6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 6TEEN: Attack of the Zombites (Or) Nebula's Big Mistake ❯ Trapped in the outback ( Chapter 8 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Caitlin's parents did their tests on the blood, and signs showed it contained samples of a drug.
“A drug?” asked Jen.
Caitlin's mom nodded. “It's a manmade compound. It's colorless, odorless, and normally used in Pest-control.”
“That doesn't seem to bad.” Said Wyatt.
“Oh, but it gets worse.” Said Caitlin's Dad. “Human's should never, not even if prescribed by doctors, take this drug.”
“For even a small dose can result in spasmodic amnesia, and wild erratic behaviors the victim is unaware of!”
Of course… it all made sense now.
Jude did say he passed out and then woke up as a Zombite. Which meant the Zombites must've ganged up on him and slipped him the drug.
“Jude's not aware of what he's doing at all.” Cried Caitlin, “That means, all the Goths with Black spots on their necks are being controlled.”
“While all the others are doing this out of their own free will.” Added Nikki. “Dark Specter must have done this so he could make his army bigger, and have them do his bidding.”
“So … how do we get rid of it?” asked GB-One. “We should try and cure Jude before he does something he'll totally regret.”
Well Caitlin's folks said that the Drug usually wears off of it's own, and when that happens the victim will wake up and unaware of his actions.
The problem was, The Zombites always seemed to remain fresh on the drug as if it hadn't worn down at all.
This was something Caitlin's folks couldn't determine. All they could do was guess that something was forcing the drug back into action instead of it wearing off.
Meanwhile, at the Mall…
The Black-spot Zombites were partying like no tomorrow.
Some were writing Graffiti on the walls, some were rocking and rolling, other's pigging out at all the food they could snatch.
Some like Krus, and Lillith were in the deeper parts of the mall, doing… Well… You wouldn't want to know.
But none of them were having as much fun as Jude. Being appointed the headman of this division, he could do whatever he wanting and no questions asked.
One of the small kid Goths, an Eight-year old street kid bumped into Jude, but he didn't mind.
“Gaggan… swiglon!” Jude said, which meant. “Go… Play!” The kid smiled and ran off to the arcade.
Some of the police who tried to break in were now hostages, and they had no clothes, expect for underwear, and were strapped to the walls where the Zombites threw eggs and tomatoes at them.
Later on… a loud gong was heard, and all the Goths dropped whatever it was they were doing and turned their attentions to the big Screens… where Dark Specter appeared.
All the Zombites bowed to their great leader.
“My humble servants.” He said, “I am very proud of you all, for in your mission of taking over the mall, but now I have some rather disturbing news to report.”
He warned his Black-spotted Goths, that Intruders were trespassing on the lands near the Zombite's secret Lair. They had been trying to dispose of these intruders, but have been unsuccessful.
Reports from the spies came in, and said that the men were on an expedition to locate The Lost Cave of Banditry!
“Judas… you must return to base at once. I have a feeling you are going to be needed!”
Jude bowed, “My life is but to serve you, Oh Master.” He said humbly. “Those dudes may find us, but they won't live to tell about it.”
“See to it that they don't!” Replied Dark Specter. “Otherwise… there will… be.. PUNISHMENT!!”
He let his cat tap the red button on the remote and the spots on all their necks in the mall began to burn, and their necks felt like they were getting squeezed together.
When it all stopped. Jude rekindled himself, fresh as ever. “I won't let you down Boss-Dude!” and he signed off.
“Ah, ha, ha… heh, heh, heh, heh!
Somewhere over the deserted hot plains, just about a few ways east of the mall, a small truck was carrying two explorers across the desert like grounds.
One old man, with his name tag saying, Garcia. Could be he was related to Jonsey?
The Sun sure was beaming down on them, as it was considered dangerous to travel in that outback when it was this hot.
“Wilson… stop the truck, you're going to fast.” Said the guy in the left seat. “You have to treat these grounds with respect.”
“Respect…?” said Wilson. “I hate the sight of it, Lindsey! We've been five Days in the good for nothing outback, and I'm fed up to the teeth with search for this cave.”
Lindsey looked at his partner with confusion, “You wanted to come on the expedition.”
“I must've been crazy.” Replied Wilson, “Now Shut up and hang on. The sooner we get out of here the better.”
If only the outback wasn't quite so wide, they would be out of there sooner, which would be a good thing because the trunk in the back was getting loose.
“Please Wilson… slow down.” Cried Lindsey.
“Quite Whining, you'll get dust in your throat!” grumbled Wilson.
They approached a narrow slop on a hill top. “She's sliding… PULL AROUND!!”
“Oh, for Pete-sake, Shut up!” but Wilson just at those word as they bumped on a small rock and the truck gave a huge heave.
The trunk in the back burst wide open and all their cooler's, canteens, and equipment bounced out and rolled into a pile down the hill.
Wilson stopped the truck, and Lindsey was really aggravated now. “You stupid Fool! I knew this would happen.”
Wilson knew he was right. “All our gasoline and water's down there. We got to get it.” He said, but just then…
BOOM!! The sensitive gas for the truck that was shaken up and heated by the sun exploded, and blew all the boxes and coolers to ashes.
“Wilson…!” cried Lindsey, “It's gone… All of it!”
“Water… Gas… Food… Everything!”
“What are we going to do?” replied Lindsey, “We're over 100 miles away from any resource stations.”
“I know, and only a few gallons of juice left in the truck.” Said Wilson. “It's not going get us far enough, and walking is out of the question in this heat. So, we'll just have to call for help.”
“Why sure.” Said Lindsey, but then he remembered, “Say… We can't. I put the radio in the trunk!”
“BLAST IT!!” snarled Wilson, “Why do have to go and do a fool thing like that?!”
Lindsey looked up, “Hey, Wilson… Look!” and sure enough, near the bottom of the hill away from the wreckage was the radio.
It took a bit of a pounding though, so Wilson hauled it up to the truck. They had to get through to someone.
Whatever happened they were going to need water, or they'd die on a day like that with no food and supplies. For the Noonday sun was pretty savage in those parts at this time of year,