine No.6 ] By: kamoraptor
Uploaded On: Mar 23 6:45:04 2007
Charcters: Mutio
Description: this is one of my favorites although i havn't gotten around to coloring it yet.
Image Properties: 1374x1275 170.24 kb
Title: Ketchup on some Fries [ Mythological :: Dragon/Dragons ] By: OokamiDraconius
Uploaded On: Mar 23 6:32:30 2007
Charcters: Original Dragon
Description: No, not really. I colored him though :3 *gasp* done in 2D class! 8|
Image Properties: 624x593 334.02 kb
Title: Ammy [ Computer/Video Game :: Other ] By: OokamiDraconius
Uploaded On: Mar 23 6:29:52 2007
Description: yeah. I love Okami. so there. I got tired right around coloring her fire wheel. :3
Image Properties: 461x544 193.42 kb
Title: Reason *nude warning!* [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: OokamiDraconius
Uploaded On: Mar 23 6:27:28 2007
Charcters: Bishounen, Humanoid
Description: "What is my reason to live if there is nothing left to live for?" Asa musing about Seiya's death and eventually gets horribly depressed. Someone save him! D= rated mature for nekkid Asa
Image Properties: 622x588 203.84 kb
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