6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: The heads go Bonk ❯ Two bongs make a right ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Jen…?” Nikki said. “What are you doing here?”
Jen's angry features hardened. “I could ask you the same.” She said with her teeth clenched together. “Get away from my husband!”
Nikki saw her wedding ring on Jen's finger, and she didn't care if Jen was sick, she decided to just all out and let her have it. “Hate to break it to you Jen, but… Jonesy's my husband...”
Jen protested to the full extent there was. “You're just jealous because you moved to Nunavut and Jonesy married me!”
Jonesy tried to butt in, but both the girls told him Stay out of this! It was a matter for them to decide.
Jonesy and Emma both thought they were being touchy, and Emma began to squeal and cry. “Now look what you've done!” snapped Jen. “You've upset my daughter.”
“She's your sister, not your child!” growled Nikki. “And that's my wedding ring you're wearing. Now give it back!”
“Over my dead body…!”
Jonesy didn't know what was worse-- Listening to the girls argue or Emma squealing. He had to put a stop to this somehow. Suddenly, he saw the others, and they could see Nikki and Jen looked ready to cat-fight in the middle of the mall. “I could use some help here.” Jonesy cried.
Jude tried to butt in, “Chill out, bras! Chill!” he said, and at least the girls stopped yelling. “You're supposed to be best friends, and this doesn't look like it to me.”
It was time for another one Jude's inspirational speeches…!
“I've known you two since you-two since we were both mini-dudes and dudettes. We've had our good times, and we've had bad ones, but in the end don't we always manage to pick the pieces up and start a new, or what happened to the conception of… “Forgive, and Forget?” Otherwise we wouldn't all be friends here, we wouldn't have anyone to talk to, or hang with, and most of all… we wouldn't be… us… ever again!”
Lots of by-passers clapped their hands at Jude's wonderful speech, and a few wiped tears from their eyes, but the only one still not convinced was Jen. “I don't care what you say, I will not stand and let my husband lock lips with another woman!” she grouched, but finally, Nikki lost it and clunked Jen hard in the head with her fist. “B'UGH…!” and down she went.
“Nikki!” snapped Caitlin.
“Sorry, but she had it coming.” Nikki said, but actually she did the right thing. When Jen came too, she remembered everything, and wow, was she grossed-out that she had kissed Jonesy several times that day.
She went to the washroom and actually rinsed her mouth for several minutes under the sink. “I am never… going to feel the same… again!” she groaned, but what upset her more was how she had been behaving, but the others were more than willing to forgive her. “You weren't yourself, Jen.” said Wyatt. “How's your head?”
Jen's head still felt lumpy and sore, but nothing that couldn't live through, but suddenly she remembered something else. “Mykan…! I saw him… he was with Courtney!”
The gang all gasped at the mention of that name, then, things got way worse as Amelie walked by holding a tissue to her eyes and sobbing softly, and Jen remembered she saw me kissing me and it didn't look like it was forced.
“Dude…! Harshin' my mellow.” groaned Jude.
That's when I came along. “Guys…! Guys…!” I called. “Did Amelie pass through here?”
The others gave me a sour, yet confused stare, and then they noticed a second bandage on the other side of my head. “You remember us now…?” Caitlin asked. “Of course I do.” I said, and I explained that I felt myself slipping on the bathroom floor at Grinde-Me and a hit my head on the sink. I didn't know what I was doing at Grinde-Me in the first place, but when I tried to call Amelie, she sounded upset. “I tired to ask why but she won't talk to me.”
The others could tell that I couldn't what the problem was. So we all decided to follow Amelie and talk the whole thing over.
Amelie was sitting in the food court, by herself with an ice-cream sundae to drown her sorrows. She wasn't particularly happy when she saw me and almost walked away in a huff if Jonesy hadn't forced her to sit down. We talked the whole thing over. “WHAT…?!” I snapped when I was told about Courtney, and Jen even showed me a picture she had taken on her phone of the two of us kissing.
“Ohh, my…!” I felt really awful now, but I explained to my girlfriend that it wasn't all my fault… That's when Amelie finally noticed the two small bandages on either side of my head. “Zut-a-lors.” she cried as she gently touched them. “Ah…!” I yelped, and I explained to her that I bumped my head, and my memory was shot. “Courtney must've played me like a sucker! I can't believe I actually kissed her…! UGH!”
Amelie was very relieved to hear all this. Now she felt upset with herself for not noticing I was hurt the first time. Right now, we all had to pick a bone with Courtney. She had done some low things, but taking advantage of someone while they weren't feeling well was way too cold.
“Leave it to me…” Jen said. “I know just how to get back at her.” She made a phone call, and when we all asked what was happening, “Just follow me…” Jen smirked.
Courtney was still waiting at Grinde-Me. It had been fifteen minutes since I had gone to the bathroom and said I'd be right back. Then, I did return, but with all my friends, Amelie, and Ron to send Courtney into the detention center. “Hey! What gives?” snapped Courtney.
“You're under arrest for violation of code 1-9-4-63-FB…!” Ron sneered.
“Huh…?” snapped Courtney, and it meant she was under arrest for trying to move in on another girl's man. Even Ron had good respect for couples. “But you missy… you just make me sick. Let's go.” And he dragged Courtney away, I told her, “Consider yourself dumped.” And Amelie blew a raspberry at her.
“This is so not over!” Courtney shouted. “You'll be mine yet, Mykan Spotswood! Do you hear…? MINE…!”
The rest of us cheered, and slapped high-fives. Amelie kissed me hard on the cheek. “Owowowow! Watch the head…!” I cautioned her. “Oh! Sorry…”
So far, everyone was back to normal, except for one last thing. Jen took off the ring and gave it back to Jonesy and he slid it where it belonged, round the finger of Nikki… his real wife. “It looks way better on you anyway.”
“Ya think…?” Nikki teased, and they shared a kiss, making us watch them in Aw…!