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Title: Sesshomaru [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Leviatha
Uploaded On: Sep 5 12:00:17 2005
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: This is my first drawing of Sesshomaru
Image Properties: 720x616 46.51 kb
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Title: simple sakura [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: white_ninja067
Uploaded On: Sep 5 5:25:55 2005
Charcters: Sakura
Description: just a simple front view of sakura. she's older here. more mature... ;P
Image Properties: 263x475 88.21 kb
Title: Sasuke scene [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Marise-Faia
Uploaded On: Sep 4 19:57:16 2005
Charcters: Sasuke
Description: My first picture if Dasuke that I had drawn
Image Properties: 1402x1069 162.09 kb
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Title: Ryou as a Bunny [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Kayzie
Uploaded On: Sep 4 18:38:27 2005
Charcters: Ryou Bakura
Description: This is my drawing of Ryou as a bunny rabbit. Its a tribute to Princess Haillies fanfic "Gone Wild" on FanFiction.net. I drew this in pencil and fixed it on the computer...not well but still.
Image Properties: 358x457 22.48 kb
Title: EXE Forte [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Moon-Priestess
Uploaded On: Sep 4 18:29:14 2005
Description: I was reading one of those MM.exe mangas, and found a pic of forte's face, so I combined it with that cool cloak thing at a slightly altered angle. ^^
Image Properties: 375x500 55.8 kb
Title: Alice [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Alice In Wonderland ] By: Eisha
Uploaded On: Sep 4 16:43:10 2005
Description: Little doodle I did during class of Alice.
Image Properties: 406x244 35.5 kb
Title: Shiva [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: short-n-smart
Uploaded On: Sep 4 16:40:14 2005
Charcters: Shiva
Description: sorry for lashing at u guys in the last one I sent. I jst have had a little trouble at home and need to get things straight upstairs....As you might have guessed this is an extremely poor drawn pic of Shiva I drew. She is absolutely my fave GF or what ever read more
Image Properties: 479x645 53.81 kb
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Title: Supper time? [ Anime/Manga :: Wolf's Rain. ] By: Nodadon
Uploaded On: Sep 4 12:40:07 2005
Charcters: Hige, Toboe
Description: Well...as much as i'd like it to be, this picture still isn't finished...i need to edit it a bit, shade it, and ink it...someday
Image Properties: 621x856 129.04 kb
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Title: Mario Runs from Evil Luigi Lord [ Computer/Video Game :: Super Smash Brothers ] By: Silver_Griffon_Girl
Uploaded On: Sep 3 20:29:05 2005
Description: This is another scene involving my brother's character, Evil Luigi Lord. Btw, ELL stands for [who other than] Evil Luigi Lord. Also the "Ten Testaments of Pain" Are a kind of torture that ELL uses.
Image Properties: 480x608 120.92 kb
Title: It's the Evil Luigi Lord! [ Computer/Video Game :: Super Smash Brothers ] By: Silver_Griffon_Girl
Uploaded On: Sep 3 20:23:55 2005
Description: This is the Evil Luigi Lord, my brother's made-up Mario character. He WAS Luigi, except Mario kept taking all the credit, and Luigi finally lost it. You can only imagine what happened next...
Image Properties: 480x548 94.69 kb
Title: My drawing of Usopp [ Anime/Manga :: One Piece ] By: Silver_Griffon_Girl
Uploaded On: Sep 3 20:20:45 2005
Charcters: Usopp
Description: It's Usopp, the greatest character in One Piece, alone in the swamp. It's a cool pic.
Image Properties: 638x480 293.69 kb
Title: Zoro... Napping... [ Anime/Manga :: One Piece ] By: Silver_Griffon_Girl
Uploaded On: Sep 3 20:14:55 2005
Charcters: Roronoa Zoro
Description: Another One-Piece picture! This time of Zoro. Sleeping. Wow. (Yes, dubbies, his name is Zoro with one R not Zolo with a L.)
Image Properties: 638x480 54.12 kb
Title: Luffy on a Llama [ Anime/Manga :: One Piece ] By: Silver_Griffon_Girl
Uploaded On: Sep 3 20:11:38 2005
Charcters: Monkey D. Rufi
Description: YAY! I FINALLY GOT THIS SCANNED! ^^ Now all you peeps can enjoy Luffy riding a llama in the jungle with some other animal-things. YAYAYAYAYAY!! (Crowd: Calm down, SGG, Calm. Down.)
Image Properties: 480x630 295.29 kb
Title: Sesshomaru giving Inuyasha the Boot [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: listersgirl
Uploaded On: Sep 3 19:26:57 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Sesshomaru
Description: Sesshomaru banishing Inu Yayasha out of the Dog Demon Fortress. Another scene from A Tale of Two Brothers by Lady Kagewaki (fanfiction.net)
Image Properties: 504x532 71.8 kb
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Title: Family Portrait [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: listersgirl
Uploaded On: Sep 3 19:19:20 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Inuyasha's Father, Inuyasha's Mother, Sesshomaru
Description: This a family portrait of Inutaisho, his wives and sons. This is the title page I did for a friend's fic: A Tale of Two Brothers by Lady Kagewaki (Fanfiction.net). It was a challenge to do Sesshomaru's mother. Inu Yasha's parents too.
Image Properties: 509x475 73.63 kb
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