6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: Back to Back together ❯ The End of the Zombites... agian! ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
We were nearly finished with our dinner, but weren't ready for the bill yet. There was still much to know, and many questions still unanswered. “Sounds like somebody had a bad day.” I said.
Serena nodded in agreement. “Worst day out of all days of my life.” she said, “I don't remember much of what happened after I black-out, but I did recognize that's stranger's voice…”
She and Wyatt warned me and Amelie to brace ourselves for the awful truth, and they told us who that Zombite was. “It was Jude?!” I said almost speaking loud enough to cause a scene.
“Non…!” cried Amelie, but Wyatt nodded his head. “I was him alright… but hadn't figured that out yet…”
He told us that all that week, two more places in the mall got attacked. “The Penalty-Box” which gave Coach Halder a heart-attack…
…and even” Vegan-Island” where Starr worked got hit pretty hard.
That's when Jonesy finally found as job for the “Junior Spy Brigade” He was now an agent looking into how to stop these attacks on the mall, and that's how everyone learned about the Zombites.
Realizing the Zombites were planning to total the mall to ashes, they planned ahead and tried to sneak into the mall at night with Ron, and the police, but the Zombites managed to prove too much, and they began to tearing the place apart.
That's when everyone realized that the stranger they confronted was really Jude…
“I told you dudes… my name's Judas… not Jude!”
That's when he explained that his depression of missing Starr so much, and the break up getting to him, that he joined the Zombites, and now he was evil. “Ha, ha, ah, ah, ah… we're taking over!”
Completely out-matched… the gang was forced to leave, the Goths too.
That's when everyone learned about how Jude was actually being controlled by Dark-Specter. Those who were kidnapped had powerful drugs injected into them which caused them to act strangely and erratically.
While the drug did have the power to wear off on its own, Dark Specter had electros inserted into the black-spots on the victims necks, and at the flick of a switch he could choke them and burn their bodies… forcing the drug back into action.
“Oh Mondure!” cried Amelie, “Was zere no `elp for Jude?”
Wyatt nodded, “There was only one way...” he said as he picked up his knife again, “Dark Specter and his Zombites had to be stopped!”
Jonesy's grandfather and his sidekick were explorers trying to locate a long lost treasure cave somewhere in a desert-field. They found it… but were trapped inside, and when the news got out, the gang set out to try and help them out…
Things got a little rough though, as they soon had stumbled upon the secret lair of the Zombites…
The Zombites operated in an under-ground gas-plant below the cave. They had discovered these minerals that gas high-explosive, yet lethal gases. They used it to sell for money and gain power.
They also confronted Dark Specter face-to-face for the first time. He was planning to the whole gang what he did to Jude, who was there with them. He planned to drug them all and make them part of the empire.
Finally… as the Zombites prepared for a missile attack on the Goths who were following them… the gang acted fast… conking Jude out cold, and engaging a gun fight with all the evil teens.
During their escape however… Jonesy shot at one of the Zombite-girls, and she fell onto a console that collapsed under her weight and burst the pipes wide open. The gas was flooding in… and the whole place was starting to blow up.
The gang barely managed to escape… while inside the Zombites and Dark-Specter were all dying from choking on the gas.
The deadly fumes had reached the main control-room, and the Zombites were all fading fast.
Dark Specter was outraged by all this. “Galaver Hermirum 6teen!” he screamed with his fists in the air. “GALAVER… HERMIRUM… 6TEEN!”
Suddenly, he gasped. He held his neck while coughing, choking and wheezing, and he made horrible groaning sounds as he slowly collapsed onto the floor.
The plant exploded, taking the entire cave with it. “And that was it…” Wyatt said, “The end of the Zombites.”
Jonesy still got fired from his spy-job, but Jude managed to recover, and so did all the Zombites affected by Dark Specter's drug. All the Real Zombites were gone, and the victims were safe… but it was going to take one hell of a job to clean the mall back up.
“Yo… that's some wild ride.” I said. “I've only done things like that in my dreams.”
“But… what does zis `ave to do with you and Serena?” Amelie asked.
Serena and Wyatt gazed at each other, “Well that… was another part.” Wyatt said.
Back to the story…
The whole mall was still under heavy construction, but poor Serena was still in the hospital. One place Wyatt was allowed to visit, and his restraining order had no effect on her or him.
Chad was there too, but he was wide-awake. “What's happenin' man?”
Wyatt turned, “Hey… I uh… just thought I'd come and check-up on you guys.” He said nervously. “How are your feet?”
“Not much… just they seriously hurt, and itch.” He answered. “Doc says it may take a long, long time for these babies to heal.”
Wyatt felt sorry for Chad, for the first time in a really long time since he and Serena betrayed him and hurt him. “This gonna make things all the more harder when I have to go.”
Wyatt was confused, “Go? Go where?” he asked.
Chad told Wyatt it matter as much to him if he was banned from “Spin-This” or not, or even the fact that it was burned down. He told Wyatt that through the week his folks told him that they would be moving soon to Florida. “Pop's got a new job… and he's taking us all for the ride.”
Wyatt didn't know what to think, but his first words that came from his thoughts were. “Does Serena know...?”
Chad shook his head, “Didn't' have the heart to tell her yet. Wasn't sure if she was ready to make up her mind yet.”
“Make up her mind…?”
Chad explained to Wyatt, in his own words, that Serena had been concerned with Wyatt a lot. She was worried about him, she thought about him a lot, and she still liked him. “Trust me dude… she really digs you.”
Wyatt couldn't believe all that, “She really does like me…” he said as he looked down at her motionless body. “Well… what do ya know…”
Chad smiled, knowing Wyatt liked her deep down to. “Look… you don't have to take her back man, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to tell her I'm leaving in time. We leave in a few days once I get released. Just promise me one thing…”
“What's that…?” Wyatt asked.
Chad told him that if Serena would recover, and obviously she'd have to move on because she and him would have to break up, “Just make sure she stays out of trouble.”
Wyatt smiled and for the first time in awhile, he and Chad shook hands. “I promise…”