/ ❯ Blue Star Dragonball ❯ From Prince To Slave ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Part I: Voice Of A Child
1. From Prince To Slave

I silently ate the food I was given. The door beeped and opened, only to reveal one of Frieza's right-hand men, Zarbon. He walked over to the table I was eating at, "Vejita," he began.

"Prince, Zarbon, Prince Vejita." I corrected him, "Forgotten my name already? You really should show respect for your superiors." I glared at Zarbon for his lack of respect. If I was king, my people would have to show infinite respect towards me.

Zarbon's lip curled as he glared murderously at me. "Prince Vejita," he corrected," Lord Frieza would like an audience with you." I slowly stood up and followed Zarbon out of the room. Why would Frieza want to see me? I furiously turned my head to the side as I walked, deciding that I didn't want his sympathy.

We stopped when we reached the door to Frieza's chambers. The tyrant never slept, he constantly sat on his `throne' and would plot the wicked things he wanted to do next. Then he would send his men to do his dirty work, as he watched the helpless die at his command; and now I was a part of that.

Zarbon opened the door and allowed me to enter. As I stepped inside I met the eyes of Frieza, there was no sign of sympathy or remorse in his eyes. His face was as sour as a lemon and as ugly as a mangled carcass. I glared, even if he did show pity, I would not want it from someone who has looked down on my race for so long.

He spoke, interrupting my chain of thoughts, "Vegita, I assume you were told that you were the only survivor of Vejiita-sei's destruction, am I wrong?"

I nodded, where was this conversation leading too? "Well, I have some wonderful news for you," he paused, his disapproval planted on his face, " Well, it appears that when you came here you were followed. A fellow Saiya-jin of yours, he goes by the name of Nappa, snuck on board when you arrived. Now, as I have been informed, you know him?"

I was given permission to speak, "Yes, he was my trainer and caretaker, also the general of Vejiita-sei's army."

Frieza smiled, he seemed to love speaking of my planet in the past tense. "All right then, instead of having him killed I have decided to let him take care of you. Zarbon," Frieza commanded, an evil smirk spread on his face, "Get our new recruit a room, and give him and this and this `Nappa' some new armor." Frieza motioned for us to leave, we had probably gotten boring.

So I followed Zarbon out of `Lord' Frieza's chamber. We headed into a room full of holding cells; I had just been in here the night before. We stopped in front of a pitch-black cell. Through the darkness there was a hint of flesh, a lot of it. Zarbon typed a code on the pad near the door. There was a small beep and the cell unlocked. Out of the darkness Nappa emerged, his eyes met mine.

"Prince Vegita," Nappa said as he lowered down to one knee. Zarbon looked at him disgustingly but then motioned for us to follow. He lead us to a room full of armor and equipment. He turned his back to us and began rummaging through armor suits. When he finally turned and faced us he had enough clothing for two people in his arms.

My armor was a sleeve-less blue jumpsuit and armor with shoulder and lower-body guards. Nappa's was a black undergarment jumpsuit and his armor resembled mine. I took the armor and examined it, "Where's the Saiya-jin Crest?" I asked Zarbon as I inspected the armor.

"You won't need such armor anymore, young Vegita. Just put on the armor! Don't worry, I'll make sure your armor is put where it belongs…"

I hesitated, about ready to show how pissed I was that Zarbon was ordering me around, but pushed the thought aside, better not cause trouble with Zarbon yet. I slowly changed, feeling my royalty being stripped from me.

Once I was fully clothed I went to pick up my royal armor. Zarbon swiped it away before I could grab it. "What closely Vegita," Zarbon spoke before I could object. Before I could stop him he threw my armor into the air and fired a ki. My armor fell to the floor in pieces.

"Wha… why did you…" I fell to my knees and crawled over to the shattered armor. I looked down at a piece of armor that had half of the Saiya-jin Crest on it.

"Vegita, you must understand, I said I would put your armor where it belongs and I did." Zarbon walked over and stepped on the armor I was staring at. With that, Zarbon left the room, "You're room is C86," he said as he left.

Nappa stayed silent as he watched me. Now I really did feel my royalty stripped from me, I felt like nothing more than Frieza's trash. "Nappa," I began in a hoarse voice, "we will never become Frieza's servants, understand? When I become stronger I'll kill Frieza and Zarbon for treating me like this!"

"Alright Vegita, I know you will," he said reassuringly.

"No, Nappa," I choked out as I shook my head, "I will…"
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