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Artwork uploaded on Nov 7 8:27:22 PST 2004, since then it was viewed 851 times.
Artist's Commentary Almost all of this was done at college over the last two days. Drawing and outlining yesterday, colouring all of today!! Really pleased with the result!! The background was drawn from the room I'm in at college (with slight artistic lisence in places!!) Such as, blue floor insted of grey, diffrent view from window (although it is the view from another room), diffrent chairs (although we did spend all day drawing chairs like that suspended from the celing!!) Again, more detail than is probably needed, but I love detail so euh!! The securaty camera was a last minite addition (drawn from one in an Argos cattalogue)! I'll leave you to decide how far they get with that camera pointed at them!! Oo, also, can anyon spot the spider? Please leave a comment, thanx! |