6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 6TEEN: Attack of the Zombites (Or) Nebula's Big Mistake ❯ The mall is in trouble ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A couple of days passed, Ron rent-a-cop tried everything as he was determined to catch this sneak whoever he was.
He was able to get the security tape going, but all he could get was the character completely coated in black. Not one part of his body was visible.
And he was even wearing gloves, so his fingerprints were left on nothing. So he couldn't be traced.
The only thing he could tell was this maggot belonged to a group of some sort. Why else would he have a Big “Z” logo on his chest?
Nebula was still uneasy about that dude, whoever he was. He was indeed one of the three bikers that attacked her and the Goths the other night, but still not willing to tell.
Still, the situation was getting tight. Ron Rent- a-cop was getting ready to shut down the mall until this blew over and the maggots who did this were caught.
Nobody really approved of the mall being closed, not even the gang…Until, three more places had been attacked!
And of all the hundreds of stores in the mall, the ones attacked were, Vegan island; Nebula's food stand… The Penalty box… and the Music Shop!
Vegan island was towed away, or what was left of it. Coach Halder was in the hospital after recovering from a heart attack of all the mice he saw grinding the Penalty box to shreds.
As for the Music shop, well Chad was okay, thanks to Wyatt who was passing by when it happened, but Serena was hurt pretty badly, and she was in the hospital in a coma.
Wyatt felt ever so pissed. Even though he was still trying to forget about getting together with her again, he still didn't like the fact that she got hurt.
Ron had seen almost enough. “That does it, if one more shop, stand, or even a poster is ripped down, this mall is closing!”
Caitlin didn't know what to think. A girl needed cash, and without the lemon, where was she going to get it.
“I know…” said Jen, “Can you believe it? What the heck's going on here?”
“We'll soon find out.” Said Jonsey as he slapped a briefcase onto the table, and he was wearing his old Tux.
“Uh… what's with that get up, Jonsey?” Nikki asked.
Jonsey just straightened his collar. “That's Maverick… Jones Maverick.” He said in kind of cool spy voice.
“Oh, no… don't tell me…” said Wyatt, “You're pretending to be a spy?”
“Not just pretending…” said Jonsey as he reached into his case a pulled out a flyer. “Training to become a spy.”
Jen took the flier… “JR. Spy Brigade?” she asked. “What the heck is this?”
“Only the greatest job I now have.” Said Jonsey. “They hired me to do some investigated on these attacks and unmask who the dudes behind it are.”
“Wait, don't you like need serious training to be a spy cadet?” asked Nikki. “Why in world would they hire you?”
“Only because I told them that I once saved the world from total inhalation.” Jonsey said with a smirk.
“Saved the world?” Jen said and then she burst into laughter “Jonsey, you can barely save your allowance, but the world.” She laughed even harder.
“Laugh it up, sister!” snapped Jonsey, “But I actually did save the world before a missile came crashing from the skies, and the crooks were jailed.”
“Uh, Jonsey… that was a video game you were playing.” Said Wyatt.
Jonsey snapped out of it. “Video game, the real thing I don't know.” He said. “Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to chat with the witnesses.”
Nikki sighed, “He is so going to get fired!” she said. “Caitlin, cloud you shoot me a lemon squishy?”
everyone looked into the lemon, but Caitlin wasn't there. Her hat and apron were rudely discarded on the floor.
“Hey, There she is.” Said GB-one. He pointed to another table where Caitlin was chatting with a cute guy.
“Hey, I know that guy.” Said Wyatt. “That's, Colin Krus. Caitlin had a huge crush on him in grade one”
“You sure that's the same, Colin?” asked Jen as she squinted her eyes to get a better look.
He was the same Colin, but he was wearing clothes that looked kind of like what the Goths were wearing, and a name tag that said, Krus.
But he did have an electric guitar on him, so he was probably in a rock band.
What really sickened the girls to think Caitlin would go near him was that small black spot on the side of his neck, like he had a mole or something.
Still, best not to worry about that.
Caitlin and Colin were having fun chatting through memory lane, until Colin finished his food. “Well, Cat, it's been great seeing you again but I got rock and roll, literally.”
Caitlin giggled. “Maybe I could come here you guys play sometime.” She said. “Well, bye…”
Colin shot her a wink and blew her a kiss, causing her fall over with birds chirping in her head.
“Wow… can you believe that?” said Wyatt. “She's still digging that dude.”
The Goths, including Nebula were not so sure. That guy was wearing way too dark clothing to be a rock star.
“Yo, Goths… what's up?” asked Wyatt.
“Yeah, why are you staring at Colin for?” asked Jen.
“Hmm, Oh… we have our reasons.” Said GB-two, but secretly all the Goths thought there was more to that Colin guy. Especially that spot on his neck.
It wasn't a tattoo, wasn't birthmark, and definitely was not one of those little specks you get on some parts of your body.
Colin walked on an on up the mall. Until he saw his girlfriend, who the gang remembered as Georgina from middle school, but she too was dressed like a Goth.
She wore a name tag that said, Andromeda, and strangely, she also had a black spot on her neck. Exactly like the one Colin, or Krus had on his neck.
They sat down on the benches, and a farting sound escaped from a whoopee-cushion.
Stanley then emerged from the potted plant laughing his head off. “You two went right for that.” He giggled.
The two Goths just stared at him strangely, making him stop laughing as he stared into their burning eyes. The Goths passed him his cushion, and walked off ahead.
Two other Goth friends of theirs, who also had black spots on their necks, and names tags, Jupiter, and her boyfriend, Quasar, were there to meet them.
Krus spoke in a strange language to his friends so if they were overheard, they would not be understood.
“Sijum manwus, hwar taujan weis gaggan?”
Jupiter pointed out towards the entrance, and said… “Sijum Ut, jah ana sa ibuks-alley.”
“Fagrs… fra-let!”
The four Goths walked outside the Mall, and then turned back and right into an alley. Quickly making sure nobody saw them.
One-by-one they crawled into a garbage can, which actually lead to a small underground burrow.
Andromeda turned on her flashlight, and Krus pulled out his laptop. Since they were unseen and unheard from the public, they didn't have to speak in their Strange language.
They all changed into the black outfits the bikers wore, and then “Team-Alpha, calling headquarters” Krus said into the laptop. “Come in, headquarters.”
The laptop switched on, and the same “Z” logo appeared on the screen, and then there was teenage boy sitting in a massive chair stoking his black cat.
His face was hidden behind the darkness, but he was there. He was wearing the exact same Black sparkling outfit as the other Goths, but he also had other accessories.
A kind of crown-helmet with horns and the “Z” on it, a giant golden necklace with “Z” too. Dark-indigo jeweled earrings, and his cape was red and full, went all the way down to his feet.
“What have you to report, Team-Alpha?” he asked.
“Master, Dark-Specter! We report that all is going as planned.” Said Krus, “The Mall plans to shut down if one more place is attacked.”
“Hmm, mm, mm… Excellent!” Said the Leader. “I trust you all know what must be done tonight at closing?!”
“Fear not, Master.” Said Andromeda, “The mall will soon be all ours for the taking.”
“It had better.” Said Dark-Specter. “For I am losing my patients, Don't make any mistakes. You know the drill…!”
The Goths sweat-dropped and gulped hard.
“Failure and mistakes, makes me angry.” Replied Dark-Specter. “And when Dark-Specter gets angry, Dark-Damsel gets upset!”
His cat meowed angrily at the screen.
“And… when Dark-Damsel gets upset…” he picked up a small remote. “Someone… could get hurt!”
He tapped the red button and the spots on their neck began to burn, and their necks felt like they were getting squeezed together.
The Goths on his screen nodded for yes, and then signed off. Dark-Specter turned in his chair to face another Goth figure bowing to him.
“You'd better get down there.” He said, “You're my finest yet, Judas, and they could use your help.”
Judas, although his face also was hidden by the shadows. “Dude…” he said in a familiar voice. “I will like totally rock their world.”
He put on his helmet, which helped to cover the black spot on his neck and he left.
“Hmm, the dark spirits are growing.” Dark-Specter said as he stroked Dark-Damsel in his lap.
“Oh, I can't wait until we take the mall for ourselves to house them all in at once! Ho, ho, ho, ho, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!!”