6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: Return of the Zombites ❯ Intro: They're back ( Prologue )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's notes:
For those of you who don't know…
Mykan Spotswood is NOT a self insert. He's not based on me or anything like me at all. It's all just an original fictional character I made up.
The outback, a fair distance from Edmonton…
There was a large pile of rubble and debris from where the Lost Cave of Banditry had once stood, and also… the secret lair of the villainous Goth army known as… THE ZOMBITES…
Not too long ago, they're base had been destroyed, and it was all because of a group of meddlesome teenagers, one of which used to be one of them as well…
That night however, a few cloaked figures, teenagers, were at the wreckage site of the cave with digging tools, and they were furiously throwing the rocks and boulders out of site as if they were searching for something…
The shadows of the night made it hard to see them… but they were wearing black, sparkly outfits, with short capes on their backs. Their faces were pale and black with gothic make-up. The moonlight lit up very large Z's on their clothes.
“Kxo dawxk aj whenadw jxehk...!” one of them spoke in a strange language “Vadt mujkoh Dark Specter gisbac0!"
The other Goths nodded, and continued to dig through the rocks. The deeper they had gone they began to find old wires and pipes, and broken parts and equipment; the leftovers from their old gas refinery.
One of the girl-diggers moved a rock away, and she motioned to her crew “Xo0... eloh xoho!”
The rest of the Goths rushed over to help her and they uncovered what appeared to be the rotting corpse of a dead teenager and his dead cat…
He was wearing the same outfit as the Goths who dug him up, but he was also wearing a long red cape golden-chain necklace, earrings, and a huge golden helmet and mask across his head.
They had found what they were looking for, and signaled a pair a helicopters to fly overhead, and then they all vanished into the night with the corpses they had dug up…
In a secret place unknown to the world, the Goths were working hard on the corpses. Making artificial flesh, and pumping the body full of blood that they had stolen from hospitals… unfortunately this would not bring the young man or his cat back to life alone..
So they had to assemble half of his body with metal, and electronics like androids… and also some virtual-computerized with brain-waves programmed in them. Before long the switch was flipped and a large jolt of power hit the bodies…
Then… the bodies began to move. The black cat meowed for the first time in a long time since she had died, and the teenager next to her slowly got up and opened his eyes behind his mask.
The Goths walked forth to observe, and their experiments were successful. They got on their knees and welcomed their master back to the land of the living. “Hail… Dark Specter! Hail…!” he chanted in English.
Dark Specter grinned wickedly, took his cat, Dark Damsel, in his arms and laughed manically.
Far, far away… in a house in Edmonton, it was half past three in the morning and Jude suddenly snapped wide awake with a sick feeling in his stomach. Either it was warning him that danger was coming… or “Whoa… time for an early morning snack.”
Intro Theme
Jonesy… Caitlin… Wyatt… Jen… Jude… Nikki… Mykan…
Jonesy… Caitlin… Wyatt… Jen… Jude… Nikki… Mykan…
-Now that we're through with school.
We get to make all the rules.
Spend more time with all my friends.
Always hangin' together… in a place where we grew up.
-I'm 7teen… I have found my own way.
I love my job, and I live at the mall today.
And I am on my own now and forever.
I'm… 7teen… life was sweet.
Though we grew up way to fast,
Still the memories will last.
Jonesy… Caitlin… Wyatt… Jen… Jude… Nikki… Mykan.
1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6…
-I'm 7teen… 7TEEN!
Still the memories will last.
Jonesy… Caitlin… Wyatt… Jen… Jude… Nikki… Mykan.
“7TEEN!& #8221;
Author's notes:
That Language the Zombites are speaking… it's actually the SAURIAN language from STAR FOX.
And here…
u r s t o v w x a z b c m d e f g h j k i l n p 0 q
From A-Z that's the alphabet of the language… let's see if you can decode what the Zombites are saying… Heh!