6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: Return of the Zombites ❯ Let's make weapons ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The gang was still unable to believe that Jude was really responsible, but there were just too many positive test-results.
Jude was good with spray-paint…
The Blood from the letter matched Jude, and it also explained the cut on his finger.
Even if his shoeprints matched the ones they had seen before. Nebula felt her heart was beginning to rip-up. “I don't get it…” she said in her message, “Why would Jude do this…?”
That was now their second-worst problem. The first was no considering the blackmailing invitation to the graveyard the next night. So far, none of the parents knew about it, which was a good thing or they'd go berserk over their kids and their safety.
They had no idea who this “D.S” guy was. “Who in the world calls himself D.S?” Nikki criticized. Nobody had a clue, but one thing Wyatt wondered was, “I guess that means we should head to the graveyard…?”
Jen, Serena, and Caitlin were against the idea, “No way!” Jen ever sneered, “This has to be a trap set up by this guy that Jude's working for.”
The others were well aware of that, but they also kept in mind what “D.S” promised if they didn't go. He said he'd kill our parents and anyone else we had strong relations with… Nikki said. “You guys do what you want, but I'm going…!”
“Oui-Oui…! So am I…” added Amelie.
Nebula was definitely in, and so was Wyatt, Why do I have a feeling I'm going to regret this though…?”
Eventually, even the other girls decided to join. Their plan was, they would all sneak out on the night of the meeting, and head to the graveyard, “But only one thing though…” Serena suggested, “I hate to admit this but I don't really want to go out there if we're not properly prepared.”
Even Jonesy agreed that. “Well, the note only said, “Come alone” and “Tell no one else” But it doesn't say anything about not coming prepared.”
Jen, however, point out, “And just what are we supposed to prepare ourselves with?” she asked. “All we have are costumes, and prop-weapons.”
Her stepbrother chuckled, and then explained to the others, “You forget… the A-Team always had a trick up their sleeves.” he said.
“How could I forget…? I never knew.” replied Jen.
The point Jonesy was trying to make was, “If we can find any weapons… then we'll just have to make them.”
Suddenly, everyone remembered the small dump that wasn't very far from their homes. They all made plans to grab was little things they could from home… head for the dump, and begin working hard creating weapons and things they could use to defend themselves.
Then… the next day, they all managed to sneak from their homes. They brought tool-kits from home, and even some old bits of junk that was lying around. “Okay… this is it.” Jonesy said, “We only have about twelve hours, so let's get going…”
Everyone agreed, and set to work building all kinds of things. By stuffing rocks, and explosive gun-powders into the nozzles of the prop guns, it would serve as BB-guns to shoot-off.
They even found old burnt out fireworks; they were able to build into missiles.
Nebula even got this idea to make a load of old sheets she found into a sort of net trap. “I saw I on that nature show, Hunting in the Wildlife… the man caught himself a lion, and two… huge… elephants.”
The others all blinked with wide-eyed expression, and then just carried on with their work. Jonesy then noticed Amelie was slowing down a bit, “What's wrong, Amelie…?” but then he realized, “You're still thinking about Mykan, huh?”
Amelie nodded with a sad expression on her face. She still hadn't gotten over the way I had treated her, though she still didn't' know it wasn't really me at all
“I though I had known `im…” she spoke softly, “`Ow could `e do zis to me and after all zat we `ave been through...?”
The others weren't sure either, but Nikki thought that there was more going on to this than they already knew. For now all they could was keep working hard to get the weapons ready…
It really wasn't easy though seeing as how some of them weren't handy with tools, and they had no plans, and didn't think ahead of time. Not that they could, they had hardly any time to begin with…
Somehow hey managed to get on top of things, and even began to construct a large, pedal-powered vehicle with armored plating.
Elsewhere there was more construction in the makings…!
Dark Specter, still disguised as me, and Judas had returned to the ship to begin final preparations with the minions. He also kept an eye on me, and I wasn't looking so good. I had been chained to that wall for a couple of days now, and I was starting to look a little pale on the count of I hadn't eaten a thing.
“Dark Specter…” Double-Face said, “We have successfully secured every item on your list. The ceremony will go as planned on your orders.”
Dark Specter nodded, and then crossed over to look at me. “Don't look so grim…” he teased me, “I promise you… this will all be over soon.”
I could tell by the tone of his voice, he was still up to something with me. Once again I tried to break loose, but only to fail. It was even harder to try when I was hungry and growing weak…
I was also very angry, because I could tell that Dark Specter had done something cruel to Amelie, and the others. What made it worse was the fact that Jude was now one of them!
“I promise you dude…!” I growled at Dark Specter. “When I break out of this, I'm going take you apart and put you back together the wrong way!”
Judas laughed, “You are not in a position to enforce your wishes to do anything, Dude.” he said.
“Judas…” Dark Specter said, “You can mock him later…” Then he turned back to face me. “Now I suggest you behave, or I can assure you… your fate will be far worse than already planned.”
Just then, Nefaria came in. “Begging your pardon sire…” she said, “Preparations for the ceremony is complete... your orders are…?”
Dark Specter smiled, “We shall begin at dusk! Ha, ha, ah, ah, ah…!”
Hours later, the parents began to notice that all their kids weren't home, but Nebula's folks… they found the threatening note, about the meeting at the graveyard… in her room.
Dr. Cooke even found one in Caitlin's room, which led her and the other parents to believe that everyone had gotten one. Except for Jude's folks who couldn't find a note anywhere, but they had noticed their son had been acting really strangely.
More aggressive, and his body seemed a little more buffed. Dr. Cooke was confused. “I only started him on that health-kick yesterday. He can't be in top-shape yet….”
The parents had no choice but to warn the police. The Threat was now coming into affect.