Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ When worlds collide ❯ When worls collide ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Worlds collide.

A crossover series.

Thanks to Rumico Takahashi, The creator of Oh! My goddess and the creator of One piece.

Please do not kill me for using your characters in this fanfic.

And to all the fans out there and love the various characters enjoy the story.

The Ranma time line is about 2 years after Book 38 and Ranma and Akane are finally married when the straw-hat pirates of One Piece drop in on them. What mayhem will they cause in NERIMA no one knows.

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The sea was rough and the crew of the Golden Merry were trying very hard to keep it afloat.

"Damn it! This storm is really strong I don't know if the Mary can take anymore of this beating ……" Ussop shout over the din.

Trying not to be swept overboard. Meanwhile in the cabins Chopper the doctor of the ship was trying desperately to keep all his things from smashing all over the room. The room was also flooding with seawater coming from all the leaks all over the ship.

[Waaaaaah we are all going to die…..] Chopper thought. As he tried to keep another bottle of precious medicine from smashing into the wall.

His captain Luffy D Monkey, Rorona Zoro, Nami, Nicole Robin, Sanji, Ussop and him were the crew of the Golden Mary. They had been together for a long time and had many adventure some almost costing their lives.

This time he thought it was the end. They had inadvertedly sailed into a hundred year storm. A storm which rages every hundred years wrecking and sinking all ships which were so unlucky to sail into it. Nami tried to navigate a way out but they were hopelessly lost and the huge waves pounding the ship was making it even worst.

Suddenly Chopper heard the Snail phone ring over the noise [What the…….] he made his way to the box where the snail was kept and opened it sure enough it was ring. Chopper hesitated for a while then picked up his courage and answered the phone

" Hello?….. ' he answered "This is the Goddess Helpline we are pleased to inform you that you are picked, our Representative will be with you shortly." With that the phone went dead.

[Huh??] Chopper was puzzled suddenly the mirror on the wall of the room stated to glow and a leg was sliding out of the mirror. The figure was half way out when she fell to the floor. "Ouch!!!" she said as she stood up. Chopper was taken aback and was trying to look for a place to hide. The girl's skin was dark brown and she had some markings on her face and forehead. She looked around and found chopper trying to hide behind a leg table.

"Hmmmmm…… you are my client??" The girl asked.

"……." Chopper looked at her dumstrucked.

"Did you pick up the phone just now??" She asked as she floated over.[Hmmmmm…. this creature sure is cute. Wonder why Kami- san wanted me to come here??]

Chopper nodded hid head furiously.

"Don't worry I won't eat you my name is Urd and I am a goddess. I am here to fulfil a wish for you." Urd said as she stood over the now trembling Chopper.

[Wish??] Chopper was confused. Suddenly there was loud crash and seawater started to gush into the room.

"You better make it quick before this ship sinks." Urd said as she floated a bit higher not wanting to get her feet wet.

"Any wish?" Chopper asked trying to keep afloat as he held on to the table.

"Yes anything you want." Urd said and frowned as the water level got higher.

"I wish …. I wish that…. we all were ……..away from here far away…….. from here….." Chopper splutter as he tried to keep afloat suddenly a bright light engulfed Urd.

"You wish has been granted." Urd smiled and turned to the mirror and disappeared into it. Chopper was struggling to keep a float the next thing he remembered was that he lost consciousness when he was slammed into the wall.

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Ranma was having his morning spar with his dad in the garden over the pond when suddenly the pond exploded and a large ship was flung out from the pond and in to the air. The two scrambled out of the way as the ship came crashing down onto the pond.

"What the hell was that!!!!!" Ranma screamed. The Tendos gathered to see what happened.

The ship was as big as the house and had water pouring out from various places.

"I'm going to check it out." Ranma said as he leaped up on to the deck of the ship. Akane followed behind.

They found several bodies all soaked and laying on the deck of the ship.

Ranma went over to feel a pulse and found that they were just unconscious.

"Akane they are alright just unconscious go get Doctor Tofu and tell Kasumi to get lots of blankets ready." Ranma said as he checked on the other bodies they were all still breathing.

Suddenly a door opened and a figure staggered out and fell to the floor. Ranma went over to see what it was. He was surprised to see a creature like a rain deer but with a blue nose and wearing a big hat on its head. Ranma carried him and leapt down from the ship and laid him on the ground and went back to bring the rest of the others from the deck.

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Chopper felt himself sink into the cold icy water he couldn't swim because of the devil fruit powers.

He struggled to hit the surface of the water he struggled and struggled.

And suddenly screaming he woke up from his nightmare. It was dark and he was sleeping in some covers.

He got up and found his hat next to him. He puts it on and quietly gets up. He looks around. It was dark here and he could make out that there were others asleep here in the room.

He went around to look it was the others. Nami, Sanji, Zorro, Robin, Ussop and Luffy were all asleep Some had bandages wrapped around. He was relived that they were all right.

His wish had come true but where is he now? He when to the shoji door and slowly slid it open. There was a garden and it was night. He looked around.

They were on dry land. He walked abit. And suddenly heard voices coming his way.

He ran down the corridor and ran smack into a little black pig with a bandanna. "Ouch!" Chopper groaned as he tried to stand up. The black little pig was looking at him in a strange way. "Hello… little pig … Uh…" Chopper was at the lost for words he was in a strange place and he don't know what is going on.

Suddenly he remembered the voices he grabbed the little pig and ran off.

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Ranma and Akane were on their way to the dojo where they left the strangers from the ship rest. "Hmmmm…. Did you see the guy in with the green hair the scars on his chest." Ranma commented as the two went into the dojo and switching on the light.

They were carrying trays of rice ball for the strangers if they woke up. "Yeah I saw that sure is a nasty cut. I wonder who are they…." Akane said as she put down the tray.

"Oh no one of them is awake and wandered off!" Akane said as she notice one of the blankets thrown back with no one in it. Ranma went over to take a look.

"I don't think he went far I'll go look for him you stay here." With that Ranma left.

After a while one of the strangers regained conscious. He sat up looked around gave a big yawn. His stomach suddenly giving a big growl.

"Hello….." Akane greeted the stranger "You hungry?? Here." Akane gave him the tray with the huge rice balls she made.

The stranger took one look and grabbed the tray and shoved the whole tray into his mouth and spit out the tray and started to chew.

"MMmmm" the stranger said as he chew and tried to swallow. His face suddenly turn blue and he started to bang on his chest.

Akane quickly poured him a cup of tea and handed it to him. He grabbed the cup and downed the whole thing in a gulp.

"Yummy. That was good. You got anymore." He asked licking his lips. Akane passed him the second tray. This time he took the rice balls one at the time and popped it into his mouth and started to chew.

"Ahhhhhh……. Hmmmmm….." Akane didn't know what to say.

" My name's Akane and You are??" She finally asked.

"Me? I'm Luffy." He answered then popped another rice ball into his mouth. "Luffy D Monkey." He said as he carried on eating. Paying no heed to Akane whom was watching him gobble the super big rice balls she made.

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Chopper ran out into the garden still carrying the little pig. He ran and hid behind a big tree.

There he sat down and tried to catch his breath.

"That was close. Hmmm……. And what are you doing wandering around in the house? Don't tell me the owners of the place is going to kill you and eat you and you escaped??" Chopper asked the little pig.

"Bwee??" the pig bleeped at him. "No you are not food??" Chopper was relieved to hear that. "Can you tell me where am I?" Chopper asked the pig.

(this is the translation of the thing between Ryoga who is in his pig form and chopper who speaks animal) "You are asking me I don't even know where here is ……" Ryoga squeak. "Hmmm you don't know too?" Chopper asked disappointed.

"Hey wait a minute you understand what am I saying?" Ryoga asked surprised. "Yes I do I speak animal languages and human too. You are a strange pig…" Chopper explained.

"I'm not a pig!! I'm a human I got a curse, which turns me into a pig, when I get splashed with cold water. I'm looking for some hot water to change back." Ryoga explained.

"Oh I see no wonder I never saw a pig who can keep a sensible conversation. Oh yes my name's Chopper and you are??" "Ryoga Hybiki." Ryoga answered the two shook trotters. "Nice to meet you. Let me help you look for some hot water." Chopper finally said "That would be great I have been in this form for a few days already.." Ryoga said as walked next to him. The two started to walk away when suddenly…..

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Ranma went into the garden to look around. He heard some voices so he decided to see who it was. It was Ryoga and that thing which looked like a deer.

Ranma stepped out of the shadow giving both of them a fright.

"Hey Pig boy you are finally back." Ranma greeted Ryoga that annoyed Ryoga a lot.

"He says that if you don't stop calling him that he's going to pound you " Chopper said looking at Ranma apprehensively he was about to run away but Ryoga told him that the boy was a friend of his. "Really he is a friend of yours??" Chopper asked

"Yeah sort of." Ryoga answer in pig.

"Huh?? You understand what he is saying?" Ranmas was astonished.

"Yes I know what he is saying he says he wants some hot water…?" Chopper translated what Ryoga said to him.

" Sure no problem. May be you want to join him for a bath too you got salt falling off you." Ranma said as he picked up Ryoga and led them back to the house.

"That would be nice my furs all covered in salt. A bath would remove them…. Thanks. Oh yes where are my manners I am Chopper." Chopper introduced himself.

"Oh ahhh and I'm Ranma Satome. By the way did you fall into a cursed spring??" Ranma asked nervously. "No why? I am this way because I ate a devil fruit, which changed me to have a human form. Otherwise I am a 100% Deer." Chopper answered taking off his hat and showing Ranma his antlers.

Soon the trio reached the bathroom. Ranma threw Ryoga into the bath and with a load splash and "Ooooo hot….. Hot ……RANMA!!!!" a figure shot out of the bath room and grabbed Ranma by the collar.

"You did that on purpose!!" Ryoga said angrily shaking Ranma.

Chopper looked at them amused 'Hmmmm….. You two sure are good friends." Chopper commented as he took off his shorts and his hat and went in to the bath.

Ryoga looked at Chopper and then at Ranma and started to smile. Letting go of Ranma he joined Chopper for a bath.

[What's with this two??] Ranma wondered. He decided to wait at the changing room knowing Ryoga's bad sense of direction would probably get them both of them hopelessly lost when they came out of the bath.

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Back at the dojo. Luffy was eating the last piece of the super big rice balls.

Akane watched in amazement as he ate all of them without turning green or vomiting any of them out. "Yummy! You got any more to eat?" Luffy asked and he licked his lips.

"Ahhh. Wait awhile I will go order take out I think your friends would be hungry when they wake up." With that Akane got up and fled the room.

[That guy must have a stomach made of steel. Ranma can't even down one of my super rice balls.] Akane wondered as she picked up the phone and called for take out from Nekohaten. Shampoo was the one who picked up the phone.

"What you want violent girl??" She asked

"Shampoo I need 13 bowls of ramen and some of your dumplings over at the house we had some unexpected guest." Akane answered trying very hard not to get mad.

Shampoo was still mad at her because Ranma had chosen to marry Akane rather then her. "Alright. Me sent the orders in 10 minutes." With that she slammed the phone

"Ouch #$%#$*&!!" Akane grimaced in pain as she put down the phone and went back to the dojo.

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Meanwhile in heaven. Urd was signing off some paper work when she heard an announcement for her to head to the head office immediately.

[What did I do this time?] She wondered as she entered the lift and pressed the button for Kami-sama's office.

[I didn't blow up anything or what and I didn't give any of the others my new love potion yet.] The lift stopped and she exited the lift.

"Urd, Kami-sama and the others are in the board room please go in." The secretary told Urd. Urd went and open the large double doors leading to the boardroom.

Inside were seated her sisters Belldandy, Skuld and a person dressed as a pirate and at the head of the table sat Kami-sama. "Ahhh… Urd you are finally back please take a seat." Kami-sama said and motioned her to sit.

Urd took a seat beside her sister Belldandy. "What's going on??" Urd whispered to Belldandy.

"I don't know I was summoned here a few minutes ago."Belldandy shrugged.

They waited a while then suddenly the doors opened again and in came a lady dressed in elegantly escorted by the secretary who took a seat next to the pirate.

"Ahhhh… finally all of you are here. Now we can begin. As you know this is a very grave mistake and I apologise to the both of you." Kami-sama apologised to the two.

"Argg shiver me timbers. It matters not. That storm was the cause for this mess A hundred year storm it was to clear the energies trapped." The pirate said as he scratched himself on his chin with his hook. "This is not funny Davey." The lady sitting next to him said irritatedly.

"Arr how so. The magic of the goddess and the storm got mixed and people from my plane were transported to yours. I find that amazing. Arrrg." Davey said losing his temper a bit.

"Now now it is not the time to fight. "Kami-sama tried to calm them down. " As you know Rumiko-chan we got no jurisdiction in your plane and so I have asked you here to ask for you permission for my people to correct this mishap."

"I don't like this one bit Kami-sama but it would be refreshing for these people to make a visit here to my plane and of all the places they chose to land. Not a very wise choice." Rumiko-chan smiled as she took out a file and passed it to Kami-sama. He opened it and read through it.

" NERIMA!!" Kami-sama was shocked " This is bad…. But ……. Amusing. Are you sure no other god is involved in this?"Kami-sama asked.

"I'm sure no other person is involved but it's gonna take a lot of energy on my side to send back home." Rumiko answered with a smile. "You have no worries they landed in a place I know and the people there are my favourites."

"Ahh..That good I will arrange for my people to go over to check on them if you don't mind." " Sure no problems at all I will release the juridiacation for your people and I will try to harness the energies it's gonna take a while about a month or two if we are lucky or it would take a year. " Rumiko-chan said as she scans through her notes and materialising a token and hands it to Kami-sama.

"Thank you Rumiko-chan." He thanked and turns to his goddesses." Urd this is not entirely your fault but you are the contract bearer so you must go as for Belldandy and Skuld I want you two to go along and keep and eye on your sister for me." Kami-sama said as he passed Belldandy the token. Belldandy smile and nodded "we will not disappoint you Kami-sama."

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Back in Nerima.

The rest of the people in the dojo were coming too groaning in pain as they tried to sit up. Nami saw Luffy was up and enjoying a drink of tea.

"Where the hell are we Luffy??!!" she was nursing a huge headache as her head hit the deck very hard. She looked around.

Zorro looked around "Hey this is a dojo…." He noticed a small shrine on the wall and some the practice dummies in the corner. "Ouch…." He groaned he found his arm in a sling.

[Shit!!] Zorro grimaced in pain as he tried to move his arm to get up. As they were trying to figure out where they were the doors opened and a lady came in carrying a large tray with several cups and a large pot.

"Ahh…. You are all finally awake please come and have some tea. I am Kasumi Tendou and you are staying in our dojo." She said as she poured tea in the cups. And handing a bowl of crackers to Luffy. "My sister told me you were still hungry please be patient we just ordered take out and it should be arriving soon."

"Thanks." Luffy said as he started to munch on the crackers.

Nami got up from the futon and looked around. Her body was bruised all over and a pain in her arm was killing her when she brought up her arm she saw that it was in a cast. "Oh the doctor said that the cast got to stay on for a month as your arm was broken." Kasumi said as she handed a cup of tea to her.

Nami used her good hand and took a sip of the tea.

"Ooooh hot…. Hot…." Nami said as dropped the cup. "Damn!!" Nami cured. Kasumi picked up the cup and poured her another this time a bit cooler and she started to clean up the spill.

Sanji was sitting up when suddenly the wall gave way and a bicycle came crashing in and landed on him.

"Gahhhhhh………" Sanji screamed in pain.

"Shampoo!!!" Akane exclaimed as she rushed over to see if Sanji was all right.

"Shampoo sorry me take short cut to house." Shampoo said as she took out the food from the food box. Mousse came trotting in with more food boxes and too started to take the food out.

Luffy was drooling all over the place when he smelt the food.

"I must be in heaven." Sanji moaned and held on to Akane. "Give me a kiss angel…."

Sanji tried to kiss Akane. Akane took a mallet and slammed it into his head sending him back to sleep. " Don't mind him he is always like that." Nami apologised.

"That's alright I'm Akane and you are??"Akane introduced herself as she helped Nami sit up comfortably.

"My name's Nami The guy you put out is Sanji.That' s Zorro." Nami pointed to the green haired guy who was walking over to the food. "The guy with the pointy nose is Ussop and the other girl is Robin. And that drooling moron is Luffy." Nami pointed and tried to stand up. Akane helped her up and they walked to the table, which was now full of food.

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Meanwhile on the Happy Merry Nabiki was exploring the ship. She went down below and opened the first cabin door she saw and peered inside and spotted a chest.

"Mmmmm. Must be a treasure chest." Nabiki looked at it and the big lock attached to it. Nabiki put down her torch and took out the lock pick set she bought weeks back.

[Let's see what's in here.] She took out the lock pick and started to fiddle the lock. After half and hour of fiddling the lock snapped open.

She gingerly took the lock out and started to lift open the lid. Nabiki's jaw hit the deck floor. The chest was filled to the brim with treasure.

Gems Jewels, Gold bullion, Gold coins, and pearl necklaces. What caught her eye was a golden bell shaped item.

She grabbed it and lifted it.

She was squealing with delight when she found that the bell was solid gold. She put it into her bag and chose some gems and took ten gold coins.

Then she closed the chest and locked it again and fled from the cabin and back to her home.

[I'm going to be rich!!] Nabiki thought as she ran to her room.

Ranma, Ryoga and Chopper made their way back to the dojo.

They found that it was very noisy as they slid the door open. Luffy was stuffing his face with the food. Slurping the ramen and munching on dumplings at the same time.

Akane was helping Nami. She fed her spoon full of ramen.

While Sanji was still knocked out by Shampoo's landing on him.

Zorro was slowly eating a bowl quietly.

Robin was having a conversation with Kasumi and Shampoo.

Usopp was also enjoying the bowl of ramen.

Chopper took a bowl and started to eat too. Ryoga seeing that there were extra bowls also helped himself.

Ranma went over to Akane. Akane stopped and introduced him to Nami. "This is Ranma my husband to be." Akane said. "Hi." Ranma greeted as he sat down beside Akane. "Thanks for the rescue. Ouch…" Nami winced in pain as she thanked Ranma.

"It wasn't a borther your ship just came crashing down and on to our garden pond."

"?!" Nami was surprised. "How far away from the nearest sea are we??" she asked.

"Oh about 100 miles or so." Ranma shrugged.

"Wow that storm must have blown us here!" Nami said as she tried to move her arm to a more comfortable position.

"Ah. You got me wrong you flew out of the garden pond and landed on it."

"What??!!" Nami asked in disbelief then went crashing back down on the futon and passed out in shocked.

"That was fun." Ranma got up and went over to Chopper and sat down. "What happened? Chopper if you don't mind telling us." Chopper stopped eating and looked at Ranma then at his friends. "All right I will tell you." Chopper said

"Well it started with Luffy wanting to be the king of the pirates by finding the legendary treasure One piece. We are his crew. I'm the doctor. Zorro is the first mate Ussop is our ship's inventor and gunner." Chopper introduced pausing to finish off the ramen.

"You forgot Captain" Ussop said as he gulp down the last of his soup.

"The unconscious guy is Sanji the ship's cook and the girl with the broken arm is Nami our navigator." "And I am Nicole Robin the ships archaeologist." A lady with long black hair said as she sat down next to Chopper.

"Thanks Robin. Lets see where were we…oh yes we are pirates who are out to explore the grand line. We sure had lots of adventures…." Chopper stopped thinking of the past adventures they had went on. "Where to begin….." Chopper said as he scratched his head.

"Why don't you start at the beginning." Robin suggested.

"Hmm good idea." Chopper then started to continue he related how Zorro, Luffy and Nami met. Then how they ran into Sanji on the Floating restaurant. Ryoga came over and sat down in the group also wanting to know the story.

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It took the rest of the night to tell the story. Chopper told their adventures in Skypia and how Luffy and his friends saved a princess and a kingdom and how they fought various other pirates who were after them.

Ranma and Ryoga were laughing at the funny moment Chopper recounted.

Luffy was eating the water melon slices Kasumi cut

"Hey that wasn't my fault!!" Luffy said with his mouth full.

"Don't listen to him he is a great big baka if you know what I mean." Nami teased Luffy.

Then they all started to laugh. Just then Sanji sat up "Ouch my poor head." He moaned as he got up he caught sight of Kasumi.

" Ah the beautiful angel." He got up and floated to her. "Huh?" Ranma spied him coming towards Kasumi. `Hey Sanji cut that out! You scaring them!" Nami shouted at Sanji and threw a bowl at him scoring a direct hit.

"Not again!' he slump to the floor with a loud thump. "Don't worry about that idiot he'll be fine." Nami said as she got up and went over to Sanji's prone form and gave him a hard kick. "Hahahahaha…That Sanji for you he's a ladies' man can't keep him away from pretty girls." Chopper said as he laughed.

Zorro who was leaning against the dojo wall was fast asleep.

Robin stifled a yawn and laid down on to the futon and was soon asleep. "Yawn" Nami stifled a yawn too. "Boy am I tired……" She too laid down and fell asleep.

Chopper looked around the dojo his friends were all asleep so were his new friends. He sighed and then too went to sleep.

The next morning. Kasumi went to the dojo to wake all of them up.

As she walked to the dojo she spotted Zorro in the garden doing exercise. He was doing one-handed push-ups.

[Oh my….] Kasumi looked at him for awhile then proceeded into the dojo. She shook Akane and Ranma.

"Wake up Ranma." Kasumi shook him. "Mmmmm…" Ranma opened his eyes "Yawn!" he stretched and got up.

"Breakfast is in an hour Wake up the rest and go get cleaned up." Kasumi said as she got up and shook everyone up.

"Yummy! Breakfast!" Luffy bolted up from the futons and ran out to the garden his mouth drooling.

It took a while but soon everyone was awake.

Sanji got up groaning and rubbing his head "Did some one use my head for a ball… Ouch…" he felt his head feeling the large lumps on his head.

"Here let me help you up.' Ranma offered.

Soon the whole group where walking to the bathroom to wash up.

It was like a war. The girls wanted to go first but the guys argued. But in the end the girls won out. Soon they were all gathered to have breakfast.

Kasumi had taken out another table for the extra guest and the table was soon covered in food. Luffy was drooling all over the place.

Sanji too was awakening from his haze from the smell of the food.

The last to join them was Zorro.

Who sat down next to Sanji.

Luffy couldn't take it any more and started to stuff the food all into his mouth.

"Wow. And I thought Ranma was a human vacuum cleaner."Nabiki said as she watches Luffy suck all the food into his mouth.

"More rice?" Kasumi sweetly asked.

Luffy stretched out his hand using his Gum gum fruit powers and held it to Kasumi. "Mhuhhm." Luffy said with his mouth full of food.

"Luffy where are your manners!" Nami smacked Luffy on his head. "Ouch!!" Luffy's arm snapped back like a rubber band.

"Don't worry there's more." Kasumi said as she helped Zorro get another bowl of rice.

Sanji's eyes were mesmerised by Kasumi's sweet voice and hearts started to appear on his eyes. "I think I'm in love." Sanji said love struck. Kasumi blushed at Sanji's comment she got up and fled to the kitchen.

"Don't mind him he's always like that. Hey lover boy snap out of it before I eat all you share." Zorro snapped at him.

"What did you say you green alga head!!" Sanji looked at Zorro.

"Hey if you want to fight take it outside!!" Nabiki pointed at the door.

"Humph. Hey stop calling me that or I will shove this up your nose!!"

"Oh yeah you and what army. You green bug juice hair?" the two started to argue.

Suddenly several pair of arms restrained the two.

"Now boys we are in someone's home and we don't want to get thrown out do you." Robin scolded the two.

"Wow you gotta teach me that!!" Ranma said when he saw the arm suddenly appearing.

"I'm really sorry I can't teach it to you it a power I got eating a devil fruit." Robin apologised.

"Oh I see. It would be useful to have that many arms." Ranma said and winked at Akane and smiled. Akane blushed and brought out her mallet and sent it smashing into Ranma's head. "Baka no hentai!!"

When Sanji saw what happened to Ranma he stopped struggling and looked bugged eyed at her.

"Now that's something I got to learn to put this baka too in place." Nami told Akane smiling a mischievous smile.

Sanji quickly shook his head in protest. Robin started to laugh and soon the whole table was laughing except Luffy who was too busy eating.

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Author's notes:

It's my first time writing a fanfic so I hope you guys and girls out there won't take offence at my lousy work and mistakes

I will try to improve on the story as it goes along anyway.

I got lots more fics, which I have written long time ago, and I am taking some time to type it in.

Finally I would like to thank all those great Fanfic authors out there you inspire me with your works. Don't stop doing it.

Comments please @ wenderiws@hotmail.com

I need to know my mistakes too so don't be shy.

The story is a bit slow,but it will speed up.