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Artwork uploaded on Jan 16 0:04:44 PST 2006, since then it was viewed 7039 times and reviewed 20 times.
Artist's Commentary Overall, this, my first piece of Inuyasha fan art, took 15 hours, 6 of which was spent drawing -- having my computer be a prat and die -- and commensing to re-draw what was lost. I used Photoshop CS and Paintshop Pro ver. 7 for the whole thing and the only reference used was for a folded back dog ear, which doesn't really matter since I blurred out Inuyasha to make the focus be Kagome. There's no specific story behind it, but I think it's fairly easy for the viewer to imagine what lead to this scene. I'm personally a die-hard Inuyasha/Kagome fan, so while things look bad at this moment, I'm fairly certain that they will work things out. About my style and choice to do them more realistically: Just because I like Inuyasha doesn't mean that I have to draw fan art in the same style as the manga/anime, so please don't bash my art over the fact I didn't depict them how they are normally protrayed. If you want to see the usual cartoon versions, you'd do better to look elsewhere, because I have no overwhelming desire to draw them in any style other than my own quasi-realistic one. Fandom is more ingrained in loving the characters and story, not the style in which it's drawn, so please be a bit more open-minded. Thanks to everyone who's reviewed, even if it wasn't favorable. Details: http://www.sketchydetails.net/fanart/inuyasha/details/tns4.jpg - Kagome, http://www.sketchydetails.net/fanart/inuyasha/details/tns3.jpg - Pre-blurred Inuyasha, http://www.sketchydetails.net/fanart/inuyasha/details/tns2.jpg - Pre-blurred Goshinboku, http://www.sketchydetails.net/fanart/inuyasha/details/tns1.jpg - Kagome's hand and the kotodama beads |