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Country Cottage fun
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Country Cottage fun by Hazel-rah
Category: Mythological :: Furries :: Canine
Artwork uploaded on Nov 7 8:29:37 PST 2004, since then it was viewed 937 times and reviewed 1 times.
Artist's Commentary
Drawn/inked at home, coloured at college. Love how this turned out!! My delutional German Shepard (still unnamed) and his boyfriend, Christoph. The crzy German Shepard wanted to take Christoph for a 'romantic' weekend away. Unfortunatly for Christoph, the German Shepard had his own ideas on what romantic means!! That background was really hard to do, and I know I fucked up on the carpit (and I should naver have inclided that dam colourful rug)!! But I do love how the rest of it, particualy the walls, turned out. I actualy drew the background from one in a magazine advert!! Please leave a comment, thanx!

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