6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 6TEEN: Attack of the Zombites (Or) Nebula's Big Mistake ❯ The End of the Zombites. ( Chapter 13 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's Notes:
Just the heads up…
Some of the words and phrases the Zombites speak in this chapter are not part of the Gothic language, but even still the Gothic language is still not accurately translated.
Just thought I'd let you know.
Star was still trying her phone, but the signal still couldn't get through. “They have to be in the cave alright.” She said. “Nothing else would explain it.”
“Yeah… well there it is up ahead.” Said Marylin, “We should be there in a couple of minutes.”
The Zombites still had the gang held at Gun point by Jude in the Monorail, but before they could begin the initiation there was one little matter left to resolve.
Dark Specter sat back down in his throne, stroking his cat. Since they had other people in their presence, they had to speak in their Super Goth Language.
On that was entirely made up, and no one could understand.
Dark Specter looked at Jude's partner, ZG-1, who came in with the results. “Garrunga kabuko otuleo, Nic-nit rassa!”
“Parablando witsblost toorablanto!” said ZG-1.
“Gettung argalla!” Dark Specter said over to ZB-2.
ZB-2 looked from his controls and said. “Hagulla zembaku kolkra!”
“Nown alrmie!” said Dark Specter as he pointed to the monsters screen which showed a picture of Star, and her gang.
“It's Star… and the Goths.” Whispered Jonsey.
“Yeah… your buddies must've come to look for us.” Said Wilson.
Dark Specter turned back to ZB-2. “Garrunga asup alloda. Hodobro poloduck.” He growled.
ZB-2 nodded and picked up the radio. “Garrunga asum boduke!”
There on another monitor were three giant missiles being loaded and ready on a platform.
“They… they're going to attack them!” cried Caitlin. “We got to warn them!”
“Right…” said Wyatt. “Now I think I got an idea.”
He whispered and told them that Jude was the only Zombite in this entire place with a black spot, and his gun could pierce through the others.
Dark Specter of course knew nothing of what was going on as he said. “Karako zumrust hunkwitan!”
The Zombites worked their controls and the missiles went up a long slide and popped out of a secret hole in the side of the cave on the surface.
Dark Specter raised his hand up telling them. “Umpa… umpa!” that obviously meant, “Higher!”
The controllers aimed the missiles up, and up until Dark specter said… “Doba!” which of course meant, “Stop!”
Well, it was no or never. Caitlin moved closer to Jude. “Hey, don't make me hurt you, bra.” He said poising the gun to her.
Usually, Caitlin would freak out, but this time she slapped Jude hard in the hand forcing him to drop the gun. “Get him!” cried Jonsey.
Jen Nikki and Wyatt held Jude down and clocked him out cold. This got Dark Specter's attention though.
Jonsey poked out of the car. BANG!! And ZG-1 screamed and fell over because her suit didn't work against their own weapons.
Wilson poked out and fired at ZB-2 at the controls. He did miss ZB-2 but he was able to short out his console.
A warning beeper told ZB-2 that the missiles had been fired. “Zagora Karazo!” he cried.
The Missiles were fired and exploded in the air. “Hey, we're under fire!” cried Morganna.
Marylin slowed down the car, “I think those missiles were to wide on the mark to been intended to hit us.”
“Yeah, it's like it was some kind of warning.” Added Axe. “Hey, do think it was Jonsey?”
Back inside…
All the Zombites, including Dark Specter were firing their guns at the Monorail, but everyone was all safe inside.
“Gramps, quick, start the car, get us out of here!” cried Jonsey. Wilson started up the car and they slowly moved up the track and out of the room.
Dark Specter sounded the Alarm, and red lights began flashing around the refinery.
But the Monorail car was too far up for anyone to reach while it was in motion, and they couldn't stop it until it reached the other end of the track.
They were going slow, but at least they were getting away.
The Dude in the gas-mask fired upwards at the car and hit it, but Jonsey poked out and returned the shot.
The dude was hit, but when he fell back wards, not only did he accidentally fall on a lever, but her bashed right into a huge pipe.
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH!! Fumes were blowing out everywhere.
“What… what's going on out there?” asked Wilson. “Just keep going, Grandpa.” Cried Jen, “They'll never catch us now!”
The Alarms got louder and the fumes where getting worse. To top it all off, the machinery and the walls began blowing up, and a small Gas counter on the side was indicating… DANGER!!
The whole refinery softly began to rumble. “Something's happening!” cried Nikki. “What's going on?” added Caitlin.
Wyatt looked down. “It's the pressure of the fueling pipes.” He said. “The Gas is escaping!”
Jonsey quickly pulled the doors shut. “Good thing this glass will protect us from the fumes.”
As the Gas poured in, the explosions were getting bigger, and the rumbling became more violent.
“Grandpa, get you get anymore speed?!” cried Jen. “Gas is everywhere! This place is going to go up at any time.”
“It's no good, Jenny. This is maximum!”
The Explosions were now even causing small pieces of ash to fall down from the ceiling.
Jonsey didn't have to read a book for once to know what was going happen. “If this place blows it's going up with one mighty Big-Bang!” he said. “We've got to warn the others to keep clear.”
“What's going on in that Cave?” said Marylin. “First: a whole salvage of rockets, then nothing!”
“I really hope they can get out of there okay.” Cried Star. “Let's get in closer.”
Back inside…
The deadly fumes had reach the main control-room, and the Zombites were all fading fast.
Dark Specter was outraged by all this. “Galaver Hermirum 6teen!!” he screamed with his fists in the air. “GALAVER… HERMIRUM… 6TEEN!!!!”
He gasped. He held his neck while coughing, choking and wheezing, and he made horrible groaning sounds as he slowly collapsed onto the floor.
The car had reached the end of the track, and was nearly back up to the cave again.
Jude was still unconscious, but Lindsey was slowly beginning to awaken. “Where… where am I?” he asked, “What's going on?”
“You woke up not a moment too soon, Lindsey.” Said Nikki, “In a few more seconds you'll have to run for your life like you've never run before.”
Most of the Zombites as well as Dark Specter were already dead from the gas, and the rest were fading fast.
Dark Specter's cat, Dark Damsel, was fading too, and it was a good thing she collapsed onto a control box that opened the entrance to the cave.
“Come on guys… let's get out of here!” cried Jonsey, as they ran past the treasure room, past the water, and right out the entrance.
Lindsey offered to carry Jude out as forgiveness for his attitude earlier, and they made it out just to see Star and her gang pull up closer in their car.
Jonsey quickly called her. “Come on, Star, pick it up!!” he murmured. “Star… it's us!”
“Hey guys, there they are!” cried Star as she pointed up ahead. Marylin took the phone. “We'll be there in a second, Jonsey.”
“No, Dude, Keep away!!” cried Jonsey. “Turn back around and keep away form the cave! It's going to blow any second!!”
“But, Jonsey, are you guys alright?” asked Marylin.
“Don't asked questions!” cried Jonsey. “Just do as I say… AND BEAT IT, MAN!!!”
Marylin wasted no time in hanging a really hard U-turn and sped away in the opposite direction.
Since Wilson's Jeep was out of power, they had to leave it, and they all piled into Jen's car and sped away like a rocket.
No sooner did they get 50 yards away when it HAPPENED!! The first big bang escaped from the entrance way and blew the jeep to pieces.
“There she goes!” said Marylin.
“Yep… The Lost cave of Banditry is lost forever now.” added Wyatt.
“Take a look at that!” said Lindsey, “What an escape!”
“Yeah… we certainly have a lot to thank my Grand-kids and their buddies for.” Said Wilson.
The Cave was gone, and with it; all the treasures and goods. Well at least it was one good thing… The End of the Zombites.
Looked as though Jonsey really was the Big man of the day after all.
Back at the mall…
The drug wore off, and all the black spots on the Goth's neck vanished. Their eyes widened for a moment, and then they all collapsed like dominoes.
Ron and his boys burst up through the doors. “Alright maggots, Now everyone--!” he saw that they already were standing down.
“Uh… okay.. just… stay there, I guess!”