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Artwork uploaded on Jul 14 17:05:58 PDT 2005, since then it was viewed 995 times and reviewed 1 times.
Artist's Commentary This is my Character,Takara. She is from my upcoming Fan Fic Intitled " Takara's Revenge". The Sword she holds is an untransformed Kassatsujizai. The Kassatsujizai is her powerful sword of Life and Death. The Dragonflys that hover around her are one of her demon powers, The Akatonbo, or Red Dragonfly.This power emits from her palm and Releases a Red Dragonfly, Which Mistifies,and Enters the air waves of the attacker.If Many of you Wonder about her close appearence to a certain Taiyoukai,It is because she is Sesshomaru's Daughter..Though in the fic he doesn't know it((well yet)). Anyways please R/R ..I'd like to read your comments. XX_Blue_Lips_XX P.S Wish to see more of my work go to http://mysticxfear.deviantart.com/ |