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Title: Chibi Bankotsu [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Darkinuhanyou
Uploaded On: Feb 6 14:26:42 2006
Charcters: Bankotsu
Description: I drew this for a contest on DeviantArt, and I haven't posted here in a while, so I wanted to post it here.
Image Properties: 533x800 62.08 kb
Title: Toki [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Taio
Uploaded On: Feb 6 8:47:53 2006
Description: Original character. It's a guy...
Image Properties: 900x1191 355.7 kb
Title: Battousai is back [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: muzic_madnezz
Uploaded On: Feb 6 7:31:46 2006
Description: ooo....is there a glint of battousai in his eyes?
Image Properties: 1241x1508 467.33 kb
Title: Sword sheathing...... [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: muzic_madnezz
Uploaded On: Feb 6 7:27:13 2006
Description: Kenshin seems to have encountered an opponent~
Image Properties: 1240x1753 310.37 kb
Title: Kitty Yugi [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Phyco Monkey
Uploaded On: Feb 6 7:24:16 2006
Charcters: Yuugi Mutou
Description: Okay Son Cara, this is your Kitty Yugi pic all colored! It was my first time trying to use the photo print shop thing so I don't think it came out that well... but hey I tried.
Image Properties: 752x768 93.42 kb
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Title: A softer side of a killer... [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: muzic_madnezz
Uploaded On: Feb 6 7:16:28 2006
Description: Font Color Lets look at a softer side of Kenshin, the originally cold-blooded killer samurai....~~~I admit this is my first drawing of Kenshin...`^^
Image Properties: 1220x1754 140.33 kb
Title: red haired child [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: split personality fun
Uploaded On: Feb 5 17:26:27 2006
Description: Just a pic of one of my charries, Ari-chan.
Image Properties: 340x291 19.99 kb
Title: Yuffie [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: chibirin8
Uploaded On: Feb 4 23:06:56 2006
Charcters: Yuffie Kisaragi
Description: I did this one for some that I saw liked Yuffie there is some thing that I messed on that I know of but I would really like to know what everyone else thinks. I would also have to say im happy with how the coloring came out on this one I think im getting b read more
Image Properties: 620x581 169.62 kb
Title: Kiss [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: chibirin8
Uploaded On: Feb 4 23:00:07 2006
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: This is a pic I have done of sephiroth and sesshomaru kissing. ever since I read a sessXsephy fanfic they have been my fav paring SessXinu coming in close second. I would think to here what you think of it I just love comments good or bad.
Image Properties: 575x575 180.08 kb
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Title: Silvana Walking [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: haiku_amarante
Uploaded On: Feb 4 20:53:35 2006
Charcters: Original Character
Description: Another picture of Silvana. I like this one much better though, and the colors are all right.
Image Properties: 400x527 127.12 kb
Title: an old team with a new look [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Sonic the Hedgehog ] By: Misk
Uploaded On: Feb 4 18:30:54 2006
Charcters: Knuckles The Echidna, Sally Acorn, Sonic The Hedgehog, Tails
Description: a slightly older work ive been tinkering with for fun. im not thrild with it, but im not disapointed with it ither. human vershions of some of my childhood heros...with a new adition throuwn in for good meshion. knuckels, tails, sonic, sally and shadow...h read more
Image Properties: 603x722 98.74 kb
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Title: Fairy Playground [ Mythological :: Faery/Fairy/ Faeries ] By: Dramatic Clause
Uploaded On: Feb 4 14:29:13 2006
Description: Obviously it's not colored. I hope that one day it will be. Sadly, though, I can't color digitally at all. And I didn't want to ruin the shading, either. Anyway, tell me if you like it! =)
Image Properties: 494x604 78.75 kb
Title: Inuyasha and Kagome [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: RamEN AdDicT92
Uploaded On: Feb 4 14:16:47 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Okay i colored one of the pics i had on here before (but got taken off cuz that's the way life goes...). It took me about 5 hours 20 minutes so I hope you like it. And also...(in case you're wondering why it took so long) it was really hard and it took so read more
Image Properties: 384x512 35.97 kb
Title: Sesshomaru [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: RamEN AdDicT92
Uploaded On: Feb 4 14:15:31 2006
Description: Hey people! This is a picture i drew of Sesshomaru a while back...i colored it using colored pencil and then put it on with my scanner that i just recently got! this is my first pic using my scanner so from now on any pics i put on here will be clear...not read more
Image Properties: 455x584 44.31 kb
Title: Reminisce [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Spirit-Wolf25
Uploaded On: Feb 4 10:25:33 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: The original...the one I did before Sesshoumaru. I think I like this one the best of the two, maybe because it was the first one I did. Inuyasha was also done in Paint...Enjoy!
Image Properties: 445x610 86.64 kb
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