6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: Hot as a Fireball ❯ Act Three: Saving the day ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The model missile was being raised upright on a small launch pad on one scene, and Amelie, and Serena were sitting on a small section of the stage, pretending to be in the cockpit.
Nikki: “Resuming countdown at minusss 20-sssecondsss!”
While on another section of the sets, the Fireball model was still sinking into the ash. Jude and Starr were even pretending to be tilting downward as the ship sank.
Matic: “Robert! Restart the motors!”
(No response)
“Robert! Are you there?”
(Back to the aliens)
Nikki: “Ten-Sssecondsss! Nine. Eight. Ssseven. Sssix. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Zero, and Ignite!!”
(Missile launches)
(Computer bleeps)
Caitlin: “Fault on guidance-mechanism.”
Queen: “Change guidance frequency.”
While Nikki and Caitlin spoke to each other in alien language, which by means they were just speaking complete gibberish I had to act now or it would be too late, so I reached behind my belt for my Ray gun.
Nikki: “Rocket, now under controlled guidance system.”
Caitlin: “Functioning normally.”
Queen: (Hissing-Snigger) “Excellent. Do not worry Sssteve Zodiac. Unlike Earthmen, we never make missstakesss.”
Steve: “That's what you think!”
I fired my gun and the whole stage lit up in a white flash as all the aliens feel unconscious. I only took hold of Jen, and then got my jetpack back on as we floated out of the caves.
Meanwhile, Jude and Starr were still in trouble as the Fireball model had almost completely sunken below the surface.”
Matic: “It's… no good, Robert. We can't pull her out of this without Fireball Junior. What's happened to Steve?”
I, along with the unconscious Jen, we made our way back to the Fireball cockpit set, and the model of the nose-cone began to fly off.
(Back to Jude)
Steve: (Over radio) “Fireball XL5 from Steve Zodiac. I'll be there in a moment, Professor. Once we get the nose-cone attached, we'll be able to pull Fireball out of the ash.”
Matic: “Hurry, Steve! We're almost… completely… submerged!”
A big fanfare played as the Nose-cone was attached back onto the model, and as soon it was there the main boosters fired, and the ship took off back up into the space images on the ceiling.
With Fireball safe, and the Alien Queen, now awake, as our prisoner, we just had to save Venus.
Matic: (Holding Jen at Gun point) “All right now, you. Instruct your subterranean to abandon the missile with Venus! Now, if you don't… we'll be forced to destroy your planet.”
“Now… transmit!”
Queen: (Growls) “Thisss is your ssssubterranean Queen ssspeaking. You are to abandon the misssssile with the Earth-woman. Repeat; Abandon misssssile with Earth-woman.”
(Serena, in the other scene,beginsto untie Amelie.)
“I have passsssed on your messsssage… but, to no-avail! The Earth-woman will die anyway. They do not have any ssspace-equipment on board.”
(Over to Serena and Amelie)
Venus: “'ere. Take this. It's an oxygen-pill, and it will enable you to live in space.”
(Both swallow a candy)
(Back to Mykan)
Steve: “Okay, Professor. I've taken my oxygen pills. I'm going to bring Venus, and that subterranean aboard then you get ready to destroy the missile once we're clear.”
Matic: “You take it easy, Steve. Look… they've ejected already.”
(Amelie and Serena float freely on wires)
(Mykan leaps up and joins them)
Matic: “Okay, Robert. Prepare interceptor for launching.”
Robert: “Message understood.”

The torpedo was readied for launch, as I linked up with Amelie and Serena.
The crowd though this was ever-so exciting.
Matic: “Get ready… and Fire!!”
(Torpedo fires, and the missile explodes)
Steve: “Well done, Professor. Now, winch us in!”
The crowd applauded softly for the triumph, and when the stage lit up again, Amelie and I were sitting in the Fireball cockpit over looking a picture of Earth.
Steve: “Well Venus… there's Earth. It sure looks better from here than inside that subterranean rocket.”
Venus: “Only thanks to you, Steve. I guess I can see now why they call you Zee greatest Astronaut.” on Space-Patrol.”
Steve: “Heh-heh… I think you're cute too.” (Turns on Radio) “Space-Patrol… this is Fireball XL5 returning to base. Mission complete, over and out.”
(Huge heroic fanfare as the stage blacks out)
The audience was almost ready to cheer wildly, but before they could… The stage lit up again with me holding a microphone, and I began to sing to the ending theme as the cast credits rolled by.
(Ending theme)
(Mykan)(Imitating Don Spencer)
-I wish I was a spaceman, the fastest guy alive.
I'd fly you round the universe in Fireball XL5.
Way out in space together. Conquerors of the sky…
My heart would be a Fireball…
A Fireball…
Every time I gaze into your starry eyes.
(Everyone bows and waves to the audience)
-We' take the path to Jupiter, and maybe very soon,
We'd cruse along the Milky-way, and land upon The Moon.
To a wonderland of stardust, we'll zoom our way to Mars…
My heart would be a Fireball…
A Fireball…
(Winks at Amelie) Cuz, you would be my Venus of the stars.
All the lights turned back on, and the crowd was cheering louder than they had all night. Caitlin jumped up all excited. “EEE-HEE-HEE… We did it!” she squeaked.
“Just listen those cheers. Jonesy said. “They really must love me.”
“Yeah… they really love you.” Nikki said sarcastically.
As I waved on to the adoring fans, Amelie suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me to face her. She looked up at me with a big grin on her face, I smiled down at her and we kissed in front of all those people making them cheer even louder.
The show was a huge success.
The next day
Halloween day at last, but still some time before any of the big parties that night.
All ten of us, still in our costumes, were gathered at the Comic Cavern signing autographs for all the adoring customers who purchased a copy of Fireball XL5.
Jonesy signed his name and his character name. “Jonsey Garcia as: Commander Wilbur Zero.” And he winked at the hot girls who giggled… much to Nikki's annoyance, but she was too busy signing her name too.
“This is so fabulous. I feel just like a big celebrity.” Caitlin giggled.
“Awe-some.” added Jude.
Later on
We gathered at the Lemon, still in our costumes and I gave the guys double their fees for helping me out with everything, and for helping me so much more cash than I had ever made before in one day's work.
“Sweet…” Jonesy said. “I'm not so bummed anymore about getting canned from the Halloween store.”
It turned out that Jonsey wasn't supposed to borrow so many products that totaled over $200 dollars, and he had a choice: Pay the rental fee, or Fired…
“I actually had fun.” Wyatt said. “Reminds me of the good old days in grade-school when the classes did plays.”
Serena chuckled. “Good old days? Yeah, right… nice try junior.”
“That was so like… amazing.” Starr cooed. “Maybe I should take up a career in acting.”
“I'm with you there all the way.” Jude answered as he high-fived his girlfriend.
“Well I'm just glad its all over.” I said as I tipped my shades. “I missed having to wear my shades, and we almost didn't make it on time anyway.”
“Just be sure the next time you organize something this big we start decorating earlier.” Jen said.
“Yeah… like maybe a year from after Christmas.” Nikki joked, and ewe all started to laugh.
(Ending theme and credits.)
-I'm 7teen, I have got my own way.
I love my job and I live at the mall today.
Now I am on my own forever.
I'm… 7teen, life was sweet though we grew way too fast…
Still the memories will last.