6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: Bowling Bros ❯ Outro: Win Lose or Whatever ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“WHAT…?!” we all snapped when we heard that we couldn't receive the prize-money. It turned out that our league application money was wrong.
While the money earnings one night, Jonesy's boss came up with two-fifty-dollars short. This lead to the impression. “Jonesy… did you take your share of the money from the cash-drawer?” I asked.
“No!” snapped Jonesy. “Well maybe… sorta-- Ugh, fine I did.”
Jonesy's boss was not happy. So we couldn't receive the money, and Jonesy was fired… again! However, for exposing the Rock `N Bowlers, who were now banned from all leagues for their cheating ways, and for Caitlin making a historical shot… our team name and picture was immortalized on the wall of fame.
All seven of us were in the picture, but Caitlin was held up high in center for brining us our victory, and for making such a shot. “I can't believe you got a spare by hitting the end-pin.” said Nikki
“That was awesome!” added Jude.
Caitlin thanked us all, “And frm now on, I'll never be opposed to bowling again.” she said. “So… anyone up for a game? Just for fun…”
We all agreed, only this time I'd have to keep score because my fingers still hurt. Caitlin went up first, and she was still having trouble with her ball, and got two gutter-balls at the start.
“And the first step… is to get you into better shape.” joked Wyatt, and we all bursted into laughter.
Ending theme
I'm 7teen… I have found my own way
I love my job and I live at the mall today
And I am on my own now and forever
I'm 7teen… 7… TEEN
Still, the memories will last.
Jonesy… Caitlin… Wyatt… Jen… Jude… Nikki… Mykan