/ ❯ One Way Trip to Tulle ❯ Trip to Tulle 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Trip to Tulle

By SuperGirl

A/N: By request of the moonsayainPrincess, here is chapter three…

Bulma still stuck under a nasally sayain Prince began to get really angry. "There is like no way that he can possibly sleep for twelve hours straight!" her stomach began to rumble. "Ahh I have got to pee!!!!!" She began to wiggle some more. She felt tears well up in her eyes. "I will not wet the bed I am a strong woman!" she repeated in her head over and over again. Just then Vegeta shifted his position on the bed and his elbow landed inches below her belly button. "Ahhhhhhhhh!"

"YOU LEAVE ME NO CHOICE VEGETA!" she said and began to sing the worlds most hated song on earth, and no it's not a spice girls song for those reading it. No one is that cruel…. "THIS IS THE SONG THAT NEVER ENDS! THIS IS THE SONG THAT GOES ON AND ON MY FRIEND. SOME PEOPLE STARTED SINGING IT AND IT NEVER EVER ENDS. THIS IS THE SONG THAT NEVER ENDS!" After about twenty minutes Vegeta sat up and Bulma ran like a mad woman to the bathroom.

After fifteen minutes Bulma walked in , in a towel and very (snickers) pissed off. "I hate you!" and with that she slammed a door and went off to change. Meanwhile Vegeta couldn't help, but laugh a bit. This was getting more and more intrusting by the moment. Stretching a final time he got motivated to get out of bed and eat something, after all it had been a while since his last meal.

The Vied screen caught Vegeta's eyes which read : Three hours till encounter with Planet Tulle's atmosphere. He snorted and shrugged might as well do something before they landed. He would go train, but that always took more time than planed, like a bad habit he just can't quit training. So Vegeta looked around a bit and came across Bulma's Cosmopolitan Magazine. The cover read such things as, 'Get better cleavage' 'make over your man' and 'what women want in a man'. Looking around too see where Bulma was took it and ran off to the below gravity chamber so he wouldn't be discovered.

An hour latter it was preparation time for landing so Bulma went to find Vegeta so he be in his seat belt so he wouldn't bump his widdle head. She knocked three times on his chambers door. No reply she did it again. Angry she opened the door which would normal simulate the gravity to drop fallowed by a thud signaling it is at earths normal echelon. She gave up and opened the door she found a scary sight.

Vegeta, naked. Looking at Cosmo, upside down with sneakers still on and a jar of hair removal in the other. "OH MY GOD!" she screamed slamming the door. She panted against the door where she could hear on the other side Vegeta fumbling around probably to get his pants. "I now see why you passed out for almost 24 hours last night !"

Lets say the rest of the trip was silent. Umm Kay?

Review for part four. >_< thank you very, very much.