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Title: Movies of our Dreams [ Anime/Manga :: FLCL ] By: Spacecataz
Uploaded On: Jul 27 8:49:41 2004
Charcters: Haruko, Naota
Description: Haruko and Naota sleeping together peacefully. Adapted from the manga book 2 inlay.
Image Properties: 801x847 357.02 kb
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Title: Amelda and Varon having a tea break [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Malik's girlfriend
Uploaded On: Jul 27 8:42:02 2004
Charcters: Yugioh
Description: This is one of my faveourite drawings I've done, It's based on the new Yu Gi Oh series Doom.
Image Properties: 454x423 41.79 kb
Title: Enter the Penguin Mafia ::cackles:: [ Miscellaneous :: Animal(s) ] By: PandaPants
Uploaded On: Jul 26 22:15:58 2004
Charcters: Penguins
Description: Random inspiration at the lunch tables... Mini caption reads: Very unintellegent National Geographic photographer. Flame away! XD
Image Properties: 588x713 43.09 kb
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Title: Hellshingu [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: wingates
Uploaded On: Jul 26 19:01:08 2004
Description: Ok I made this in photoshop. Im defently not very savvy with it but I can get the job done.
Image Properties: 640x480 79.47 kb
Title: Just to say hi! [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Shun208
Uploaded On: Jul 26 16:21:39 2004
Charcters: Hiei, Kurama
Description: Hi! I hope you guys like this pic...It's not yaoi. Yea too bad uh? Well I was going to shade in Hiei's hair...but that was going to take too long. Let me knoe what you think ks...I didn't color it. I don't have to right program. I like my pic better in bla read more
Image Properties: 387x502 53.78 kb
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Title: Birthday Gift! ^^ [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: gumi-sama
Uploaded On: Jul 26 11:49:58 2004
Charcters: Naraku
Description: I drew this for a friend as a birthday gift. Yes I gave my friend an Evil Villian for a birthday gift o.o You got a problem with that? -.- Just Kidding ^^; Enjoy the piccie! ^ ~
Image Properties: 1083x1311 115.83 kb
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Title: Samurai Fire Moon [ Mythological :: Knight/Warrior/Fighter ] By: gumi-sama
Uploaded On: Jul 26 11:39:53 2004
Description: He's back again! ^^
Image Properties: 900x1171 173.07 kb
Title: Roar [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Jeffery24
Uploaded On: Jul 25 22:05:28 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: Kagome umm uhh cut off his hair while he was asleep on a human night and tried to escape to the well before sunrise...but she didnt make it. Done worry people, if Inu Yash can heal as fast as he does, he will grow his hair back in less than a day. Love Reb read more
Image Properties: 739x1020 128.45 kb
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Title: Cassandra Alexandra - 2P [ Computer/Video Game :: Soul Calibur ] By: Woodstock
Uploaded On: Jul 25 20:20:42 2004
Charcters: Cassandra
Description: Soul Calibur 2 - Cassandra's 2P outfit, lacking a little detail because my reference picture was crappy. It's still pretty good in my opinion. Done with pencils, touched up a little in my graphics program. Resubmitted, 'cause I finally found my less crappy read more
Image Properties: 689x1107 118.15 kb
Title: Still Innoccent [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Jeffery24
Uploaded On: Jul 25 18:38:14 2004
Description: Well...It's colored now, but no one cares Love Rebecca
Image Properties: 301x445 34.88 kb
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Title: Gaian Avatar Design [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: rured
Uploaded On: Jul 25 18:30:02 2004
Description: >.>...it didn't really turn out that good.......
Image Properties: 284x274 10.68 kb
Title: Future Pan [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Zdreamer
Uploaded On: Jul 25 17:28:40 2004
Charcters: Pan
Description: This is a verision of pan if she was born in Miria Trunks timeline.
Image Properties: 1381x2171 174.82 kb
Title: Forever Waiting... [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Dilandaus_lover
Uploaded On: Jul 25 13:25:11 2004
Charcters: Relena
Description: This was meant to be the mirroring image to the Quatre pic i drew 'so alone' a few weeks back when i was helping out at my dad's school. And now that I've done it I'm considering removing the blue tie-dye style background. We'll see. I rarely do the gw gir read more
Image Properties: 544x324 23.91 kb
Title: Naughty Hikari Yugi [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Sorceress of Fire
Uploaded On: Jul 25 9:13:46 2004
Charcters: Yuugi Mutou
Description: Yugi as a woman
Image Properties: 734x507 27.3 kb
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Title: Naughty Hikari Malik [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Sorceress of Fire
Uploaded On: Jul 25 9:12:27 2004
Charcters: Malik Ishtar
Description: Malik drawned as a woman
Image Properties: 734x507 23.93 kb
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