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White Rose: Inu in a Bush
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White Rose: Inu in a Bush by lil6ter
Artwork uploaded on Nov 26 13:47:09 PST 2007, since then it was viewed 1667 times.
Artist's Commentary
This picture is based off of Fanfiction White Rose, and was inspired by that story. This is when Inu is staring out at Mr. Higurashi from afar. I drew it by hand at first, then I later scanned it into the computer to color it in Corel. Here is the summary for White Rose : Love. It's a funny thing, really. Over the years I have been told many things about love. That it can change lives forever, or make people do stupid things. I have even been told that it can overcome anything. I believe that. It changed my life. The person who loved me did do a stupid thing because of it. Because of her, I am this now...this...thing…this monster. Why? Because I didn't love her in return. So now I wait. For fifty years I have waited for someone to love me. Do I believe that love can overcome anything? God I hope so. I pray I can find the one who can change my life forever. I have a chance to now, but can she learn to see beyond what I am, and discover who I am? She alone has the power to change my life forever, but for better or worse? A Monster… A Beauty…A Curse…A Rose…The Time Has Come…Let The Fairytale Begin… It's not your typical Beauty and the Beast story and has lots of twists in it. It is Unlike any other Beauty and the Beast story to appear on Mediaminer. Here is the link to it. http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_st.php/147813/ Review please!

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