6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: Comic Catastrophie ❯ Taking credit ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The next day… with the convention only one day away, the people were more excited than ever. Ron was really losing his cool trying to keep all the “Maggots!” under control. He even tried to arrest a couple of the teens, accusing them of wearing undercover disguises, when they were clearly costumes for the convention.
Ron even caught a glimpse of Yummy-Mummy dressed as a Wonder-Woman. Ron fell on his back in a daze, just like some of the other guys who saw her did. Shame they did, or they would've been able to avoid getting shot in the face by Stanley's ball-gun. He really did make a cool G.I Joe
The gang was hanging out at Stick-It, and Jude was still wearing his costume. He looked as if he hadn't taken it or his makeup off all night. It was his way of honoring the convention, though it hadn't even started yet. Jen had a few bandages on her fingers form all the sewing she did with her mother last night on her costume. Of course it was her first time ever at sewing. “I never thought it would be so hard and painful.” she groaned over her sore fingers.
Caitlin thought it was pretty easy, because her costume was already finished. “What…? That fast?” Wyatt asked. “You must've stayed up all night.”
“Oh, I didn't do it… my mom did, and she didn't mind at all.”
The others all sighed irritable. “Trust you to get someone else to do the job.” Nikki mocked. Jonesy put a comforting arm around his girlfriend, “Don't care what you wear though. You look pretty anyways.” he flirted. Nikki stared at him with a teasing expression, “And who are you going as…? Fired-boy?”
Jonesy chuckled and pecked her cheek, but suddenly a stampede of people rushed past Stick-It. “Du-hu-hu-hude!” cried Jude, “They knocked over my new tower of sticks!”
The gang decided to follow the crowd and found they were headed to Comic-Cavern, because I had something incredibly amazing to unveil. The gang managed to find places in the back of the crowd, almost my entire store was crowded like a convention.
I stood on the upper levels and gazed over the railing at the crowd. I called to them announcing that I had new comic-books that would come to my shelves soon. The crowd cheered, and the gang was impressed. “Well… looks like he came out of his rut after all.” Nikki said.
Caitlin jumped for joy, shrieking. “EEE… I can't wait to see what he's got.”
I held up the new prototype comics, that I had completed all the other night, for all to see. I was planning to send them in to my publishers and have them mass produced so that within a week, they would be on the shelves and for everyone to buy.
“I call these new series…”
I explained as I showed them…
Four Feather Falls:The many adventures of Sheriff Tex Tucker, who has four magic feathers on him. One allows him to communicate with his horse. The second lets him communicate with his dog, and the other two allow him to fire his guns without even touching them.
“Huh? Wait a second…!” mumbled Wyatt.
The next comic I introduce was…
Supercar: The marvel of the age that carries test pilot Mike Mercury and his team in the skies, under water, and even through space.
“Wha--?” exclaimed Jude.
The next three were…
Space Patrol: Set in the year 2100. The Earth, Mars, and Venus had formed the alliance.
Joe 90: The story of a young nine year-old boy who becomes the world's most secretive agent.
And finally…
The Secret Service:The story about a church priest that works for a secret spy organization and has in his possession a machine that can shrink people down to a faction of their size.
The crowds cheered for joy and couldn't wait for the books to arrive in stock, but the others. They just stood there with their mouths agape and their eyes wide open. It had become obvious that I had taken their ideas for myself, and not even bothered to mention them! Also, I had seen the drawings that were left there by mistake.
The gang went back to Stick-It, all of them feeling pretty sour. “We came up with those ides, and Mykan's acting like he's taking all the credit.” grumbled Jen.
“Well maybe he didn't know the drawings were ours.” Wyatt suggested. “We didn't really sign our names on them papers.”
The others didn't seem to care much, that's when I came along. I was still giddy with excitement, “Whoo! Yeah-ha!” I cried for joy. “Wow… that crowd can't get enough.”
The others, except for Wyatt, just gave me the cold shoulder. “Whoa… I sense a major disturbance in the force. Wait, don't tell me…” I paused, “Ron just gave you guys big tickets each for hanging around.”
Jonesy finally stood up, “No… but I'll bet he'll give you one.” He grumbled sternly yet softly. My features were starting to harden. “Whoa! What's up with you guys?” I asked, but nobody seemed to want to answer, and got up to leave without saying. “What…? Hey… where're you going?”
“What's it to you.” Nikki scoffed. “Thief…!”
“Dude… way not cool!” sneered Jude.
Caitlin just grunted, “Humph!”
Wyatt seemed to be the only one who was willing to be less rashly, but he got the look from the others. “Ahem… are you coming with us?” Jonesy said, “Or do you side with a thief too?”
Wyatt had no other option, “Sorry, man.” He said before going off with the others, leaving me by myself. I felt really strange. “What's with them?” I wondered.