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Kagome the Godess of the Oppisetts by gcdv 
Artwork uploaded on Jul 14 16:57:30 PDT 2005, since then it was viewed 1513 times and reviewed 6 times.
Artist's Commentary This is a picture of Kagome in her Godess form, from my fic time Traveling Screws Everything Up, Chapter: 22. She started towards her enemys. "They once again dog piled her, but this time; two seconds later they where all insinirated as Kagome started to get a golden energy in the shape of a ball around her that took out the demons, mikos, and humans. But what shocked Midoriko was that she didn't realese the power, but then again it might have been that she couldn't. Now, she was no longer just a forbidden child, a miko/demon. Now she was a...a...godess......"This was aspired by the Sailor Moon movie, Amy's first Love. She is very colorful, if you want the colored version email me and ask for it...lol |